import sys import os import time import datetime import docker from colorama import Fore, Style import subprocess # Declare variables for service name and sleep time test_name=sys.argv[1] timeout=int(sys.argv[2]) test_path="tests/compose/" + test_name + "/" compose_file=test_path + "docker-compose.yml" client = docker.APIClient(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock') containers = [] # Stop containers def stop(exit_code): print_logs() sys.stdout.flush() print(subprocess.check_output("docker-compose -f " + compose_file + " down", shell=True).decode()) sys.exit(exit_code) def health_checks(deadline): exit_code = 0 #Iterating trough all containers dictionary for container in client.containers(all=True): #Perform "docker container inspect" on container based on container ID and save output to a dictionary container_inspect = client.inspect_container(container['Id']) #Dict if "Health" in container_inspect['State'].keys(): if container_inspect['State']['Health']['Status'] == "healthy": print(Fore.GREEN + "Health status for " + container_inspect['Name'].replace("/", "") + " : " + Fore.CYAN + container_inspect['State']['Health']['Status'] + Style.RESET_ALL) if container_inspect['State']['Health']['Status'] != "healthy": print(Fore.RED + "Container " + container_inspect['Name'].replace("/", "") + " is " + Fore.YELLOW + container_inspect['State']['Health']['Status'] + Fore.RED + ", FailingStreak: " + Fore.YELLOW + str(container_inspect['State']['Health']['FailingStreak']) + Fore.RED + ", Log: " + Fore.YELLOW + str(container_inspect['State']['Health']['Log']) + Style.RESET_ALL) exit_code = 1 else: if container_inspect['State']['Status'] == "running": print(Fore.GREEN + "Running status for " + container_inspect['Name'].replace("/", "") + " : " + Fore.BLUE + container_inspect['State']['Status'] + Style.RESET_ALL) if container_inspect['State']['Status'] != "running": print(Fore.RED + "Container " + container_inspect['Name'].replace("/", "") + " state is: " + Fore.YELLOW + container_inspect['State']['Status'] + Style.RESET_ALL) exit_code = 1 #Saving Id, Name and state to a new dictionary containers_dict = {} containers_dict['Name'] = container_inspect['Name'].replace("/", "") containers_dict['Id'] = container_inspect['Id'] containers_dict['State'] = container_inspect['State'] #Adding the generated dictionary to a list containers.append(containers_dict) if exit_code == 0: return True elif exit_code != 0 and deadline > stop(exit_code) def print_logs(): print("Printing logs ...") #Iterating through docker container inspect list and print logs for container in containers: print(Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + "Printing logs for: " + Fore.GREEN + container['Name'] + Style.RESET_ALL) sys.stdout.flush() print(subprocess.check_output('docker container logs ' + container['Name'], shell=True).decode()) #Iterating over hooks in test folder and running them def hooks(): print(Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + "Running hooks" + Style.RESET_ALL) for test_file in sorted(os.listdir(test_path)): try: if test_file.endswith(".py"): sys.stdout.flush() print(subprocess.check_output("python3 " + test_path + test_file, shell=True).decode()) elif test_file.endswith(".sh"): sys.stdout.flush() print(subprocess.check_output("./" + test_path + test_file, shell=True).decode()) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: sys.stderr.write("[ERROR]: output = %s, error code = %s\n" % (e.output.decode(), e.returncode)) stop(1) # Start up containers sys.stdout.flush() print(subprocess.check_output("docker-compose -f " + compose_file + " up -d", shell=True).decode()) print() print(Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + "Sleeping for 10s" + Style.RESET_ALL) time.sleep(10) print() sys.stdout.flush() print(subprocess.check_output("docker ps -a", shell=True).decode()) print() while not health_checks(deadline): print(Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + "Sleeping for 10s" + Style.RESET_ALL) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(10) print() hooks() print() stop(0)