added docstrings, use f-strings, cleanup

- idna.encode does not encode upper-case letters,
  so .lower() has to be called on value not on result
- split email-address on '@' only once
- converted '*'.format(*) to f-strings
- added docstrings
- removed from_dict method
- code cleanup/style (list concat, exceptions, return&else, line-length)
- added TODO comments on possible future changes
Alexander Graf 4 years ago
parent 31a903f959
commit 8213d044b2

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import json
from datetime import date
from email.mime import text
from itertools import chain
import flask_sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy
@ -30,11 +31,12 @@ class IdnaDomain(db.TypeDecorator):
""" Stores a Unicode string in it's IDNA representation (ASCII only)
# TODO: String(80) is too small?
impl = db.String(80)
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
""" encode unicode domain name to punycode """
return idna.encode(value).decode('ascii').lower()
return idna.encode(value.lower()).decode('ascii')
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
""" decode punycode domain name to unicode """
@ -46,26 +48,21 @@ class IdnaEmail(db.TypeDecorator):
""" Stores a Unicode string in it's IDNA representation (ASCII only)
# TODO: String(255) is too small?
impl = db.String(255)
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
""" encode unicode domain part of email address to punycode """
localpart, domain_name = value.split('@')
return '{0}@{1}'.format(
except ValueError:
localpart, domain_name = value.rsplit('@', 1)
if '@' in localpart:
raise ValueError('email local part must not contain "@"')
domain_name = domain_name.lower()
return f'{localpart}@{idna.encode(domain_name).decode("ascii")}'
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
""" decode punycode domain part of email to unicode """
localpart, domain_name = value.split('@')
return '{0}@{1}'.format(
localpart, domain_name = value.rsplit('@', 1)
return f'{localpart}@{idna.decode(domain_name)}'
python_type = str
@ -81,7 +78,7 @@ class CommaSeparatedList(db.TypeDecorator):
raise TypeError('Must be a list of strings')
for item in value:
if ',' in item:
raise ValueError('Item must not contain a comma')
raise ValueError('list item must not contain ","')
return ','.join(sorted(value))
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
@ -123,173 +120,6 @@ class Base(db.Model):
updated_at = db.Column(db.Date, nullable=True,
comment = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True, default='')
