#Requires -Modules powershell-yaml param ( [string]$Chain = $env:CHAIN, [string]$Stacks = $env:STACKS ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' function Start-IptablesProcess { param ( [array]$ArgumentList ) $splat = @{ FilePath = 'iptables' ArgumentList = $ArgumentList Wait = $true PassThru = $true } Start-Process @splat } function Test-IptablesChain { param ( [string]$Chain, [string]$Table = 'nat' ) $output = iptables -t $Table -S $Chain $reference = '-N {0}' -f $Chain #check $output in case $Chain has no rules #otherwise check the first line with $output[0] $output.Count -gt 0 ` -and ($output -eq $reference ` -or ` $output[0] -eq $reference) } function Add-IptablesChain { param ( [string]$Chain, [string]$Table = 'nat' ) if(-not (Test-IptablesChain -Chain $Chain)) { iptables -t $Table -N $Chain } } function Test-IptablesRule { param ( [string]$Chain, [string]$Table = 'nat', [array]$Rule ) $argument_list = @( '-t' $Table '-C' $Chain )+$Rule $check = Start-IptablesProcess -ArgumentList $argument_list Write-Output ($check.ExitCode -eq 0) } function Add-IptablesRule { param ( [string]$Chain, [string]$Table = 'nat', [array]$Rule ) $argument_list = @( '-t' $Table '-I' $Chain )+$Rule if(-not (Test-IptablesRule -Chain $Chain -Rule $Rule)) { $add = Start-IptablesProcess -ArgumentList $argument_list if(0 -eq $add.ExitCode) { Write-Output $true } else { Write-Error 'Adding iptables rule failed' } } } function Get-DockerIngressAddress { param ( [string]$BridgeDevice = 'docker_gwbridge' ) $bridge = docker network inspect $BridgeDevice | ConvertFrom-Json $bridge.Containers.{ingress-sbox}.IPv4Address -replace '/.*' } # setup SWARM-NAT chain Write-Output ('Create chain {0}' -f $Chain) Add-IptablesChain -Chain $Chain $chain_rule = @( '-m','addrtype' '--dst-type','LOCAL' '-j',$Chain ) Add-IptablesRule -Chain 'PREROUTING' -Rule $chain_rule Add-IptablesRule -Chain 'OUTPUT' -Rule $chain_rule $ingress_address = Get-DockerIngressAddress foreach($yaml in (Get-ChildItem -Path $Stacks -Include '*.yml','*.yaml' -Recurse)) { Write-Output ('Processing {0}' -f $yaml) $definition = Get-Content -Path $yaml -Raw | ConvertFrom-Yaml foreach($port in $definition.services.Values.ports) { $nat = @{ protocol = $null ip = $null port = $null published_port = $null } if($port.Count -eq 4) { #long form $published_splitted = $port.published -split ':' $nat.protocol = $port.protocol $nat.ip = $published_splitted[0] $nat.port = $port.target $nat.published_port = $published_splitted[1] } else { #short form $ports_splitted = $port -split ':' $nat.ip = $ports_splitted[0] $nat.port = $ports_splitted[2] $nat.published_port = $ports_splitted[1] } if(!$nat.protocol) { #this is also Docker's default $nat.protocol = 'tcp' } if($nat.Values -contains $null) { #if $nat doesn't conatain all needed attributes skip the port $error_message = 'Skipping port, because $nat contains $null: {0}' ` -f ($nat | ConvertTo-Json) Write-Error -Message $error_message ` -ErrorAction Continue continue } if($nat.published_port -ne $nat.port) { Write-Output ('Additional NAT rule required, because published_port {0} and target {1} differ' ` -f $nat.published_port,$nat.port) Write-Output ('Add rule for {0}:{1}' -f $nat.ip,$nat.port) $rule = @( '-p','tcp' '-m','tcp' '--destination',$nat.ip '--dport',$nat.port '-j','DNAT' '--to-destination','"{0}:{1}"' -f $ingress_address,$nat.published_port ) Add-IptablesRule -Chain $Chain -Rule $rule } } }