import requests import json from typing import List, Tuple from tests.createAPI.create_delete_artist import list_artists, create_artist_entries, delete_artist_entries from tests.createAPI.create_delete_presence import test_presence_entries, list_presences, create_presence_entries test_art_entries = [ {"hash": "hash1", "path": "artist1/image1", "title": "Image Title 1", "link": "http://localhost/artist1/image1.png", "presences": [(test_presence_entries[0]["name"], test_presence_entries[0]["domain"])]}, {"hash": "hash2", "path": "artist1/image2", "title": "Image Title 2", "link": "http://localhost/artist1/image2.png", "presences": [(test_presence_entries[1]["name"], test_presence_entries[1]["domain"])]}, {"hash": "hash3", "path": "artist2/image1", "title": "Image Title 3", "link": "http://localhost/artist2/image3.png", "presences": [(test_presence_entries[0]["name"], test_presence_entries[0]["domain"]), (test_presence_entries[1]["name"], test_presence_entries[1]["domain"])]}, ] def list_art(url: str, port: int): """ Return a list of all art known to the database :param url: :param port: :return: """ r = requests.get(f"http://{url}:{port}/artnet/metadata/art") if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Failed querying for art!") art = json.loads(r.text) return art def create_art_entries(url: str, port: int): """ Creates many art entries for testing purposes :param url: :param port: :return: """ for i in range(len(test_art_entries)): r = create_art(url, port, md5_hash=test_art_entries[i]["hash"], path=test_art_entries[i]["path"], title=test_art_entries[i]["title"], link=test_art_entries[i]["link"], presences=test_art_entries[i]["presences"]) if r.status_code != 200: print(f"Create Art Entry Test Nr.{i}: failed with {r.status_code} and reason {r.text}") raise Exception("Create Art Entry Test: FAILED") else: test_art_entries[i]["ID"] = json.loads(r.text)["id"] print("Created art entries: SUCCESS") def update_art_entries(url: str, port: int): for i in range(len(test_art_entries)): r = update_art(url, port, md5_hash=test_art_entries[i]["hash"]+"moreHash", path=test_art_entries[i]["path"]+"evenBetterPath", title=test_art_entries[i]["title"]+" updated", presences=test_art_entries[i]["presences"], art_id=test_art_entries[i]["ID"]) if r.status_code != 200: print(f"Update Art Entry Test Nr.{i}: failed with {r.status_code} and reason {r.text}") raise Exception("Update Art Entry Test: FAILED") for i in range(len(test_art_entries)): r = requests.get(f"http://{url}:{port}/artnet/metadata/art?id={test_art_entries[i]['ID']}") if json.loads(r.text)["title"].split(" ")[-1] != "updated": raise Exception("Update Art Entry Test: Failed (unexpected or no updated title)") if json.loads(r.text)["link"] != test_art_entries[i]["link"]: raise Exception("Update Art Entry Test: Failed (unexpected link)") print("Updated art entries: SUCCESS") def delete_art_entries(url: str, port: int): arts = list_art(url, port) for i in range(len(arts)): if "id" in arts[i].keys(): r = delete_art_by_id(url, port, art_id=arts[i]["id"]) else: try: r = delete_art_by_hash(url, port, md5_hash=arts[i]["hash"]) except ValueError: r = None if r is not None and r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(f"Could not delete the art! {r.status_code}, {r.text}") print("Deleted art entries: SUCCESS") def create_art(url: str, port: int, md5_hash: str, path: str, title: str, link: str, presences: List[Tuple[str, str]]): r ="http://{url}:{port}/artnet/metadata/art", json={"hash": md5_hash, "path": path, "title": title, "link": link, "presences": [{"name": presence[0], "domain": presence[1]} for presence in presences]}) return r def update_art(url: str, port: int, art_id: int, md5_hash: str = None, path: str = None, title: str = None, link: str = None, presences: List[Tuple[str, str]] = None): body = {} if md5_hash is not None: body["hash"] = md5_hash if path is not None: body["path"] = path if title is not None: body["title"] = title if link is not None: body["link"] = link if presences is not None: body["presences"] = [{"name": presence[0], "domain": presence[1]} for presence in presences] r ="http://{url}:{port}/artnet/metadata/art?id={art_id}", json=body) return r def delete_art_by_id(url: str, port: int, art_id: int): r = requests.delete(f"http://{url}:{port}/artnet/metadata/art?id={art_id}") return r def delete_art_by_hash(url: str, port: int, md5_hash: str): r1 = requests.get(f"http://{url}:{port}/artnet/metadata/art?hash={md5_hash}") if r1.status_code != 200: raise ValueError("Could not delete art because it could not be found!") data = json.loads(str(r1.text)) art_id = data['id'] r = requests.delete(f"http://{url}:{port}/artnet/metadata/art?id={art_id}") return r def run_art_test(url: str, port: int): print() print("----------------") print(f"Starting presence test with " f"({len(list_artists(url, port))}) artists, ({len(list_presences(url, port))}) presences, " f"({len(list_art(url, port))}) art!") print("Setting up artist and presences for the art test ...") create_artist_entries(url, port) create_presence_entries(url, port) print("Starting the art test ...") if len(list_art(url, port)) > 0: print("Deleting previous art entries of tests ...") delete_art_entries(url, port) print(f"Creating {len(test_art_entries)} art entries ...") create_art_entries(url, port) create_art_result = False if not len(list_art(url, port)) == 3 else True print(f"Found {len(list_art(url, port))} art entries!") if not create_art_result: print(f"Failure! Unexpected number of art entries!") print("Updating all art entries with new data ...") update_art_entries(url, port) update_art_result = True # given, the update function would raise an exception on error print(f"Found {len(list_art(url, port))} art entries!") # TODO write test for updating presence-art relation print("Deleting all art entries ...") delete_art_entries(url, port) delete_art_result = False if not len(list_art(url, port)) == 0 else True print(f"Found {len(list_art(url, port))} art entries!") print("Art test complete! Cleaning up setup ...") delete_artist_entries(url, port) print("----------------") print() return create_art_result, update_art_result, delete_art_result