# @classmethod
# def from_dict(cls, data, delete=False):
# changed = []
# pkey = cls._dict_pkey()
# # handle "primary key" only
# if not isinstance(data, dict):
# data = {pkey: data}
# # modify input data
# if hasattr(cls, '_dict_input'):
# try:
# cls._dict_input(data)
# except Exception as exc:
# raise ValueError(f'{exc}', cls, None, data) from exc
# # check for primary key (if not recursed)
# if not getattr(cls, '_dict_recurse', False):
# if not pkey in data:
# raise KeyError(f'primary key {cls.__table__}.{pkey} is missing', cls, pkey, data)
# # check data keys and values
# for key in list(data.keys()):
# # check key
# if not hasattr(cls, key) and not key in cls.__mapper__.relationships:
# raise KeyError(f'unknown key {cls.__table__}.{key}', cls, key, data)
# # check value type
# value = data[key]
# col = cls.__mapper__.columns.get(key)
# if col is not None:
# if not ((value is None and col.nullable) or (isinstance(value, col.type.python_type))):
# raise TypeError(f'{cls.__table__}.{key} {value!r} has invalid type {type(value).__name__!r}', cls, key, data)
# else:
# rel = cls.__mapper__.relationships.get(key)
# if rel is None:
# itype = getattr(cls, '_dict_types', {}).get(key)
# if itype is not None:
# if itype is False: # ignore value. TODO: emit warning?
# del data[key]
# continue
# elif not isinstance(value, itype):
# raise TypeError(f'{cls.__table__}.{key} {value!r} has invalid type {type(value).__name__!r}', cls, key, data)
# else:
# raise NotImplementedError(f'type not defined for {cls.__table__}.{key}')
# # handle relationships
# if key in cls.__mapper__.relationships:
# rel_model = cls.__mapper__.relationships[key].argument
# if not isinstance(rel_model, sqlalchemy.orm.Mapper):
# add = rel_model.from_dict(value, delete)
# assert len(add) == 1
# rel_item, updated = add[0]
# changed.append((rel_item, updated))
# data[key] = rel_item
# # create item if necessary
# created = False
# item = cls.query.get(data[pkey]) if pkey in data else None
# if item is None:
# # check for mandatory keys
# missing = getattr(cls, '_dict_mandatory', set()) - set(data.keys())
# if missing:
# raise ValueError(f'mandatory key(s) {", ".join(sorted(missing))} for {cls.__table__} missing', cls, missing, data)
# # remove mapped relationships from data
# mapped = {}
# for key in list(data.keys()):
# if key in cls.__mapper__.relationships:
# if isinstance(cls.__mapper__.relationships[key].argument, sqlalchemy.orm.Mapper):
# mapped[key] = data[key]
# del data[key]
# # create new item
# item = cls(**data)
# created = True
# # and update mapped relationships (below)
# data = mapped
# # update item
# updated = []
# for key, value in data.items():
# # skip primary key
# if key == pkey:
# continue
# if key in cls.__mapper__.relationships:
# # update relationship
# rel_model = cls.__mapper__.relationships[key].argument
# if isinstance(rel_model, sqlalchemy.orm.Mapper):
# rel_model = rel_model.class_
# # add (and create) referenced items
# cur = getattr(item, key)
# old = sorted(cur, key=id)
# new = []
# for rel_data in value:
# # get or create related item
# add = rel_model.from_dict(rel_data, delete)
# assert len(add) == 1
# rel_item, rel_updated = add[0]
# changed.append((rel_item, rel_updated))
# if rel_item not in cur:
# cur.append(rel_item)
# new.append(rel_item)
# # delete referenced items missing in yaml
# rel_pkey = rel_model._dict_pkey()
# new_data = list([i.to_dict(True, True, None, True, [rel_pkey]) for i in new])
# for rel_item in old:
# if rel_item not in new:
# # check if item with same data exists to stabilze import without primary key
# rel_data = rel_item.to_dict(True, True, None, True, [rel_pkey])
# try:
# same_idx = new_data.index(rel_data)
# except ValueError:
# same = None
# else:
# same = new[same_idx]
# if same is None:
# # delete items missing in new
# if delete:
# cur.remove(rel_item)
# else:
# new.append(rel_item)
# else:
# # swap found item with same data with newly created item
# new.append(rel_item)
# new_data.append(rel_data)
# new.remove(same)
# del new_data[same_idx]
# for i, (ch_item, _) in enumerate(changed):
# if ch_item is same:
# changed[i] = (rel_item, [])
# db.session.flush()
# db.session.delete(ch_item)
# break
# # remember changes
# new = sorted(new, key=id)
# if new != old:
# updated.append((key, old, new))
# else:
# # update key
# old = getattr(item, key)
# if isinstance(old, list):
# # deduplicate list value
# assert isinstance(value, list)
# value = set(value)
# old = set(old)
# if not delete:
# value = old | value
# if value != old:
# updated.append((key, old, value))
# setattr(item, key, value)
# changed.append((item, created if created else updated))
# return changed
# Many-to-many association table for domain managers
managers = db.Table('manager', Base.metadata,
@ -309,9 +139,7 @@ class Config(Base):
# TODO: use sqlalchemy.event.listen() on a store method of object?
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(db.session, 'after_commit')
def store_dkim_key(session):
""" Store DKIM key on commit
""" Store DKIM key on commit """
for obj in session.identity_map.values():
if isinstance(obj, Domain):
if obj._dkim_key_changed:
@ -340,21 +168,27 @@ class Domain(Base):
_dkim_key_changed = False
def _dkim_file(self):
""" return filename for active DKIM key """
return app.config['DKIM_PATH'].format(, selector=app.config['DKIM_SELECTOR']),
def dns_mx(self):
hostname = app.config['HOSTNAMES'].split(',')[0]
""" return MX record for domain """
hostname = app.config['HOSTNAMES'].split(',', 1)[0]
return f'{}. 600 IN MX 10 {hostname}.'
