Merge branch 'apiv1' of into feature-445-restful-api-ghostwheel
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
from flask import redirect, url_for, Blueprint
from flask_restx import apidoc
from . import v1 as APIv1
def register(app, web_api_root):
| = app
# register api bluprint(s)
apidoc.apidoc.url_prefix = f'{web_api_root}/v{int(APIv1.VERSION)}'
APIv1.api_token = app.config['API_TOKEN']
app.register_blueprint(APIv1.blueprint, url_prefix=f'{web_api_root}/v{int(APIv1.VERSION)}')
# add redirect to current api version
redirect_api = Blueprint('redirect_api', __name__)
def redir():
return redirect(url_for(f'{}.root'))
app.register_blueprint(redirect_api, url_prefix=f'{web_api_root}')
# swagger ui config
app.config.SWAGGER_UI_DOC_EXPANSION = 'list'
app.config.RESTX_MASK_SWAGGER = False
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
from .. import models, utils
from . import v1
from flask import request
import flask
import hmac
from functools import wraps
from flask_restx import abort
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import label
def fqdn_in_use(name):
d = models.db.session.query(label('name',
a = models.db.session.query(label('name',
r = models.db.session.query(label('name',
u = d.union_all(a).union_all(r).filter_by(name=name)
if models.db.session.query(u.exists()).scalar():
return True
return False
""" Decorator for validating api token for authentication """
def api_token_authorization(func):
def decorated_function(*args, **kwds):
client_ip = flask.request.headers.get('X-Real-IP', flask.request.remote_addr)
if utils.limiter.should_rate_limit_ip(client_ip):
abort(429, 'Too many attempts from your IP (rate-limit)' )
if not request.headers.get('Authorization'):
abort(401, 'A valid Bearer token is expected which is provided as request header')
#Client provides 'Authentication: Bearer <token>'
if (' ' in request.headers.get('Authorization')
and not hmac.compare_digest(request.headers.get('Authorization'), 'Bearer ' + v1.api_token)):
flask.current_app.logger.warn(f'Invalid API token provided by {client_ip}.')
abort(403, 'A valid Bearer token is expected which is provided as request header')
#Client provides 'Authentication: <token>'
elif (' ' not in request.headers.get('Authorization')
and not hmac.compare_digest(request.headers.get('Authorization'), v1.api_token)):
flask.current_app.logger.warn(f'Invalid API token provided by {client_ip}.')
abort(403, 'A valid Bearer token is expected which is provided as request header')
|'Valid API token provided by {client_ip}.')
return func(*args, **kwds)
return decorated_function
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from flask_restx import Api, fields
api_token = None
blueprint = Blueprint(f'api_v{int(VERSION)}', __name__)
authorization = {
'Bearer': {
'type': 'apiKey',
'in': 'header',
'name': 'Authorization'
api = Api(
blueprint, version=f'{VERSION:.1f}',
title='Mailu API', default_label='Mailu',
response_fields = api.model('Response', {
'code': fields.Integer,
'message': fields.String,
error_fields = api.model('Error', {
'errors': fields.Nested(api.model('Error_Key', {
'key': fields.String,
'message': fields.String,
from . import domains
from . import alias
from . import relay
from . import user
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
from flask_restx import Resource, fields, marshal
from . import api, response_fields
from .. import common
from ... import models
db = models.db
alias = api.namespace('alias', description='Alias operations')
alias_fields_update = alias.model('AliasUpdate', {
'comment': fields.String(description='a comment'),
'destination': fields.List(fields.String(description='alias email address', example='')),
'wildcard': fields.Boolean(description='enable SQL Like wildcard syntax')
alias_fields = alias.inherit('Alias',alias_fields_update, {
'email': fields.String(description='the alias email address', example='', required=True),
'destination': fields.List(fields.String(description='alias email address', example='', required=True)),
class Aliases(Resource):
@alias.marshal_with(alias_fields, as_list=True, skip_none=True, mask=None)
def get(self):
""" List aliases """
return models.Alias.query.all()
@alias.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@alias.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@alias.response(409, 'Duplicate alias', response_fields)
def post(self):
""" Create a new alias """
data = api.payload
alias_found = models.Alias.query.filter_by(email = data['email']).first()
if alias_found:
return { 'code': 409, 'message': f'Duplicate alias {data["email"]}'}, 409
alias_model = models.Alias(email=data["email"],destination=data['destination'])
if 'comment' in data:
alias_model.comment = data['comment']
if 'wildcard' in data:
alias_model.wildcard = data['wildcard']
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'Alias {data["email"]} to destination {data["destination"]} has been created'}, 200
class Alias(Resource):
@alias.response(200, 'Success', alias_fields)
@alias.response(404, 'Alias not found', response_fields)
def get(self, alias):
""" Find alias """
alias_found = models.Alias.query.filter_by(email = alias).first()
if alias_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Alias {alias} cannot be found'}, 404
return marshal(alias_found,alias_fields), 200
@alias.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@alias.response(404, 'Alias not found', response_fields)
@alias.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
def put(self, alias):
