FROM alpine:3.8 # python3 shared with most images RUN apk add --no-cache \ python3 py3-pip \ && pip3 install --upgrade pip # Shared layer between rspamd, postfix, dovecot, unbound and nginx RUN pip3 install jinja2 # Image specific layers under this line RUN apk add --no-cache \ postgresql postgresql-libs \ && apk add --virtual .build-deps gcc musl-dev postgresql-dev python3-dev \ && pip3 install psycopg2 anosql \ && apk --purge del .build-deps COPY / COPY conf /conf ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 EXPOSE 5432 RUN mkdir -p /run/postgresql && chown -R postgres:postgres /run/postgresql && chmod 2777 /run/postgresql CMD /