You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines
4.6 KiB

import os
import glob
import shutil
import multiprocessing
import logging as log
import sys
from podop import run_server
from pwd import getpwnam
from socrate import system, conf
log.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=os.environ.get("LOG_LEVEL", "WARNING"))
def start_podop():
3 years ago
url = "http://" + os.environ["ADMIN_ADDRESS"] + "/internal/postfix/"
# TODO: Remove verbosity setting from Podop?
run_server(0, "postfix", "/tmp/podop.socket", [
("transport", "url", url + "transport/§"),
("alias", "url", url + "alias/§"),
("domain", "url", url + "domain/§"),
("mailbox", "url", url + "mailbox/§"),
("recipientmap", "url", url + "recipient/map/§"),
("sendermap", "url", url + "sender/map/§"),
("senderaccess", "url", url + "sender/access/§"),
("senderlogin", "url", url + "sender/login/§"),
("senderrate", "url", url + "sender/rate/§")
def is_valid_postconf_line(line):
return not line.startswith("#") \
and not line == ''
# Actual startup script
os.environ["FRONT_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("FRONT", "front")
os.environ["ADMIN_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("ADMIN", "admin")
os.environ["ANTISPAM_MILTER_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("ANTISPAM_MILTER", "antispam:11332")
os.environ["LMTP_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("LMTP", "imap:2525")
os.environ["OUTCLEAN"] = os.environ["HOSTNAMES"].split(",")[0]
_to_lookup = os.environ["OUTCLEAN"]
# Ensure we lookup a FQDN: @see #1884
if not _to_lookup.endswith('.'):
_to_lookup += '.'
os.environ["OUTCLEAN_ADDRESS"] = system.resolve_hostname(_to_lookup)
os.environ["OUTCLEAN_ADDRESS"] = ""
for postfix_file in glob.glob("/conf/*.cf"):
conf.jinja(postfix_file, os.environ, os.path.join("/etc/postfix", os.path.basename(postfix_file)))
if os.path.exists("/overrides/"):
for line in open("/overrides/").read().strip().split("\n"):
if is_valid_postconf_line(line):
os.system('postconf -e "{}"'.format(line))
if os.path.exists("/overrides/postfix.master"):
for line in open("/overrides/postfix.master").read().strip().split("\n"):
if is_valid_postconf_line(line):
os.system('postconf -Me "{}"'.format(line))
for map_file in glob.glob("/overrides/*.map"):
destination = os.path.join("/etc/postfix", os.path.basename(map_file))
shutil.copyfile(map_file, destination)
os.system("postmap {}".format(destination))
if not os.path.exists("/etc/postfix/"):
with open("/etc/postfix/", "w") as f:
3 years ago
for domain in ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']:
os.system("postmap /etc/postfix/")
if "RELAYUSER" in os.environ:
path = "/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd"
conf.jinja("/conf/sasl_passwd", os.environ, path)
os.system("postmap {}".format(path))
# Run Podop and Postfix
os.system("/usr/libexec/postfix/post-install meta_directory=/etc/postfix create-missing")
# Before starting postfix, we need to check permissions on /queue
# in the event that postfix,postdrop id have changed
os.system("postfix set-permissions")
os.system("postfix start-fg")