def dns_spf(self):
hostname = app.config['HOSTNAMES'].split(',')[0]
""" return SPF record for domain """
hostname = app.config['HOSTNAMES'].split(',', 1)[0]
return f'{}. 600 IN TXT "v=spf1 mx a:{hostname} ~all"'
def dns_dkim(self):
""" return DKIM record for domain """
if os.path.exists(self._dkim_file()):
selector = app.config['DKIM_SELECTOR']
return (
@ -364,6 +198,7 @@ class Domain(Base):
def dns_dmarc(self):
""" return DMARC record for domain """
if os.path.exists(self._dkim_file()):
domain = app.config['DOMAIN']
rua = app.config['DMARC_RUA']
@ -374,6 +209,7 @@ class Domain(Base):
def dkim_key(self):
""" return private DKIM key """
if self._dkim_key is None:
file_path = self._dkim_file()
if os.path.exists(file_path):
@ -385,6 +221,7 @@ class Domain(Base):
def dkim_key(self, value):
""" set private DKIM key """
old_key = self.dkim_key
if value is None:
value = b''
@ -393,36 +230,40 @@ class Domain(Base):
def dkim_publickey(self):
""" return public part of DKIM key """
dkim_key = self.dkim_key
if dkim_key:
return dkim.strip_key(dkim_key).decode('utf8')
def generate_dkim_key(self):
""" generate and activate new DKIM key """
self.dkim_key = dkim.gen_key()
def has_email(self, localpart):
for email in self.users + self.aliases:
""" checks if localpart is configured for domain """
for email in chain(self.users, self.aliases):
if email.localpart == localpart:
return True
return False
def check_mx(self):
""" checks if MX record for domain points to mailu host """
hostnames = app.config['HOSTNAMES'].split(',')
hostnames = set(app.config['HOSTNAMES'].split(','))
return any(
str(rset).split()[-1][:-1] in hostnames'.') in hostnames
for rset in dns.resolver.query(, 'MX')
except Exception:
except dns.exception.DNSException:
return False
def __str__(self):
return str(
def __eq__(self, other):
return ==
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return str( == str(
return NotImplemented
def __hash__(self):
@ -432,7 +273,7 @@ class Domain(Base):
class Alternative(Base):
""" Alternative name for a served domain.
The name "domain alias" was avoided to prevent some confusion.
The name "domain alias" was avoided to prevent some confusion.
__tablename__ = 'alternative'
@ -454,6 +295,7 @@ class Relay(Base):
__tablename__ = 'relay'
name = db.Column(IdnaDomain, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
# TODO: String(80) is too small?
smtp = db.Column(db.String(80), nullable=True)
def __str__(self):
@ -464,10 +306,14 @@ class Email(object):
""" Abstraction for an email address (localpart and domain).
# TODO: validate max. total length of address (<=254)
# TODO: String(80) is too large (>64)?
localpart = db.Column(db.String(80), nullable=False)
def domain_name(self):
""" the domain part of the email address """
return db.Column(IdnaDomain, db.ForeignKey(,
nullable=False, default=IdnaDomain)
@ -476,26 +322,18 @@ class Email(object):
# especially when the mail server is reading the database.
def email(self):
updater = lambda context: '{0}@{1}'.format(
""" the complete email address (localpart@domain) """
updater = lambda ctx: '{localpart}@{domain_name}'.format(**ctx.current_parameters)
return db.Column(IdnaEmail,
primary_key=True, nullable=False,
def sendmail(self, subject, body):
""" Send an email to the address.
