@ -53,10 +53,22 @@ def basic_authentication():
encoded = authorization.replace("Basic ", "")
user_email, password = base64.b64decode(encoded).split(b":")
user = models.User.query.get(user_email.decode("utf8"))
if user and user.enabled and user.check_password(password.decode("utf8")):
response = flask.Response()
response.headers["X-User"] = user.email
return response
if user and user.enabled:
password = password.decode('utf-8')
status = False
# All tokens are 32 characters hex lowercase
if len(password) == 32:
for token in user.tokens:
if (token.check_password(password) and
(not token.ip or token.ip == ip)):
status = True
if not status and user.check_password(password):
status = True
if status:
response = flask.Response()
response.headers["X-User"] = user.email
return response
response = flask.Response(status=401)
response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = 'Basic realm="Login Required"'
return response