Notable changes to this project are documented in the current file. For more
Upgrade should run fine as long as you generate a new compose or stack
details about individual changes, see the Git log. You should read this before
configuration and upgrade your mailu.env.
upgrading Mailu as some changes will include useful notes.
There are some changes to the configuration overrides. Override files are now mounted read-only into the containers.
The Dovecot and Postfix overrides are moved in their own sub-directory.
If there are local override files, they will need to be moved from overrides/ to overrides/dovecot and overrides/postfix/.
See for all the mappings.
Please not that the shipped image for PostgreSQL database is deprecated.
We advise to switch to an external database server.
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v1.8.0 - 2020-09-28
- Features: Add support for backward-forwarding using SRS ([#328](
- Features: Add options to support different architectures builds ([#985](
- Features: Add support for Traefik v2 certificate dumping ([#1011](
- Features: Resolve hosts to IPs if only HOST_* is set. If *_ADDRESS is set, leave it unresolved. ([#1113](
- Features: - Use nginx as http endpoint on kubernetes to simplify ingress ([#1158](
- Features: Advertise correct mail capabilities through the front-container, this also enables support for PIPELINING in mail-protocols and IMAP IDLE which is a (potential) performance gain. ([#1160](
- Features: Change default password scheme to PBKDF2 ([#1194](
- Features: Enable access log of admin service only for log levels of INFO and finer ([#1197](
- Features: japanese loca is now available ([#1207](
- Features: Allow to reject virus mails by setting ANTIVITUS_ACTION=reject ([#1259](
- Features: Update roundcube to 1.4.0 and enable the new elastic skin ([#1267](
- Features: The roundcube container does support mysql now (no setup integration yet) ([#1268](
- Features: Added CardDAV-Plugin for webmail roundcube. ([#1298](
- Features: Allow users to use server-sided full-text-search again by adding the dovecot fts-xapian plugin ([#1320](
- Features: Relay a domain to a nonstandard SMTP port by adding ":<port_num>" to the remote hostname or IP address. ([#1357](
- Features: Introduce option to disable dovecot full-text-search by an enviroment variable. ([#1538](
- Features: Add support for AUTH LOGIN authentication mechanism for relaying email via smart hosts. ([#1635](
- Bugfixes: Use pip package for radicale to fix failing builds caused by [alpine]upstream package rebuild against different python version ([#1255](
- Bugfixes: Disable Health checks on swarm mode ([#1289](
- Bugfixes: Show SPF records in accordance with RFC 7208: Previously we instructed admins to create SPF and TXT records, where only TXT records are correct now. !! Attention !! You need to manually remove the SPF-typed records and keep only TXT in your DNS. ([#1394](
- Bugfixes: Cover relearning messages when moving bewteen Ham and Spam status ([#1438](
- Bugfixes: Defining POSTMASTER through setup tool apply also to DMARC_RUA and DMARC_RUF settings ([#1463](
- Bugfixes: Check postfix mailqueue permissions before start-up ([#1486](
Release 1.8 has come a long way again. Due to corona the project slowed down to a crawl. Fortunately new contributors have joined the team what enabled us to still release Mailu 1.8 this year.
For a list of all changes refer to in the root folder of the Mailu github project. Please read the 'Override location changes' section. It contains important information for the people who use the overrides folder.
New functionality
short summary of new features
- placeholder1
- placeholder2
mention alpine is updated in .... containers.
other interesting section
bla bla bla.
more bla bla bla.
Override location changes
Override location changes
If you have regenerated the Docker compose and environment files, there are some changes to the configuration overrides.
If you have regenerated the Docker compose and environment files, there are some changes to the configuration overrides.
Override files are now mounted read-only into the containers. The Dovecot and Postfix overrides are moved in their own sub-directory. If there are local override files, they will need to be moved from ``overrides/`` to ``overrides/dovecot`` and ``overrides/postfix/``.
Override files are now mounted read-only into the containers. The Dovecot and Postfix overrides are moved in their own sub-directory. If there are local override files, they will need to be moved from ``overrides/`` to ``overrides/dovecot`` and ``overrides/postfix/``.
Upgrade should run fine as long as you generate a new compose or stack
configuration and upgrade your mailu.env.
Please not that the shipped image for PostgreSQL database is deprecated.
The shipped image for PostgreSQL is not maintained anymore from release 1.8.
We recommend switching to an external database as soon as possible.
Show SPF records in accordance with RFC 7208: Previously we instructed admins to create SPF and TXT records, where only TXT records are correct now. !! Attention !! You need to manually remove the SPF-typed records and keep only TXT in your DNS.