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Thank you for opening an issue with Mailu. Please understand that issues are meant for bugs and enhancement-requests.
For user-support questions, reach out to us on matrix.
To be able to help you best, we need some more information.
Before you open your issue
- Check if no issue or pull-request for this already exists.
- Check documentation and FAQ. (Tip, use the search function on the documentation page)
- You understand
is made by volunteers in their free time — be conscise, civil and accept that delays can occur. - The title of the issue should be short and simple. It should contain specific terms related to the actual issue. Be specific while writing the title.
Environment & Versions
- docker-compose
- kubernetes
- docker swarm
To find your version, get the image name of a mailu container and read the version from the tag (example for version 1.7).
docker ps -a | grep mailu
140b09d4b09c mailu/roundcube:1.7 "docker-php-entrypoi…" 2 weeks ago Up 2 days (healthy) 80/tcp
Replication Steps
< Steps for replicating your issue>
Expected behaviour
<Explain what results you expected - be as specific as possible. Just saying "it doesn’t work as expected" is not useful. It's also helpful to describe what you actually experienced. >
Often it is very useful to include log fragments of the involded component. You can get the logs via docker logs <container name> --tail 1000
. For example for the admin container:
docker logs mailu_admin_1 --tail 1000
or using docker-compose docker-compose -f /mailu/docker-compose.yml logs --tail 1000 admin