-- Test Data for the DB -- Version 2.0 (2021-10-10) -- Art INSERT INTO ART (md5_hash, path, title, link, description) VALUES ('hash1', 'folderA/imageA.png', 'Image #0', '', 'Description of Image#0'), ('hash2', 'folderB/imageA.png', 'Image #1', '', 'Description of Image#1'), ('hash3', 'folderC/imageA.png', 'Image #2', '', 'Description of Image#2'), ('hash4', 'folderA/imageB.png', 'Image #3', '', 'Description of Image#3'), ('hash5', 'folderA/imageC.png', 'Image #4', '', 'Description of Image#4'); -- Artist INSERT INTO artist (name) VALUES ('Artist A'), ('Artist B'), ('Artist C'); -- Presence INSERT INTO presence (name, domain, link, artist_id) VALUES ('Presence A', 'Domain A', '', 1), ('Presence A', 'Domain B', '', 1), ('Presence B', 'Domain A', '', 2), ('Presence C', 'Domain A', '', 3); -- Art with Presence INSERT INTO art_to_presence (presence_name, presence_domain, art_id) VALUES ('Presence A', 'Domain A', 1), ('Presence A', 'Domain A', 2), ('Presence B', 'Domain A', 2), ('Presence A', 'Domain A', 3); -- Collection INSERT INTO art_collection (name, description) VALUES ('Collection #0', 'Description of Collection #0'), ('Collection #1', 'Description of Collection #1'), ('Collection #2', 'Description of Collection #2'); -- Art with Collections INSERT INTO art_to_art_collection (collection_id, art_id, ranking) VALUES (1, 1, 'sad'), (1, 2, 'sad2'), (1, 3, 'sad3'), (2, 1, 'bad'), (2, 5, 'bad1'), (2, 3, 'bad2'), (3, 1, 'dad'); -- Tag_Category INSERT INTO tag_category (name) VALUES ('Category #0'), ('Category #1'); -- Tags INSERT INTO tag (name, description, category_id) VALUES ('base tag #0', 'Description of tag #0', 1), ('imply tag #1', 'Desctiption of tag #1', 1), ('alias tag #2', 'Description of tag #2', 2), ('base tag #3', 'Description of tag #3', 1); -- Tag Implications INSERT INTO tag_implication (root_tag, implicate) VALUES (1, 2), (4, 2); -- Tag Alias INSERT INTO tag_alias (tag1, tag2) VALUES (1, 3); -- Art with Tags INSERT INTO art_to_tag (art_id, tag_id) VALUES (1, 1), (1, 4), (2, 1), (3, 2);