Replace PUBLIC_HOSTNAME/IP in Received headers

This will ensure that we don't get spam points for not respecting the
Florent Daigniere
parent c5ff72d657
commit 8bc1d6c08b

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Remove the first line of the Received: header. Note that we cannot fully remove the Received: header
# because OpenDKIM requires that a header be present when signing outbound mail. The first line is
# where the user's home IP address would be.
/^\s*Received:[^\n]*(.*)/ REPLACE Received: from authenticated-user (PRIMARY_HOSTNAME [PUBLIC_IP])$1
/^\s*Received:[^\n]*(.*)/ REPLACE Received: from authenticated-user ({{OUTCLEAN}} [{{OUTCLEAN_ADDRESS}}])$1
# Remove other typically private information.
/^\s*User-Agent:/ IGNORE

@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ os.environ["FRONT_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("FRONT",
os.environ["ADMIN_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("ADMIN", "admin")
os.environ["ANTISPAM_MILTER_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("ANTISPAM_MILTER", "antispam:11332")
os.environ["LMTP_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("LMTP", "imap:2525")
os.environ["OUTCLEAN"] = os.environ["HOSTNAMES"].split(",")[0]
os.environ["OUTCLEAN_ADDRESS"] = system.resolve_hostname(os.environ["OUTCLEAN"])
for postfix_file in glob.glob("/conf/*.cf"):
conf.jinja(postfix_file, os.environ, os.path.join("/etc/postfix", os.path.basename(postfix_file)))

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Replace PUBLIC_HOSTNAME and PUBLIC_IP in "Received" headers to ensure that no undue spam points are attributed