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Install Mailu master on kubernetes



You need to have a swarm running

In order to deploy mailu on a swarm, you will first need to initialize it:
The main command will be docker swarm init --advertise-addr <IP_ADDR>
If you want to add other managers or workers, please use docker swarm join --token xxxxx 

You have now a working swarm, and you can check its status with
docker node ls 
core@coreos-01 ~/git/Mailu/docs/swarm/1.5 $ docker node ls
ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
ptpmtgih78v9q14mapt5hyxrb     black-pearl         Ready               Active                                  18.06.0-ce
sczlqi2pigpw7117hbkh71nvb *   coreos-01           Ready               Active              Leader              18.03.1-ce
mzrm98cc9i2y8obvi2fzo5i6n     flying-dutchman     Ready               Active                                  18.06.0-ce

Volume definition

For data persistance (the mailu services might be launched/relaunched on any of the swarm nodes), we need to have mailu data stored in a manner accessible by every manager or worker in the swarm. Hereafer we will use a NFS share:

core@coreos-01 ~/git/Mailu/docs $ showmount -e
Export list for

on the nfs server, I am using the following /etc/exports

$more /etc/exports
/mnt/Pool1/pv -alldirs -mapall=root -network -mask 

on the nfs server, I created the mailu directory (in fact I copied a working mailu set-up)

$mkdir /mnt/Pool1/pv/mailu

On your manager node, mount the nfs share to check that the share is available:

core@coreos-01 ~ $ sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/local/

If this is ok, you can umount it:

Networking mode

On a swarm, the services are available (default mode) through a routing mesh managed by docker itself. With this mode, each service is given a virtual IP adress and docker manages the routing between this virtual IP and the container(s) provinding this service. With this default networking mode, I cannot get login working properly... As found in , a workaround is to use the dnsrr networking mode at least for the front services The main consequence/limiation will be that the front services will not be available on every node, but only on the node where it will be deployed. In my case, I have only one manager and I choose to deploy the front service to the manager node, so I know on wich IP the front service will be available (aka the IP adress of my manager node).

Variable substitution

The docker stack deploy command doesn't support variable substitution in the .yml file itself (vut we still can use .env file to pass variables to the services). As a consequence we need to adjust the docker-compose file to :

  • remove all variables : $VERSION , $BIND_ADDRESS4 , $BIND_ADDRESS6 , $ANTIVIRUS , $WEBMAIL , etc
  • change the way we define the volumes (nfs share in our case)

Docker compose

A working docker-compose.yml file is avalable here: