Alexander Graf 8b1eb020e2
Put IPv6 address in brackets
flavors/compose Put IPv6 address in brackets
static By default disable the API in the setup utility.
templates By default disable the API in the setup utility.
.env Revert accidental setup commits and fix code/pre tags
Dockerfile Move it to base since admin will also use it Fix a bunch of typos
docker-compose.yml Revert accidental setup commits and fix code/pre tags Rename the config dir to setup Re-add flavor and steps to wizard.

Adding more flavors/steps

(Everything will go under setup/ directory - using Kubernetes flavor as example)

Until this point, the app is working as it follows:

  • when accessing the setup page it will display the flavors selection step (templates/steps/flavor.html)
  • after you choose your desired flavor it will iterate over the files in the flavor directory and building the page (templates/steps/config.html is general for all flavors)
  • when you complete all required fields and press "Setup Mailu" button it will redirect you to the setup page (flavors/choosen-flavor/setup.html)

To add a new flavor you need to create a directory under templates/steps/ in which you are adding actual steps. Eg: Adding a WIP step we'll create templates/steps/kubernetes/wip.html

Note that wizard.html is iterating over files in this directory and building the page. Files are prefixed with a number for sorting purposes.

wip.html will start with

{% call macros.panel("info", "Step X - Work in progress") %}

and end with

{% endcall %}

You store variable from front-page using the name attribute inside tag. In the example below the string entered in the input field is stored in the variable named var_test

<input type="text" name="var_test">

In order to use the variable further you use it like {{ var_test }}

In the setup page (flavors/kubernetes/setup.html) you can add steps by importing macros

{% import "macros.html" as macros %}

and start and end every step with

{% call macros.panel("info", "Step X - Title") %}
{% endcall %}

Generating a file

Create the file template in flavors/kubernetes/ (eg. file.txt) in which you save your variables

ROOT = {{ root }}
MY_VAR = {{ var_test }}

When you submit to Setup Mailu the file will be generated. In order to get the file add the following command to setup.html

<p>curl {{ url_for('.file', uid=uid, filepath='file.txt', _external=True) }} > file.txt</p>