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package peery.picture;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.HashMap;
import peery.file.FileHandler;
import peery.log.Log;
import peery.log.LogLevel;
public class ImageAnalyzer {
public BufferedImage target;
private FileHandler fh;
private Dimension /*biggestInputSize,*/ targetSize;
public int slotWidth, slotHeight, slotX, slotY;
public BufferedImage canvas;
public ImageAnalyzer(FileHandler fh){
this.fh = fh; = fh.loadImage(fh.TargetImageFile);
public void rasterizeTarget(int gridX, int gridY, float targetSizeMultiplier, double gridErrorThresh, int adaptionThreshhold, double adaptionStep){
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Rasterizing target image ...");
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Aiming for "+gridX+"*"+gridY+"="+(gridX*gridY)+" tiles ...");
//this.biggestInputSize = this.fh.loadBiggestDimension();
this.targetSize = new Dimension(,;
int count = 0;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#");
double realSlotWidth = ((targetSize.width*targetSizeMultiplier)/gridX);
double realSlotHeight = ((targetSize.height*targetSizeMultiplier)/gridY);
Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Perfect slot Size would be "+realSlotWidth+"x"+realSlotHeight);
double widthLoss = Math.abs(realSlotWidth - Double.parseDouble(df.format(realSlotWidth)));
double heightLoss = Math.abs(realSlotHeight - Double.parseDouble(df.format(realSlotHeight)));
if(widthLoss > gridErrorThresh || heightLoss > gridErrorThresh){
Log.log(LogLevel.Critical, "Grid misplacement error exceeded threshhold! Error is width:"+widthLoss+" height:"+heightLoss);
if(widthLoss > gridErrorThresh){
gridX *= adaptionStep;
if(heightLoss > gridErrorThresh){
gridY *= adaptionStep;
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "This is the "+(++count)+". adaption to ease the error.");
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Aiming for "+gridX+"*"+gridY+"="+(gridX*gridY)+" tiles ...");
if(count > adaptionThreshhold){
Log.log(LogLevel.Critical, "Could not adapt to grid misplacement error! The result might be cut off or missing parts!");
slotWidth = (int) ((targetSize.width*targetSizeMultiplier)/gridX);
slotHeight = (int) ((targetSize.height*targetSizeMultiplier)/gridY);
Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Target will be "+(int)(targetSize.width*targetSizeMultiplier)
+"x"+(int)(targetSize.height*targetSizeMultiplier)+" big.");
Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Slots are "+slotWidth+"x"+slotHeight+" big.");
slotX = gridX;
slotY = gridY;
//canvas = new BufferedImage((int)(targetSize.getWidth()*targetSizeMultiplier), (int)(targetSize.getHeight()*targetSizeMultiplier), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
canvas = new BufferedImage(slotWidth*gridX, slotHeight*gridY, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) canvas.getGraphics();
g2.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());
* Compares the given rgb value with the index and returns a HashMap of the closest hits.
* Unlikely to yield more than 1 result without deviationPercentage
* @param index
* @param rgb
* @param deviation How much the matches can be different from the perfect match, and still be taken.
* @return
public HashMap<String, Integer> matchClosestIndex(HashMap<String, Integer> index, int rgb, int deviation){
Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Searching for closest match for rgb:"+rgb+" in the index with deviation of "+deviation+".");
assert(deviation < 100 && 0 <= deviation);
if(index == null){
Log.log(LogLevel.Critical, "No Index was given for rgb matching. Loading it from file ...");
index = this.fh.loadIndex();
HashMap<String, Double> metrics = new HashMap<String, Double>();
double currBest = -1;
for(String key: index.keySet()){
double metric = getMetric(index.get(key), rgb);
metrics.put(key, metric);
if(currBest > metric || currBest == -1){
currBest = metric;
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Calculated all metrics for rgb:"+rgb+" !");
HashMap<String, Integer> matches = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for(String key: metrics.keySet()){
if(metrics.get(key) == currBest || metrics.get(key) < currBest+(currBest*(deviation/(double)100))){
matches.put(key, index.get(key));
Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Grabbed all good matches for rgb:"+rgb+" ! Got "+matches.size()+" ...");
return matches;
* Calculates the euclidian metric of two given rgb values.
