#!/bin/bash function dump() { echo "$(date) Dumping certificates" bash dumpcerts.sh /traefik/acme.json /tmp/work/ for crt_file in $(ls /tmp/work/certs/*); do pem_file=$(echo $crt_file | sed 's/certs/pem/g' | sed 's/.crt/-public.pem/g') echo "openssl x509 -inform PEM -in $crt_file > $pem_file" openssl x509 -inform PEM -in $crt_file > $pem_file done for key_file in $(ls /tmp/work/private/*); do pem_file=$(echo $key_file | sed 's/private/pem/g' | sed 's/.key/-private.pem/g') echo "openssl rsa -in $key_file -text > $pem_file" openssl rsa -in $key_file -text > $pem_file done echo "$(date) Copying certificates" cp -v /tmp/work/pem/${DOMAIN}-private.pem /output/key.pem cp -v /tmp/work/pem/${DOMAIN}-public.pem /output/cert.pem } mkdir -p /tmp/work/pem /tmp/work/certs # run once on start to make sure we have any old certs dump while true; do inotifywait -e modify /traefik/acme.json && \ dump done