{% set env='mailu.env' %} # This file is auto-generated by the Mailu configuration wizard. # Please read the documentation before attempting any change. version: '2' services: # External dependencies redis: image: redis:alpine restart: always volumes: - "$ROOT/redis:/data" # Core services front: image: mailu/nginx:{{ version }} restart: always env_file: {{ env }} env: - TLS_FLAVOR={{ tls_flavor or 'letsencrypt' }} - ADMIN={{ expose_admin or 'no' }} ports: {% for port in (80, 443, 25, 465, 587, 110, 995, 143, 993) %} {% if bind4 %} - "$PUBLIC_IPV4:{{ port }}:{{ port }}" {% endif %} {% if bind6 %} - "$PUBLIC_IPV6:{{ port }}:{{ port }}" {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if flavor in ('cert', 'mail') %} volumes: - "$ROOT/certs:/certs" {% endif %} admin: image: mailu/admin:{{ version }} restart: always env_file: {{ env }} {% if not expose_admin %} ports: - {% endif %} volumes: - "$ROOT/data:/data" - "$ROOT/dkim:/dkim" depends_on: - redis imap: image: mailu/dovecot:{{ version }} restart: always env_file: {{ env }} volumes: - "$ROOT/data:/data" - "$ROOT/mail:/mail" - "$ROOT/overrides:/overrides" depends_on: - front smtp: image: mailu/postfix:{{ version }} restart: always env_file: {{ env }} volumes: - "$ROOT/data:/data" - "$ROOT/overrides:/overrides" depends_on: - front # Optional services {% if enable_antispam %} antispam: image: mailu/rspamd:{{ version }} restart: always env_file: {{ env }} volumes: - "$ROOT/filter:/var/lib/rspamd" - "$ROOT/dkim:/dkim" - "$ROOT/overrides/rspamd:/etc/rspamd/override.d" depends_on: - front {% endif %} {% if enable_antivirus %} antivirus: image: mailu/clamav:{{ version }} restart: always env_file: {{ env }} volumes: - "$ROOT/filter:/data" {% endif %} {% if enable_webdav %} webdav: image: mailu/radivale:{{ version }} restart: always env_file: {{ env }} volumes: - "$ROOT/dav:/data" {% endif %} {% if enable_fetchmail %} fetchmail: image: mailu/fetchmail:{{ version }} restart: always env_file: {{ env }} volumes: - "$ROOT/data:/data" {% endif %} # Webmail {% if enable_webmail %} webmail: image: mailu/{{ webmail }}:{{ version }} restart: always env_file: {{ env }} volumes: - "$ROOT/webmail:/data" depends_on: - imap {% endif %}