skamos lvl 3 session 4

* arrived in the morning
 * met hokkar and asked him about wolves
 * slept in the tavern
 * got quest from mayor to kill ghouls until next morning
   600g if it's before 5 a.m.
   400g if it's after 5 a.m.
 * went shopping
 * adventured into a dungeon
 * zombies are really tough sometimes
 * found some gold and gems :)

heading deeper into the dungeon ...
lub 5 years ago
parent b397eb6724
commit 6575939ebf

@ -76,19 +76,22 @@ disguise kit, thieves' tools
30 speed
30 hit point maximum
30 current hit points
3 temp hit points
26 current hit points
0 temp hit points
1d10 hit dice per fighter level
attacks & spellcasting:
flail +5 1d8 bludgeoning +5 dmg (dueling)
whip +2 1d4 slashing finesse, reach +2 dmg (dueling) +dex/str
light crossbow +4 1d8 piercing +2 dmg
heavy crossbow +4 1d10 piercing +2 dmg
5 CP 10 SP 0 EP 235 GP 0 PP
150 CP 145 SP 0 EP 193 GP 0 PP
20 bolts
10 explosive bolts
1 potion of healing
chain mail
@ -119,7 +122,7 @@ It's not stealing if I need it more than someone else.
features & traits:
dueling (+2 bonus dmg with only one handed weapon)
action surge
action surge (short rest)
second wind
ability score increase (+1 int, +2 cha)
