import os import cv2 from ImageComparator import ImageComparator from datetime import datetime class ImageDB: supported_file_extensions = [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"] def __init__(self, root_path: str, import_folder: str = "import", db_folder: str = "images", dump_folder: str = "duplicate", folder_sep: str = "/", samples: int = 100, dist_thresh: float = 80, match_thresh: float = 0.3, resize_dim: tuple = (500,500), threads: int = 2): self.start_time = self.root_path = root_path self.import_path = self.root_path + folder_sep + import_folder self.db_path = self.root_path + folder_sep + db_folder self.dump_path = self.root_path + folder_sep + dump_folder self.dir_sep = folder_sep log_file = self.root_path + self.dir_sep + "db_log.txt" self.imgcomp = ImageComparator(samples, dist_thresh, match_thresh, resize_dim, threads) if not os.path.isdir(self.root_path): os.mkdir(self.root_path) self.log("Created {0} because it was missing ...".format(self.root_path), False) if not os.path.isdir(self.import_path): os.mkdir(self.import_path) self.log("Created {0} because it was missing ...".format(self.import_path), False) if not os.path.isdir(self.db_path): os.mkdir(self.db_path) self.log("Created {0} because it was missing ...".format(self.db_path), False) if not os.path.isdir(self.dump_path): os.mkdir(self.dump_path) self.log("Created {0} because it was missing ...".format(self.dump_path), False) self.log_stream = open(log_file, "w") self.log("Calculating all features ...") self.picture_data = self.calc_db_features() self.log("Done!") def log(self, msg: str, log_to_file: bool = True): time = - self.start_time msg = "[{0}] {1}".format(time, msg) print(msg) if log_to_file: self.log_stream.write(msg+"\n") self.log_stream.flush() def process_all_images(self): for file_name in os.listdir(self.import_path): self.process_image(file_name) self.update_db_features() def process_image(self, img_name: str) -> bool: """ Processes a given image and decides if it is to be imported and then import or return. Assumes image to be inside the import folder. Indicates if it was imported via boolean :param img_name: :return: """ img_path = self.import_path + self.dir_sep + img_name if self.is_supported_file(img_path): result, matched, ratio = self.is_image_unique(img_path, self.picture_data) if not result: self.import_image(img_name) return True else: self.log("Matched {0} to {1} with ratio {2}".format(img_name, matched, ratio)) self.move_to_dump(img_name) return False def import_image(self, img_name: str): """ Import the given image into the database. Does no checks, just imports. :param img_name: image file name, assumed to be located inside the import folder :return: """ img_path = self.import_path + self.dir_sep + img_name dest_path = self.db_path + self.dir_sep + img_name if os.path.isfile(img_path): os.rename(img_path, dest_path) else: raise Exception("Image path has not been a valid file!") def move_to_dump(self, img_name: str): """ Move the given image to the dump folder. :param img_name: :return: """ img_path = self.import_path + self.dir_sep + img_name dest_path = self.dump_path + self.dir_sep + img_name if os.path.isfile(img_path): os.rename(img_path, dest_path) else: raise Exception("Image path has not been a valid file!") def is_image_unique(self, img_path: str, picture_data: dict) -> tuple: """ Check if the given image is already in the databank or not. :param img_path: :param picture_data: :return: """ if len(picture_data) == 0: return False, "", 0.0 result, matched, match = self.imgcomp.has_similar_match(img_path, self.db_path, picture_data) if result: return True, matched, match else: return False, "", 0.0 def calc_db_features(self) -> dict: """ Calculate keypoints for every image in the database :return: """ pictures = dict() for name in os.listdir(self.db_path): pic_path = self.db_path + self.dir_sep + name if not self.is_supported_file(pic_path): continue img = cv2.imread(pic_path) pictures[pic_path] = self.imgcomp.get_features(img) return pictures def update_db_features(self): """ Update the keypoint dictionary with only new image data :return: """ for name in os.listdir(self.db_path): pic_path = self.db_path + self.dir_sep + name if not self.is_supported_file(pic_path): continue if pic_path not in self.picture_data.keys(): self.log("New image {0}! Calculating features for memory...".format(name)) img = cv2.imread(pic_path) self.picture_data[pic_path] = self.imgcomp.get_features(img) self.log("Done!") def is_supported_file(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Returns if the given file has a valid picture file extension. :param path: :return: """ if os.path.isfile(path): for ext in ImageDB.supported_file_extensions: if ext in path.lower(): return True print("{0} is not a supported file format!".format(path)) return False def get_db_size(self) -> int: """ Return the number of images inside the databank :return: """ size = 0 for entry in os.listdir(self.db_path): if os.path.isfile(self.db_path+self.dir_sep+entry): size += 1 return size