add initial (manual) failover script
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
$hetznerCredentials = Get-Credential
$nodeList = docker node ls --format '{{json .}}'| ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object {
docker node inspect $_.ID | ConvertFrom-Json
$onlineNodeList = $nodeList | Where-Object {$_.Spec.Availability -eq 'active'}
$offlineNodeList = $nodeList | Where-Object {$_.Spec.Availability -ne 'active'}
$failoverAddressList = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Authentication Basic -Credential $hetznerCredentials).failover
$offlineAddressList = $failoverAddressList | Where-Object active_server_ip -notin $onlineNodeList.Status.Addr
$maximumAddressCount = [Math]::Ceiling($failoverAddressList.Count / $onlineNodeList.Count)
$i = 0
$addressGroupList = $failoverAddressList `
| Where-Object active_server_ip -in $onlineNodeList.Status.Addr `
| Group-Object active_server_ip `
| Sort-Object Count
$distributionTarget = :distribution foreach ($addressGroup in $addressGroupList) {
$currentAddressCount = $addressGroup.Count
while ($currentAddressCount -lt $maximumAddressCount) {
if (!$offlineAddressList[$i]) {
# abort when all addresses are assigned
break distribution
active_server_ip = $addressGroup.Name
ip = $offlineAddressList[$i++].ip
node = $nodeList | Where-Object {$_.Status.Addr -eq $addressGroup.Name}
#$offlineNodeList | Where-Object {$_. $distributionTarget.ip}
#$offlineNodeList.Spec.Labels `
#| Get-Member `
#| Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name `
#| Where-Object {$_ -like 'link.lubi.ip.*'} `
#| ForEach-Object {
# $_.Replace('link.lubi.ip.','')
# docker label updates must not run in parallel to prevent out-of-sequence errors
$distributionTarget | ForEach-Object {
# first add the new labels and afterwards remove the old ones
# this prevents situations where no host has the label anymore
$labelName = 'link.lubi.ip.'+$_.ip
$filter = 'node.label='+$labelName
$cleanupNodeList = docker node ls --filter $filter --format '{{json .}}' | ConvertFrom-Json
$label = $labelName+'=true'
docker node update --label-add $label $($_.node.ID)
$cleanupNodeList | ForEach-Object {
docker node update --label-rm $labelName $($_.ID)
$distributionTarget | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit $failoverAddressList.Count -Parallel {
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri ('{0}' -f $_.ip) -Authentication Basic -Credential $using:hetznerCredentials -Body @{active_server_ip=$_.active_server_ip}
Reference in New Issue