Nie możesz wybrać więcej, niż 25 tematów Tematy muszą się zaczynać od litery lub cyfry, mogą zawierać myślniki ('-') i mogą mieć do 35 znaków.
To repozytorium jest zarchiwizowane. Możesz wyświetlać pliki i je sklonować, ale nie możesz do niego przepychać zmian lub otwierać zgłoszeń/Pull Requestów.
lub d1f8fcd28e initial permission supprt - fixes #10 7 lat temu
projects implement room joins - closes #14 7 lat temu
.gitignore initial config support 7 lat temu add license file 7 lat temu Added short bot credentials setup guide 7 lat temu
commands.js Fixed handling of non-command messages - fixes #17 7 lat temu
config.sample.yaml add databse to config.sample.yaml 7 lat temu
dbtools.js initial permission supprt - fixes #10 7 lat temu
index.js initial permission supprt - fixes #10 7 lat temu
package.json add sqlite3 dependency 7 lat temu
permissions.js initial permission supprt - fixes #10 7 lat temu
remoteExec.js make config global with global.config 7 lat temu



Heimdall is a matrix bot supposed to control and manage services and containers by simple text commands. It is a convenience tool for the own self-hosting empire.

Setup the bot credentials

  1. Create or get access to a matrix account to use as the bot.
  2. Acquire the access token and user id. You can do this in riot by going into the settings and scrolling down to the very end.
  3. Copy config.sample.yaml and name the copy config.yaml.
  4. Replace the placeholder values with your own:
    • Replace the baseurl value with the base url of your home server (e.g.
    • Replace the access token with your own.
    • Replace the user id with your own.