Before proceeding, check the PR page in the bottom. It should not indicate a merge conflict.
If there are merge conflicts, you have 2 options:
#. Do a review "request changes" and ask the author to resolve the merge conflict.
#. Solve the merge conflict yourself on Github, using the web editor.
If it can't be done in the web editor, go for option 1. Unless you want to go through the trouble of
importing the branch into your fork, do the merge and send a PR to the repository of the *sender*.
Merge the PR locally
When someone sends a PR, you need merge his PR into master locally. This example will put you in a
"detached head" state and do the merge in that state. Any commits done in this state will be lost
forever when you checkout a "normal" branch. This is exactly what we want, as we do not want to mess
with our repositories. This is just a test run.
The following must be done on every PR or after every new commit to an existing PR:
1. Fetch the latest status of all the remotes.
2. List all local and remote available branches (this is not needed, but very helpful at times)
3. Checkout ``upstream/master``
4. Merge ``upstream/master`` with ``SENDER/branch``
..code-block:: bash
git fetch --all
git checkout upstream/master
# ...You are in 'detached HEAD' state.... (bla bla bla)
git branch -a
# Hit `q` to exit the viewer, if it was opened. Uses arrows up/down for scrolling.
git merge kaiyou/fix-sender-checks
If git opens a editor for a commit message just save and exit as-is. If you have a merge conflict,
see above and do the complete procedure from ``git fetch`` onward again.
You can now build and run the containers for testing. See the "`Docker containers`_" section for
instructions. Play around. See if (external) mails work. Check for whatever functionality the PR is
trying to fix. When happy, you can approve the PR. When running into failures, mark the review as
"request changes" and try to provide as much as possible details on the failure.
(Logs, error codes form clients etc).
..note:: Github marks positive reviews as obsolete when a new commit is added to a PR.
This requires a new review from your side.
Web administration
The administration Web interface requires a proper dev environment that can easily be setup using ``virtualenv`` (make sure you are using Python 3) :
The administration Web interface requires a proper dev environment that can easily be setup using
``virtualenv`` (make sure you are using Python 3) :
..code-block:: bash
@ -105,7 +288,8 @@ of the screen, that you can open to access query details, internal variables, et
Documentation is maintained in the ``docs`` directory and are maintained as `reStructuredText`_ files. It is possible to run a local documentation server for reviewing purposes, using Docker:
Documentation is maintained in the ``docs`` directory and are maintained as `reStructuredText`_
files. It is possible to run a local documentation server for reviewing purposes, using Docker:
..code-block:: bash
@ -116,6 +300,7 @@ Documentation is maintained in the ``docs`` directory and are maintained as `reS
In a local build Docker always assumes the version to be master.
You can read the local documentation by navigating to http://localhost:8080/master.
..note:: After modifying the documentation, the image needs to be rebuild and the container restarted for the changes to become visible.
..note:: After modifying the documentation, the image needs to be rebuild and the container