""" Update alias """
data = api.payload
alias_found = models.Alias.query.filter_by(email = alias).first()
if alias_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Alias {alias} cannot be found'}, 404
if 'comment' in data:
alias_found.comment = data['comment']
if 'destination' in data:
destination_csl = ",".join(data['destination'])
alias_found.destination = destination_csl
if 'wildcard' in data:
alias_found.wildcard = data['wildcard']
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'Alias {alias} has been updated'}
@alias.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@alias.response(404, 'Alias not found', response_fields)
def delete(self, alias):
""" Delete alias """
alias_found = models.Alias.query.filter_by(email = alias).first()
if alias_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Alias {alias} cannot be found'}, 404
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'Alias {alias} has been deleted'}, 200
class AliasWithDest(Resource):
@alias.response(200, 'Success', alias_fields)
@alias.response(404, 'Alias or domain not found', response_fields)
def get(self, domain):
""" Find aliases of domain """
domain_found = models.Domain.query.filter_by(name=domain).first()
if domain_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {domain} cannot be found'}, 404
aliases_found = domain_found.aliases
if aliases_found.count == 0:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'No alias can be found for domain {domain}'}, 404
return marshal(aliases_found, alias_fields), 200
@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
import validators
from flask_restx import Resource, fields, marshal
from . import api, response_fields, user
from .. import common
from ... import models
db = models.db
dom = api.namespace('domain', description='Domain operations')
alt = api.namespace('alternative', description='Alternative operations')
domain_fields = api.model('Domain', {
'name': fields.String(description='FQDN (e.g.', example='', required=True),
'comment': fields.String(description='a comment'),
'max_users': fields.Integer(description='maximum number of users', min=-1, default=-1),
'max_aliases': fields.Integer(description='maximum number of aliases', min=-1, default=-1),
'max_quota_bytes': fields.Integer(description='maximum quota for mailbox', min=0),
'signup_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='allow signup'),
'alternatives': fields.List(fields.String(attribute='name', description='FQDN', example='')),
domain_fields_update = api.model('DomainUpdate', {
'comment': fields.String(description='a comment'),
'max_users': fields.Integer(description='maximum number of users', min=-1, default=-1),
'max_aliases': fields.Integer(description='maximum number of aliases', min=-1, default=-1),
'max_quota_bytes': fields.Integer(description='maximum quota for mailbox', min=0),
'signup_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='allow signup'),
'alternatives': fields.List(fields.String(attribute='name', description='FQDN', example='')),
domain_fields_get = api.model('DomainGet', {
'name': fields.String(description='FQDN (e.g.', example='', required=True),
'comment': fields.String(description='a comment'),
'max_users': fields.Integer(description='maximum number of users', min=-1, default=-1),
'max_aliases': fields.Integer(description='maximum number of aliases', min=-1, default=-1),
'max_quota_bytes': fields.Integer(description='maximum quota for mailbox', min=0),
'signup_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='allow signup'),
'alternatives': fields.List(fields.String(attribute='name', description='FQDN', example='')),
'dns_autoconfig': fields.List(fields.String(description='DNS client auto-configuration entry')),
'dns_mx': fields.String(Description='MX record for domain'),
'dns_spf': fields.String(Description='SPF record for domain'),
'dns_dkim': fields.String(Description='DKIM record for domain'),
'dns_dmarc': fields.String(Description='DMARC record for domain'),
'dns_dmarc_report': fields.String(Description='DMARC report record for domain'),
'dns_tlsa': fields.String(Description='TLSA record for domain'),
domain_fields_dns = api.model('DomainDNS', {
'dns_autoconfig': fields.List(fields.String(description='DNS client auto-configuration entry')),
'dns_mx': fields.String(Description='MX record for domain'),
'dns_spf': fields.String(Description='SPF record for domain'),
'dns_dkim': fields.String(Description='DKIM record for domain'),
'dns_dmarc': fields.String(Description='DMARC record for domain'),
'dns_dmarc_report': fields.String(Description='DMARC report record for domain'),
'dns_tlsa': fields.String(Description='TLSA record for domain'),
manager_fields = api.model('Manager', {
'domain_name': fields.String(description='domain managed by manager'),
'user_email': fields.String(description='email address of manager'),
manager_fields_create = api.model('ManagerCreate', {
'user_email': fields.String(description='email address of manager', required=True),
alternative_fields_update = api.model('AlternativeDomainUpdate', {
'domain': fields.String(description='domain FQDN', example='', required=False),
alternative_fields = api.model('AlternativeDomain', {
'name': fields.String(description='alternative FQDN', example='', required=True),
'domain': fields.String(description='domain FQDN', example='', required=True),
class Domains(Resource):
@dom.marshal_with(domain_fields_get, as_list=True, skip_none=True, mask=None)
def get(self):
""" List domains """
return models.Domain.query.all()
