character name: skamos random class: fighter champion race: tiefling level: 3 background: urchin alignment: chaotic neutral experience points: 0 --- stats: +4 (19) str +2 (15) dex +2 (15) con +1 (10+1) int +1 (12) wis +2 (10+2) cha 0 inspiration +2 proficiency bonus saving throws: +6 *str +2 dex +5 *con +1 int +1 wis +2 cha skills: +2 acrobatics (dex) +1 animal Handling (wis) +1 arcana (int) +4 athletics (str) +2 deception (cha) +1 history (int) +1 insight (wis) +4 *intimidation (cha) +1 investigation (int) +1 medicine (wis) +1 nature (int) +1 perception (+passive wisdom) (wis) +2 performance (cha) +2 persuasion (cha) +1 religion (int) +4 *sleight of hand (dex) +4 *stealth (dex) +3 *survival (wis) passive wisdom (perception) 11 (10+wis) other proficiencies & languages: all armor, shields simple weapons, martial weapons common, infernal disguise kit, thieves' tools --- 16 armor class +2 initiative 30 speed 35 hit point maximum 35 current hit points 0 temp hit points 1d10 hit dice per fighter level attacks & spellcasting: flail +6 1d8 bludgeoning +6 dmg (dueling) (more grip because of chain at the bottom of the handle) whip +2 1d4 slashing finesse, reach +2 dmg (dueling) +dex/str heavy crossbow +4 1d10 piercing +2 dmg equipment: 150 CP 143 SP 0 EP 191 GP 0 PP 20 bolts 9 explosive bolts 1 potion of healing chain mail crowbar hammer 10 pitons 9 torches 1 pointy torch tinderbox 10 rations waterskin 40 ft hempen rope small knife pet mouse (henry) Ring of Spell Storing (enchanted with lvl 2 Armor of Agathys) morningstar (enchanted with sword burst) --- personality traits: I sleep with my back to a wall or tree, with everything I own wrapped in a bundle in my arms. ideals: Change. The low are lifted up, and the high and mighty are brought down. Change is the nature of things. (Chaotic) bonds: I escaped my life of poverty by robbing an important person, and I'm wanted for it. flaws: It's not stealing if I need it more than someone else. features & traits: dueling (+2 bonus dmg with only one handed weapon) action surge (short rest) second wind (once per encounter) ability score increase (+1 int, +2 cha) darkvision hellish resistance (fire damage resistance) city secrets improved critical (19 also crits) --- cantrips: thaumaturgy (tiefling trait) lvl2 spells: hellish rebuke (long rest)