Du kan inte välja fler än 25 ämnen Ämnen måste starta med en bokstav eller siffra, kan innehålla bindestreck ('-') och vara max 35 tecken långa.

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from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
import numpy as np
import random
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
class ImageCompareManageThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, name: str, candidate_desc: np.array, descriptors: dict, callback,
concurrent_threads: int = 10, samples: int = 100, dist_thresh: float = 80):
self.candidate_desc = candidate_desc
self.descriptors = descriptors
self.samples = samples
self.dist_thresh = dist_thresh
self.callback = callback
self.concurrent_threads = concurrent_threads
self.todo = []
self.threads = {}
self.searching = False
def run(self):
print("[{0}] Starting management ...".format(self.name))
self.searching = True
self.todo = list(self.descriptors.keys())
for i in range(self.concurrent_threads):
if len(self.todo) == 0:
key = self.todo.pop()
ict = ImageCompareThread(key, self.candidate_desc, self.descriptors[key][1],
self.samples, self.dist_thresh, self.finish_thread)
self.threads[key] = ict
while self.searching:
def finish_thread(self, name: str, hits: int):
self.callback(name, hits)
print("[{0}] finished with {1}".format(name, hits))
print("{0} jobs left ...".format(len(self.todo)))
if len(self.todo) > 0 and self.searching: # still work to do, start another thread
key = self.todo.pop()
ict = ImageCompareThread(key, self.candidate_desc, self.descriptors[key][1],
self.samples, self.dist_thresh, self.finish_thread)
self.threads[key] = ict
self.searching = False
class ImageCompareThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, name: str, candidate_desc: np.array, db_desc: np.array,
sample_size: int, dist_thresh: float, callback):
self.candidate_desc = candidate_desc
self.db_desc = db_desc
self.samples = sample_size
self.dist_thresh = dist_thresh
self.callback = callback
def run(self):
print("[{0}] starting ...".format(self.name))
hits = self.find_matching_keypoints(self.candidate_desc, self.db_desc,
self.samples, self.dist_thresh)
self.callback(self.name, hits)
def find_matching_keypoints(self, keypoints1: list, keypoints2: list,
sample_size: int, dist_thresh: float) -> int:
Find nearest neighbours for each point in keypoints1 in keypoints2.
Returns number of sufficiently matching keypoints
:param keypoints1:
:param keypoints2:
:param sample_size:
:param dist_thresh:
hits, sum = 0, 0
for i in range(len(keypoints1)):
hit, dist = self.has_matching_keypoint(keypoints1[i], keypoints2, dist_thresh)
if hit:
hits += 1
sum += dist
return hits
def __get_random_selection(self, l: list, num: int) -> list:
result = []
for k in range(num):
return result
def has_matching_keypoint(self, point: np.ndarray, points: list, max_dist: float) -> tuple:
Find nearest neighbour for point in points.
:param point:
:param points:
:param max_dist:
tree = KDTree(points)
dist, ind = tree.query([point], k=2)
dist = dist[0] # just resolving nested lists
#print("Distances:{0} Indexes:{1} MaxDist:{2}".format(dist, ind[0], max_dist))
if dist[0] <= max_dist: # second neighbour is found, valid hit
return True, dist[0]
return False, dist[0]