@dom.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@dom.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@dom.response(409, 'Duplicate domain/alternative name', response_fields)
def post(self):
""" Create a new domain """
data = api.payload
if not validators.domain(data['name']):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Domain {data["name"]} is not a valid domain'}, 400
if common.fqdn_in_use(data['name']):
return { 'code': 409, 'message': f'Duplicate domain name {data["name"]}'}, 409
if 'alternatives' in data:
#check if duplicate alternatives are supplied
if [x for x in data['alternatives'] if data['alternatives'].count(x) >= 2]:
return { 'code': 409, 'message': f'Duplicate alternative domain names in request' }, 409
for item in data['alternatives']:
if common.fqdn_in_use(item):
return { 'code': 409, 'message': f'Duplicate alternative domain name {item}' }, 409
if not validators.domain(item):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Alternative domain {item} is not a valid domain'}, 400
for item in data['alternatives']:
alternative = models.Alternative(name=item, domain_name=data['name'])
domain_new = models.Domain(name=data['name'])
if 'comment' in data:
domain_new.comment = data['comment']
if 'max_users' in data:
domain_new.comment = data['max_users']
if 'max_aliases' in data:
domain_new.comment = data['max_aliases']
if 'max_quota_bytes' in data:
domain_new.comment = data['max_quota_bytes']
if 'signup_enabled' in data:
domain_new.comment = data['signup_enabled']
#apply the changes
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'Domain {data["name"]} has been created'}, 200
class Domain(Resource):
@dom.response(200, 'Success', domain_fields)
@dom.response(404, 'Domain not found', response_fields)
def get(self, domain):
""" Find domain by name """
if not validators.domain(domain):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Domain {domain} is not a valid domain'}, 400
domain_found = models.Domain.query.get(domain)
if not domain_found:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {domain} does not exist'}, 404
return marshal(domain_found, domain_fields_get), 200
@dom.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@dom.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@dom.response(404, 'Domain not found', response_fields)
@dom.response(409, 'Duplicate domain/alternative name', response_fields)
def put(self, domain):
""" Update an existing domain """
if not validators.domain(domain):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Domain {domain} is not a valid domain'}, 400
domain_found = models.Domain.query.get(domain)
if not domain:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {data["name"]} does not exist'}, 404
data = api.payload
if 'alternatives' in data:
#check if duplicate alternatives are supplied
if [x for x in data['alternatives'] if data['alternatives'].count(x) >= 2]:
return { 'code': 409, 'message': f'Duplicate alternative domain names in request' }, 409
for item in data['alternatives']:
if common.fqdn_in_use(item):
return { 'code': 409, 'message': f'Duplicate alternative domain name {item}' }, 409
if not validators.domain(item):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Alternative domain {item} is not a valid domain'}, 400
for item in data['alternatives']:
alternative = models.Alternative(name=item, domain_name=data['name'])
if 'comment' in data:
domain_found.comment = data['comment']
if 'max_users' in data:
domain_found.comment = data['max_users']
if 'max_aliases' in data:
domain_found.comment = data['max_aliases']
if 'max_quota_bytes' in data:
domain_found.comment = data['max_quota_bytes']
if 'signup_enabled' in data:
domain_found.comment = data['signup_enabled']
#apply the changes
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'Domain {domain} has been updated'}, 200
@dom.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@dom.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@dom.response(404, 'Domain not found', response_fields)
def delete(self, domain):
""" Delete domain """
if not validators.domain(domain):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Domain {domain} is not a valid domain'}, 400
domain_found = models.Domain.query.get(domain)
if not domain:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {domain} does not exist'}, 404
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'Domain {domain} has been deleted'}, 200
class Domain(Resource):
@dom.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@dom.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@dom.response(404, 'Domain not found', response_fields)
def post(self, domain):
""" Generate new DKIM/DMARC keys for domain """
if not validators.domain(domain):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Domain {domain} is not a valid domain'}, 400
domain_found = models.Domain.query.get(domain)
if not domain_found:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {domain} does not exist'}, 404
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'DKIM/DMARC keys have been generated for domain {domain}'}, 200
class Manager(Resource):
@dom.marshal_with(manager_fields, as_list=True, skip_none=True, mask=None)
@dom.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@dom.response(404, 'domain not found', response_fields)
def get(self, domain):
""" List managers of domain """
if not validators.domain(domain):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Domain {domain} is not a valid domain'}, 400