from_address = '{0}@{1}'.format(
""" send an email to the address """
from_address = f'{app.config["POSTMASTER"]}@{idna.encode(app.config["DOMAIN"]).decode("ascii")}'
with smtplib.SMTP(app.config['HOST_AUTHSMTP'], port=10025) as smtp:
to_address = '{0}@{1}'.format(
to_address = f'{self.localpart}@{idna.encode(self.domain_name).decode("ascii")}'
msg = text.MIMEText(body)
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = from_address
@ -504,7 +342,8 @@ class Email(object):
def resolve_domain(cls, email):
localpart, domain_name = email.split('@', 1) if '@' in email else (None, email)
""" resolves domain alternative to real domain """
localpart, domain_name = email.rsplit('@', 1) if '@' in email else (None, email)
alternative = Alternative.query.get(domain_name)
if alternative:
domain_name = alternative.domain_name
@ -512,17 +351,19 @@ class Email(object):
def resolve_destination(cls, localpart, domain_name, ignore_forward_keep=False):
""" return destination for email address localpart@domain_name """
localpart_stripped = None
stripped_alias = None
if os.environ.get('RECIPIENT_DELIMITER') in localpart:
localpart_stripped = localpart.rsplit(os.environ.get('RECIPIENT_DELIMITER'), 1)[0]
user = User.query.get('{}@{}'.format(localpart, domain_name))
user = User.query.get(f'{localpart}@{domain_name}')
if not user and localpart_stripped:
user = User.query.get('{}@{}'.format(localpart_stripped, domain_name))
user = User.query.get(f'{localpart_stripped}@{domain_name}')
if user:
email = '{}@{}'.format(localpart, domain_name)
email = f'{localpart}@{domain_name}'
if user.forward_enabled:
destination = user.forward_destination
@ -537,11 +378,15 @@ class Email(object):
if pure_alias and not pure_alias.wildcard:
return pure_alias.destination
elif stripped_alias:
if stripped_alias:
return stripped_alias.destination
elif pure_alias:
if pure_alias:
return pure_alias.destination
return None
def __str__(self):
return str(
@ -586,11 +431,15 @@ class User(Base, Email):
is_active = True
is_anonymous = False
# TODO: remove unused user.get_id()
def get_id(self):
""" return users email address """
# TODO: remove unused user.destination
def destination(self):
""" returns comma separated string of destinations """
if self.forward_enabled:
result = list(self.forward_destination)
if self.forward_keep:
@ -601,6 +450,7 @@ class User(Base, Email):
def reply_active(self):
""" returns status of autoreply function """
now =
return (
self.reply_enabled and
@ -608,49 +458,56 @@ class User(Base, Email):
self.reply_enddate > now
scheme_dict = {'PBKDF2': 'pbkdf2_sha512',
'BLF-CRYPT': 'bcrypt',
'SHA512-CRYPT': 'sha512_crypt',
'SHA256-CRYPT': 'sha256_crypt',
'MD5-CRYPT': 'md5_crypt',
'CRYPT': 'des_crypt'}
scheme_dict = {
'PBKDF2': 'pbkdf2_sha512',
'BLF-CRYPT': 'bcrypt',
'SHA512-CRYPT': 'sha512_crypt',
'SHA256-CRYPT': 'sha256_crypt',
'MD5-CRYPT': 'md5_crypt',
'CRYPT': 'des_crypt',
def get_password_context(self):
def _get_password_context(self):
return passlib.context.CryptContext(
def check_password(self, password):
context = self.get_password_context()
reference = re.match('({[^}]+})?(.*)', self.password).group(2)
result = context.verify(password, reference)
if result and context.identify(reference) != context.default_scheme():
def check_password(self, plain):
""" Check password against stored hash
Update hash when default scheme has changed
context = self._get_password_context()
hashed = re.match('^({[^}]+})?(.*)$', self.password).group(2)
result = context.verify(plain, hashed)
if result and context.identify(hashed) != context.default_scheme():
return result
def set_password(self, password, hash_scheme=None, raw=False):
"""Set password for user with specified encryption scheme
@password: plain text password to encrypt (if raw == True the hash itself)
