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package peery;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import peery.file.FileHandler;
import peery.log.Log;
import peery.log.LogLevel;
import peery.picture.ImageAnalyzer;
public class Mosaic {
public static final String versionString = "Alpha-0.1";
private static final String outputName = "Output";
private static final int gridX = 100, gridY = 100, targetMulti = 4,
alphaThreshhold = 30,
adaptionCount = 300;
private static final double adaptionStep = 1.1, gridErrorThresh = 0.15;
* TODO improve performance during closest match search. -> Loads ALOT of images
* TODO investigate picture stretching -> is ImageUtils.resizeImage() even used?
* TODO investigate why so few slots are actually present, I specified way more! <---
* TODO alphaThreshhold is currently dead
public FileHandler fh;
public ImageAnalyzer ia;
public Mosaic(){
fh = new FileHandler("resources");
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Starting Mosaic "+versionString);
ia = new ImageAnalyzer(fh);
public void createMosaic(){
ia.rasterizeTarget(gridX, gridY, targetMulti, gridErrorThresh, adaptionCount, adaptionStep);
HashMap<String, Integer> index = fh.loadIndex();
//Loading index
if(index == null){
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "No index loaded. Working with empty one ...");
index = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
//Preparing Setup
ArrayList<String> fileList = fh.listInputFiles();
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Starting classification of Input now ...");
int count = 0;
for(String path: fileList){
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Processing file "+(count++)+"/"+fileList.size()+" ...");
File file = new File(path);
BufferedImage img = fh.loadImage(file);
if(img == null){
int rgb = ia.classifyImage(img, file, alphaThreshhold);
fh.appendToIndex(index, file, rgb);
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Finished classification. Index is ready for production. Reloading index ...");
index = fh.loadIndex();
Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Canvas is "+ia.canvas.getWidth()+"x"+ia.canvas.getHeight()+" big.");
Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Grid will span "+ia.slotWidth*gridX+"x"+ia.slotHeight*gridY+" .");
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Starting classification of target slots.");
count = 0;
int maxSlot = ia.slotX*ia.slotY;
int[][] slotRGBs = new int[ia.slotX][ia.slotY];
for(int x = 0; x < ia.slotX; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < ia.slotY; y++){
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Processing slot "+(count++)+"/"+maxSlot+" ...");
slotRGBs[x][y] = ia.classifySlot(x, y,;
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Finished classification of target slots.");
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Matching indexed Images on slots ...");
count = 0;
ArrayList<File> fileHolder = new ArrayList<File>();
ArrayList<BufferedImage> imgHolder = new ArrayList<BufferedImage>();
for(int x = 0; x < slotRGBs.length; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < slotRGBs[x].length; y++){
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Matching slot "+(count++)+"/"+maxSlot+" ...");
HashMap<String, Integer> matches = ia.matchClosestIndex(index, slotRGBs[x][y], 0);
String match = matches.keySet().toArray()[0].toString();
File file = new File(fh.InputImagesFolder+fh.fs+match);
BufferedImage plain = new BufferedImage(ia.slotWidth, ia.slotHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) plain.getGraphics();
g2.setColor(new Color(slotRGBs[x][y]));
g2.fillRect(0, 0, plain.getWidth(), plain.getHeight());
ia.placeImage(x, y, plain);
BufferedImage img;
img = fh.loadImage(file);
int i = fileHolder.indexOf(file);
img = imgHolder.get(i);
ia.placeImage(x, y, img);
Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "Finished matching. Output is done ...");
fh.saveImage(ia.canvas, new File(fh.OutputFolder+fh.fs+outputName+"-"+fh.OutputFolder.listFiles().length+".png"));
public static void main(String[] args){
new Mosaic();