if not domain:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {domain} does not exist'}, 404
domain = models.Domain.query.filter_by(name=domain)
return domain.managers
@dom.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@dom.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@dom.response(404, 'User or domain not found', response_fields)
@dom.response(409, 'Duplicate domain manager', response_fields)
def post(self, domain):
""" Create a new domain manager """
data = api.payload
if not['user_email']):
return {'code': 400, 'message': f'Invalid email address {data["user_email"]}'}, 400
if not validators.domain(domain):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Domain {domain} is not a valid domain'}, 400
domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain)
if not domain:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {domain} does not exist'}, 404
user = models.User.query.get(data['user_email'])
if not user:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'User {data["user_email"]} does not exist'}, 404
if user in domain.managers:
return {'code': 409, 'message': f'User {data["user_email"]} is already a manager of the domain {domain} '}, 409
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'User {data["user_email"]} has been added as manager of the domain {domain} '},200
class Domain(Resource):
@dom.response(200, 'Success', manager_fields)
@dom.response(404, 'Manager not found', response_fields)
def get(self, domain, email):
""" Find manager by email address """
if not
return {'code': 400, 'message': f'Invalid email address {email}'}, 400
if not validators.domain(domain):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Domain {domain} is not a valid domain'}, 400
domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain)
if not domain:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {domain} does not exist'}, 404
user = models.User.query.get(email)
if not user:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'User {email} does not exist'}, 404
if user in domain.managers:
for manager in domain.managers:
if == email:
return marshal(manager, manager_fields),200
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'User {email} is not a manager of the domain {domain}'}, 404
@dom.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@dom.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@dom.response(404, 'Manager not found', response_fields)
def delete(self, domain, email):
if not
return {'code': 400, 'message': f'Invalid email address {email}'}, 400
if not validators.domain(domain):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Domain {domain} is not a valid domain'}, 400
domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain)
if not domain:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {domain} does not exist'}, 404
user = models.User.query.get(email)
if not user:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'User {email} does not exist'}, 404
if user in domain.managers:
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'User {email} has been removed as a manager of the domain {domain} '},200
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'User {email} is not a manager of the domain {domain}'}, 404
class User(Resource):
@dom.marshal_with(user.user_fields_get, as_list=True, skip_none=True, mask=None)
@dom.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@dom.response(404, 'Domain not found', response_fields)
def get(self, domain):
""" List users from domain """
if not validators.domain(domain):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Domain {domain} is not a valid domain'}, 400
domain_found = models.Domain.query.get(domain)
if not domain_found:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {domain} does not exist'}, 404
return models.User.query.filter_by(domain=domain_found).all()
class Alternatives(Resource):
@alt.marshal_with(alternative_fields, as_list=True, skip_none=True, mask=None)
def get(self):
""" List alternatives """
return models.Alternative.query.all()
@alt.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@alt.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@alt.response(404, 'Domain not found or missing', response_fields)
@alt.response(409, 'Duplicate alternative domain name', response_fields)
def post(self):
""" Create new alternative (for domain) """
data = api.payload
if not validators.domain(data['name']):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Alternative domain {data["name"]} is not a valid domain'}, 400
if not validators.domain(data['domain']):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Domain {data["domain"]} is not a valid domain'}, 400
domain = models.Domain.query.get(data['domain'])
if not domain:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {data["domain"]} does not exist'}, 404
if common.fqdn_in_use(data['name']):
return { 'code': 409, 'message': f'Duplicate alternative domain name {data["name"]}'}, 409
alternative = models.Alternative(name=data['name'], domain_name=data['domain'])
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'Alternative {data["name"]} for domain {data["domain"]} has been created'}, 200
class Alternative(Resource):
def get(self, alt):
""" Find alternative (of domain) """
if not validators.domain(alt):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Alternative domain {alt} is not a valid domain'}, 400
alternative = models.Alternative.query.filter_by(name=alt).first()
if not alternative:
