Updated docs

Signed-off-by: hacor <hacornelis@gmail.com>
hacor 6 years ago
parent eb9649db4e
commit db3cb2aac1

@ -36,7 +36,11 @@ spec:
server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
### Things to change
## Deploying Mailu
All manifests can be found in the `mailu` subdirectory. All commands below need to be run from this subdirectory
### Personalization
- All services run in the same namespace, currently `mailu-mailserver`. So if you want to use a different one, change the `namespace` value in **every** file
- Check the `storage-class` field in the `pvc.yaml` file, you can also change the sizes to your liking. Note that you need `RWX` (read-write-many) and `RWO` (read-write-once) storageclasses.
- Check the `configmap.yaml` and adapt it to your needs. Be sure to check the kubernetes DNS values at the end (if you use a different namespace)
