{% call macros.panel("info", "Step 1 - pick a flavor") %} <p>Mailu comes in multiple "flavors". It was originally designed to run on top of Docker Compose but now offers multiple options including Docker Stack, Rancher, Kubernetes.</p> <p>Please note that "official" support, that is provided by the most active developpers, will mostly cover Compose and Stack, while other flavors are maintained by specific contributors.</p> <div class="radio"> {{ macros.radio("flavor", "compose", "Compose", "simply using Docker Compose manager") }} {{ macros.radio("flavor", "stack", "Stack", "using stack deployments in a Swarm cluster") }} {{ macros.radio("flavor", "rancher", "Rancher", "on top of the Rancher container manager") }} {{ macros.radio("flavor", "kubernetes", "Kubernetes", "on top of the Kubernetes container manager") }} </div> {% endcall %}