return{ 'code': 404, 'message': f'Alternative domain {alt} does not exist'}, 404
return marshal(alternative, alternative_fields), 200
@alt.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@alt.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@alt.response(404, 'Alternative/Domain not found or missing', response_fields)
@alt.response(409, 'Duplicate domain name', response_fields)
def delete(self, alt):
""" Delete alternative (for domain) """
if not validators.domain(alt):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Alternative domain {alt} is not a valid domain'}, 400
alternative = models.Alternative.query.filter_by(name=alt).scalar()
if not alternative:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Alternative domain {alt} does not exist'}, 404
domain = alternative.domain_name
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'Alternative {alt} for domain {domain} has been deleted'}, 200
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
from flask_restx import Resource, fields, marshal
import validators
from . import api, response_fields
from .. import common
from ... import models
db = models.db
relay = api.namespace('relay', description='Relay operations')
relay_fields = api.model('Relay', {
'name': fields.String(description='relayed domain name', example='', required=True),
'smtp': fields.String(description='remote host', example='', required=False),
'comment': fields.String(description='a comment', required=False)
relay_fields_update = api.model('RelayUpdate', {
'smtp': fields.String(description='remote host', example='', required=False),
'comment': fields.String(description='a comment', required=False)
class Relays(Resource):
@relay.marshal_with(relay_fields, as_list=True, skip_none=True, mask=None)
def get(self):
"List relays"
return models.Relay.query.all()
@relay.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@relay.response(400, 'Input validation exception')
@relay.response(409, 'Duplicate relay', response_fields)
def post(self):
""" Create relay """
data = api.payload
if not validators.domain(name):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} is not a valid domain'}, 400
if common.fqdn_in_use(data['name']):
return { 'code': 409, 'message': f'Duplicate domain {data["name"]}'}, 409
relay_model = models.Relay(name=data['name'])
if 'smtp' in data:
relay_model.smtp = data['smtp']
if 'comment' in data:
relay_model.comment = data['comment']
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'Relayed domain {data["name"]} has been created'}, 200
class Relay(Resource):
@relay.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@relay.response(404, 'Relay not found', response_fields)
def get(self, name):
""" Find relay """
if not validators.domain(name):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} is not a valid domain'}, 400
relay_found = models.Relay.query.filter_by(name=name).first()
if relay_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} cannot be found'}, 404
return marshal(relay_found, relay_fields), 200
@relay.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@relay.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@relay.response(404, 'Relay not found', response_fields)
@relay.response(409, 'Duplicate relay', response_fields)
def put(self, name):
""" Update relay """
data = api.payload
if not validators.domain(name):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} is not a valid domain'}, 400
relay_found = models.Relay.query.filter_by(name=name).first()
if relay_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} cannot be found'}, 404
if 'smtp' in data:
relay_found.smtp = data['smtp']
if 'comment' in data:
relay_found.comment = data['comment']
return { 'code': 200, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} has been updated'}, 200
@relay.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@relay.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@relay.response(404, 'Relay not found', response_fields)
def delete(self, name):
""" Delete relay """
if not validators.domain(name):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} is not a valid domain'}, 400
relay_found = models.Relay.query.filter_by(name=name).first()
if relay_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} cannot be found'}, 404
return { 'code': 200, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} has been deleted'}, 200
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Mailu RESTful API
Mailu offers a RESTful API for changing the Mailu configuration.
Anything that can be configured via the Mailu web administration interface,
can also be configured via the API.
The Mailu API is disabled by default. It can be enabled and configured via
the settings:
* ``API``
* ``WEB_API``
For more information see the section :ref:`Advanced configuration <advanced_settings>`
in the configuration reference.
The swagger.json file can be retrieved via: https://myserver/api/v1/swagger.json.
The swagger.json file can be consumed in programs such as Postman for generating all API calls.
In-built SwaggerUI
The Mailu API comes with an in-built SwaggerUI. It is a web client that allows
anyone to visualize and interact with the Mailu API.
It is accessible via the URL: https://myserver/api/v1/swaggerui
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Introduction of the Mailu RESTful API. The full Mailu config can be changed via the Mailu API.
See the section Mailu RESTful API & the section configuration reference in the documentation for more information.
Reference in New Issue