# TODO: remove kwarg hash_scheme - there is no point in setting a scheme,
# when the next check updates the password to the default scheme.
def set_password(self, new, hash_scheme=None, raw=False):
""" Set password for user with specified encryption scheme
@new: plain text password to encrypt (or, if raw is True: the hash itself)
# for the list of hash schemes see
if hash_scheme is None:
hash_scheme = app.config['PASSWORD_SCHEME']
# for the list of hash schemes see
if raw:
self.password = '{'+hash_scheme+'}' + password
self.password = '{'+hash_scheme+'}' + \
self.get_password_context().encrypt(password, self.scheme_dict[hash_scheme])
if not raw:
new = self._get_password_context().encrypt(new, self.scheme_dict[hash_scheme])
self.password = f'{{{hash_scheme}}}{new}'
def get_managed_domains(self):
""" return list of domains this user can manage """
if self.global_admin:
return Domain.query.all()
return self.manager_of
def get_managed_emails(self, include_aliases=True):
""" returns list of email addresses this user can manage """
emails = []
for domain in self.get_managed_domains():
@ -659,16 +516,18 @@ class User(Base, Email):
return emails
def send_welcome(self):
""" send welcome email to user """
if app.config['WELCOME']:
self.sendmail(app.config['WELCOME_SUBJECT'], app.config['WELCOME_BODY'])
def get(cls, email):
""" find user object for email address """
return cls.query.get(email)
def login(cls, email, password):
""" login user when enabled and password is valid """
user = cls.query.get(email)
return user if (user and user.enabled and user.check_password(password)) else None
@ -686,6 +545,8 @@ class Alias(Base, Email):
def resolve(cls, localpart, domain_name):
""" find aliases matching email address localpart@domain_name """
alias_preserve_case = cls.query.filter(
sqlalchemy.and_(cls.domain_name == domain_name,
@ -709,24 +570,27 @@ class Alias(Base, Email):
sqlalchemy.func.lower(cls.localpart) == localpart_lower
), sqlalchemy.and_(
cls.wildcard is True,
sqlalchemy.bindparam('l', localpart_lower).like(sqlalchemy.func.lower(cls.localpart))
sqlalchemy.bindparam('l', localpart_lower).like(
).order_by(cls.wildcard, sqlalchemy.func.char_length(sqlalchemy.func.lower(cls.localpart)).desc()).first()
).order_by(cls.wildcard, sqlalchemy.func.char_length(
if alias_preserve_case and alias_lower_case:
if alias_preserve_case.wildcard:
return alias_lower_case
return alias_preserve_case
elif alias_preserve_case and not alias_lower_case:
return alias_preserve_case
elif alias_lower_case and not alias_preserve_case:
return alias_lower_case
return None
return alias_lower_case if alias_preserve_case.wildcard else alias_preserve_case
if alias_preserve_case and not alias_lower_case:
return alias_preserve_case
if alias_lower_case and not alias_preserve_case:
return alias_lower_case
return None
# TODO: where are Tokens used / validated?
# TODO: what about API tokens?
class Token(Base):
""" A token is an application password for a given user.
@ -739,16 +603,20 @@ class Token(Base):
user = db.relationship(User,
backref=db.backref('tokens', cascade='all, delete-orphan'))
password = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False)
# TODO: String(80) is too large?
ip = db.Column(db.String(255))
def check_password(self, password):
""" verifies password against stored hash """
return passlib.hash.sha256_crypt.verify(password, self.password)
# TODO: use crypt context and default scheme from config?
def set_password(self, password):
""" sets password using sha256_crypt(rounds=1000) """
self.password = passlib.hash.sha256_crypt.using(rounds=1000).hash(password)
def __str__(self):
return self.comment or self.ip
return str(self.comment or self.ip)
class Fetch(Base):
