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Demo Godot project about shell texturing grass using a shader and MultiMeshInstance3D.

最后更新于 2 个月前

Yet another mod manager for Lethal Company. No internet, files only mod manager based on PyQt6. Allows quickly switching between mods that use BepInEx and are downloaded from sides like https://thunderstore.io/

最后更新于 3 个月前

Desktop Client for creating ArtNet entries based on QT.

最后更新于 1年前

A bunch of bash scripts using curl and jq to login/logout, query, filter and do stuff with matrix users and rooms over the Synapse Admin API See: https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/usage/administration/admin_api/index.html

最后更新于 1年前

Webservice to interface between the database and clients built with FastAPI and Python

最后更新于 1年前

JS-based screeps AI for the programmer RTS game "Screeps: world"

最后更新于 1年前

Godot project with turrets, missiles and some machine learning.

最后更新于 1年前

Database Schemas for the ArtNet database

最后更新于 1年前

My entries to the yearly advent calendar full of programming puzzles. See https://adventofcode.com/2022/

最后更新于 1年前

Python-based tool to check if a text uses characters from a given alphabet

最后更新于 5 年前

Python program for finding duplicate images in a set based on OpenCV and feature detection

最后更新于 5 年前

Image manipulation/filter using pixelsort and canny edge detection. Based on opencv.

最后更新于 6 年前

Java program that generates a voronoi-based mosaic version of a given picture

最后更新于 6 年前

Java program to generate a mosaic of a specific picture out of many other given pictures

最后更新于 6 年前