const commands = require('./commands.js'); const fs = require('fs'); const remoteExec = require('./remoteExec.js'); const sdk = require('matrix-js-sdk'); const yaml = require('js-yaml'); global.config = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync('config.yaml')); global.matrixClient = sdk.createClient({ baseUrl: config.matrix.baseurl, accessToken: config.matrix.accesstoken, userId: config.matrix.userid }); // Autojoin for the bot (keep commented out when not needed to prevent abuse) /*matrixClient.on('RoomMember.membership', function(event, member) { if(member.membership === 'invite' && member.userId === userid) { matrixClient.joinRoom(member.roomId).done(function() { console.log('Auto-joined %s', member.roomId); }); } });*/ //captures unhandled rejections for easier debugging process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason) => { console.log('Reason: ' + reason); }); matrixClient.on('Room.timeline', function(event, room, resetTimeline) { if(resetTimeline) { return; } if(event.getType() !== '') { return; } const body = event.getContent().body; commands.expandCommand(body, commands.projects) .then((expansion) => { let subcommand = commands.projects[expansion.project][expansion.service][expansion.subcommand]; const args = expansion.args.match(subcommand.regex); if(args === null && !subcommand.regex.test(expansion.args)) { matrixClient.sendNotice(room.roomId, 'usage: ' + subcommand.usage); return; } subcommand.exec(args, room, event); }, (fail) => { // command not found let tmp = commands.suggestFix(body, commands.projects); if(tmp !== null){ //when the regex matches nothing let suggestions = ""; for(let i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++){ suggestions += "\n"+tmp[i]; } matrixClient.sendNotice(room.roomId, 'Unrecognized command.\n' + 'Did you mean:'+suggestions); } }); }); matrixClient.startClient();