You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

164 lines
4.8 KiB

param (
$DataSource = './Gesamtergebnis-Gemeinderatswahl-2019_stripped.csv'
function Get-OverpassStreet {
param (
if (!$cache.$Name) {
$query = @'
<query into="_" type="area">
<has-kv k="name" modv="" v="Öhringen"/>
<query into="_" type="way">
<has-kv k="name" modv="" v="{0}"/>
<union into="_">
<item from="_" into="_"/>
<recurse type="way-node"/>
<print e="" from="_" geometry="skeleton" ids="yes" limit="" mode="body" n="" order="id" s="" w=""/>
'@ -f $Name
$overpassSplat = @{
Method = 'Post'
Uri = ''
Body = $query
$cache.$Name = Invoke-RestMethod @overpassSplat
if (Test-Path ./cache.xml) {
$cache = Import-Clixml ./cache.xml
} else {
$cache = @{}
$data = Import-Csv $DataSource
$greenParty = ($data[0].PSObject.Properties.Name -like '*Grüne*')[0]
$dataMeasure = $data.$greenParty
| Where-Object {$_ -match '%$'}
| ForEach-Object {$_ -replace '%$'}
| Measure-Object -Minimum -Maximum
$minimumResultValue = $dataMeasure.Minimum
$maximumResultValue = $dataMeasure.Maximum
# nested array instead of hashtable, because hashtable keys are case-insensitive
$replacementList = @(
,('Elstarweg ','Elstarweg')
$featureList = Import-Csv ./polling_stations.csv
| Sort-Object -Unique Strassenname
| Group-Object Concat
| ForEach-Object {
$pollingStation = $_
$electionResultObject = $data | Where-Object Description -eq $pollingStation.Name
if ($electionResultObject) {
# form into an array for easier handling and to preserve sorting
$electionResultArray = $electionResultObject.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Name -ne 'Description') {
Party = $_.Name
ResultValue = [decimal](($_.Value -eq '-' ? 0 : $_.Value) -replace '%$')
Formatted = $_.Value
} | Sort-Object -Descending ResultValue
Write-Host $pollingStation.Name
$electionResultString = ($electionResultArray | ForEach-Object {
$_.Formatted + "`t" + $_.Party
}) -join "`n"
$greenResultValue = ($electionResultArray | Where-Object Party -eq $greenParty).ResultValue
$colorGreen = (($greenResultValue - $minimumResultValue) * (100 - 220)) / ($maximumResultValue - $minimumResultValue) + 220
$color = "rgb(0, $colorGreen, 0)"
$opacity = (($greenResultValue - $minimumResultValue) * (1.0 - 0.4)) / ($maximumResultValue - $minimumResultValue) + 0.4
} else {
$electionResultString = 'no data available'
$opacity = 0.5
$color = '#ff00ff'
$umapOptiones = [PSCustomObject]@{
color = $color
weight = 10
opacity = $opacity
$pollingStation.Group | ForEach-Object {
$street = $_.Strassenname
foreach ($replacement in $replacementList) {
$street = $street.Replace($replacement[0], $replacement[1])
$description = $street
$description += "`n`n"
$description += $electionResultString
$overpassResult = Get-OverpassStreet -Name $street
if (!$overpassResult.osm.way.nd) {
Write-Error ('way "{0}" for polling station "{1}" probably not found' -f $street,$
$overpassResult.osm.way | ForEach-Object {
$coordinateList = $_.nd.ref | ForEach-Object {
| Where-Object id -eq $_
| ForEach-Object{
type = 'Feature'
properties = [PSCustomObject]@{
_umap_options = $umapOptiones
name = $pollingStation.Name
description = $description
geometry = [PSCustomObject]@{
type = 'LineString'
coordinates = $coordinateList
$output = [PSCustomObject]@{
type = 'FeatureCollection'
features = $featureList
$output | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 | Out-File output.geojson
$cache | Export-Clixml ./cache.xml