* @param rgb1
* @param rgb2
* @return
private double getMetric(int rgb1, int rgb2){
ColorModel cm = ColorModel.getRGBdefault();
double result = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((cm.getRed(rgb1)-cm.getRed(rgb2)), 2)+
Math.pow(cm.getGreen(rgb1)-cm.getGreen(rgb2), 2)+
Math.pow(cm.getBlue(rgb1)-cm.getBlue(rgb2), 2));
return result;
* Places the given input in its specified slot (gridX, gridY) on the canvas.
* Assumes and checks boundaries calculated by rasterizeTarget().
* @param gridX
* @param gridY
* @param input
* @param canvas
* @return
public void placeImage(int gridX, int gridY, BufferedImage input){
assert(gridX < slotX && gridY < slotY);
assert(input.getWidth() < slotWidth && input.getHeight() < slotHeight);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)canvas.getGraphics();
g2.drawImage(input, gridX*slotWidth, gridY*slotHeight, slotWidth, slotHeight, null);
* Plain calculation of average Color of an Image via RGB.
* Takes average of RGB values of each pixel.
* Does not account for alpha.
* @param img Image to process
* @param alphaThreshhold value under which pixels are discarded
* @return RGB value of the average color
public int classifyImage(BufferedImage img, File file, int alphaTreshhold){
int width = img.getWidth();
int height = img.getHeight();
Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Starting classification of "+file.getName()+" with width:"+
width+" and height:"+height+" ...");
ColorModel cm = ColorModel.getRGBdefault();
float red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0;
int pixels = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < img.getWidth(); x++){
for(int y = 0; y < img.getHeight(); y++){
int rgb = img.getRGB(x, y);
red += cm.getRed(rgb);
blue += cm.getBlue(rgb);
green += cm.getGreen(rgb);
red = red/pixels;
green = green/pixels;
blue = blue/pixels;
int rgb = new Color((int)red, (int)green, (int)blue).getRGB();
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Classified "+file.getPath()+" with following rgb result: value:"+rgb+
" red:"+red+", green:"+green+", blue:"+blue);
return rgb;
public int classifySlot(int gridX, int gridY, BufferedImage target){
int slotWidth = target.getWidth()/slotX,
slotHeight = target.getHeight()/slotY;
BufferedImage subImage = target.getSubimage(gridX*slotWidth, gridY*slotHeight, slotWidth, slotHeight);
Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Slicing slot "+gridX+"x"+gridY+" out of the target for classification ...");
ColorModel cm = ColorModel.getRGBdefault();
float red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0;
int pixels = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < subImage.getWidth(); x++){
for(int y = 0; y < subImage.getHeight(); y++){
int rgb = subImage.getRGB(x, y);
red += cm.getRed(rgb);
green += cm.getGreen(rgb);
blue += cm.getBlue(rgb);
red = red/pixels;
green = green/pixels;
blue = blue/pixels;
int rgb = new Color((int)red, (int)green, (int)blue).getRGB();
Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Classified slot "+gridX+"x"+gridY+" with following rgb result: value:"+rgb+
" red:"+red+", green:"+green+", blue:"+blue);
return rgb;
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("ZHE DEBUG");
FileHandler fh = new FileHandler("/home/peery/Software_Projects/EclipseWorkspace/Picture Mosaic/resources");
ImageAnalyzer ia = new ImageAnalyzer(fh);
HashMap<String, Integer> index = fh.loadIndex();
for(File f: fh.InputImagesFolder.listFiles()){
BufferedImage img = fh.loadImage(f);
if(img == null){
int indexValue = ia.classifyImage(img, f, 30);
fh.appendToIndex(index, f, indexValue);
index = fh.loadIndex();
System.out.println(index.get("Larry the Tiger - Candy Shop Logo (Gift).png"));
System.out.println(ia.matchClosestIndex(index, -10744103, 5));
//BufferedImage img = ImageUtils.resizeImage(fh.loadImage(fh.InputImagesFolder.listFiles()[0]), new Dimension(500, 300), false);
//fh.saveImage(img, new File("/home/peery/Software_Projects/EclipseWorkspace/Picture Mosaic/resources/resize-test.png"));