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94 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
Takes a screenshot and puts the URL into the clipboard
Uses grim and slurp to create a screenshot and uploads it into a matrix content repository.
A GETable URL is placed into the clipboard via wl-copy and optionally sent to the specified room.
Example config at $HOME/.config/matrix-screenshot.ps1:
$roomId = '!'
$accessToken = 'NotaReALaCceSSTOk3n'
$homeserverUrl = ''
param (
# Takes a fullscreen screenshot instead of selecting an area.
# import config
$config = Import-Clixml (Join-Path $env:HOME '.config/nextcloud-screenshot.xml')
$tmp = New-TemporaryFile
$tmpPath = $tmp.FullName
$webpPath = $tmpPath -replace 'tmp$','webp'
if ($Fullscreen) {
grim $tmpPath
} else {
grim -g $(slurp) $tmpPath
if ((Get-Item $tmpPath).Length -eq 0) {
Remove-Item $tmpPath
throw ('Temp file "{0}" is empty' -f $tmpPath)
magick $tmpPath $webpPath
Remove-Item $tmpPath
if ((Get-Item $webpPath).Length -eq 0) {
Remove-Item $webpPath
throw ('WebP file "{0}" is empty' -f $webpPath)
$webpName = (Split-Path -Leaf $webpPath)
$nextcloudPath = $config.Path + '/' + $webpName
$uploadSplat = @{
Authentication = 'Basic'
Credential = $config.Credential
Method = 'Put'
Uri = '{0}/remote.php/dav/files/{1}/{2}' -f $config.BaseUrl,$config.Credential.UserName,$nextcloudPath
InFile = $webpPath
try {
Invoke-RestMethod @uploadSplat
} catch {
Remove-Item $webpPath
throw $_
$shareSplat = @{
Authentication = 'Basic'
Credential = $config.Credential
Header = @{
'OCS-APIRequest' = 'true' #
Method = 'Post'
Uri = $config.BaseUrl + '/ocs/v2.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares'
Body = @{
path = $nextcloudPath
shareType = 3 # public link
permissions = 1 # read
try {
$share = Invoke-RestMethod @shareSplat
} catch {
Remove-Item $webpPath
throw $_
$ + '/preview' | wl-copy --trim-newline
notify-send 'Screenshot URL in clipboard' --expire-time=1000
Remove-Item $webpPath