package mosaic.picture.worker; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import; import java.util.HashMap; import mosaic.log.Log; import mosaic.log.LogLevel; import mosaic.picture.ImageAnalyzer; import mosaic.picture.ImageUtils; public class MatchWorker extends ImageAnalyzerWorker{ private int startCoord, endCoord, deviation; HashMap slotClassifications; HashMap index; public MatchWorker(ImageAnalyzer ia, String name, int startCoord, int endCoord, int deviation, HashMap slotClassifications, HashMap index){ super(ia, name); this.deviation = deviation; this.startCoord = startCoord; this.endCoord = endCoord; this.slotClassifications = slotClassifications; this.index = index; this.ia = ia; this.start(); } @Override public void run() { Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "["+this.getName()+"] has started its duty!"); HashMap fileMap = new HashMap(); for(int i = startCoord; i < endCoord; i++){ int[] coord = {i%ia.slotX, i/ia.slotX}; if(coord[0]+ia.preSlotWidth >= || coord[1]+ia.preSlotHeight >={ //Dirty FIX //This will inevitably land outside the Raster otherwise. I should prevent these Coords from the start //Log.log(LogLevel.Error, "Didn't classify "+coord[0]+" "+coord[1]); continue; } if(coord[0] == ia.slotX-1 || coord[1] == ia.slotY-1){ //Dirty Fix //for avoiding non-existant keys in the slotClassifications. continue; } if(index == null || slotClassifications.get(ImageUtils.parseCoord(coord)) == null){ //TODO remove Log.log(LogLevel.Error, "MatchWorker run() -> slotClassifications.get(ImageUtils.parseCoord(coord)==null"); Log.log(LogLevel.Error, "BRrrring"+slotClassifications.get(ImageUtils.parseCoord(coord))); Log.log(LogLevel.Error, "parsed: "+ImageUtils.parseCoord(coord)); Log.log(LogLevel.Error, "Unparsed: "+coord[0]+" "+coord[1]); Log.log(LogLevel.Error, ""); for(String key: slotClassifications.keySet()){ //Log.log(LogLevel.Error, key); } } HashMap matches = matchClosestIndex(index, slotClassifications.get(ImageUtils.parseCoord(coord)), deviation); Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "["+this.getName()+"] Matched "+matches.keySet().size()+" image(s) to slot "+i+" !"); File[] files = new File[matches.keySet().size()]; for(int n = 0; n < files.length; n++){ files[n] = new File(ia.fh.InputImagesFolder.getAbsolutePath()+ia.fh.fs+(String) matches.keySet().toArray()[n]); } fileMap.put(coord, files); } ia.addFileMaps(fileMap); Log.log(LogLevel.Info, "["+this.getName()+"] This worker has finished its chunk! Terminating ..."); } /** * Compares the given rgb value with the index and returns a HashMap of the closest hits. * Unlikely to yield more than 1 result without deviationPercentage * @param index * @param rgb * @param deviation How much the matches can be different from the perfect match, and still be taken. * @return */ public HashMap matchClosestIndex(HashMap index, int rgb, int deviation){ if(index == null){ System.out.println("Briiing!"); } Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Searching for closest match for rgb:"+rgb+" in the index with deviation of "+deviation+"."); assert(deviation < 100 && 0 <= deviation); if(index == null){ Log.log(LogLevel.Critical, "No Index was given for rgb matching. Exiting!"); return null; } HashMap metrics = new HashMap(); double currBest = -1; for(String key: index.keySet()){ double metric = getMetric(index.get(key), rgb); metrics.put(key, metric); if(currBest > metric || currBest == -1){ currBest = metric; } } Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Calculated all metrics for rgb:"+rgb+" !"); HashMap matches = new HashMap(); for(String key: metrics.keySet()){ if(metrics.get(key) == currBest || metrics.get(key) < currBest+(currBest*(deviation/(double)100))){ matches.put(key, index.get(key)); } } Log.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Grabbed all good matches for rgb:"+rgb+" ! Got "+matches.size()+" ..."); return matches; } /** * Calculates the euclidian metric of two given rgb values. * @param rgb1 * @param rgb2 * @return */ private double getMetric(int rgb1, int rgb2){ ColorModel cm = ColorModel.getRGBdefault(); double result = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((cm.getRed(rgb1)-cm.getRed(rgb2)), 2)+ Math.pow(cm.getGreen(rgb1)-cm.getGreen(rgb2), 2)+ Math.pow(cm.getBlue(rgb1)-cm.getBlue(rgb2), 2)); return result; } }