#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time import os from pathlib import Path from pwd import getpwnam import tempfile import shlex import subprocess import re import requests from socrate import system import sys import traceback FETCHMAIL = """ fetchmail -N \ --idfile /data/fetchids --uidl \ --pidfile /dev/shm/fetchmail.pid \ --sslcertck --sslcertpath /etc/ssl/certs \ -f {} """ RC_LINE = """ poll "{host}" proto {protocol} port {port} user "{username}" password "{password}" is "{user_email}" smtphost "{smtphost}" {folders} {options} {lmtp} """ def extract_host_port(host_and_port, default_port): host, _, port = re.match('^(.*?)(:([0-9]*))?$', host_and_port).groups() return host, int(port) if port else default_port def escape_rc_string(arg): return "".join("\\x%2x" % ord(char) for char in arg) def fetchmail(fetchmailrc): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as handler: handler.write(fetchmailrc.encode("utf8")) handler.flush() command = FETCHMAIL.format(shlex.quote(handler.name)) output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True) return output def run(debug): try: os.environ["SMTP_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("SMTP", "smtp") os.environ["ADMIN_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("ADMIN", "admin") fetches = requests.get(f"http://{os.environ['ADMIN_ADDRESS']}/internal/fetch").json() smtphost, smtpport = extract_host_port(os.environ["SMTP_ADDRESS"], None) if smtpport is None: smtphostport = smtphost else: smtphostport = "%s/%d" % (smtphost, smtpport) os.environ["LMTP_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("LMTP", "imap:2525") lmtphost, lmtpport = extract_host_port(os.environ["LMTP_ADDRESS"], None) if lmtpport is None: lmtphostport = lmtphost else: lmtphostport = "%s/%d" % (lmtphost, lmtpport) for fetch in fetches: fetchmailrc = "" options = "options antispam 501, 504, 550, 553, 554" options += " ssl" if fetch["tls"] else "" options += " keep" if fetch["keep"] else " fetchall" folders = "folders %s" % ((','.join('"' + item + '"' for item in fetch['folders'])) if fetch['folders'] else '"INBOX"') fetchmailrc += RC_LINE.format( user_email=escape_rc_string(fetch["user_email"]), protocol=fetch["protocol"], host=escape_rc_string(fetch["host"]), port=fetch["port"], smtphost=smtphostport if fetch['scan'] else lmtphostport, username=escape_rc_string(fetch["username"]), password=escape_rc_string(fetch["password"]), options=options, folders=folders, lmtp='' if fetch['scan'] else 'lmtp', ) if debug: print(fetchmailrc) try: print(fetchmail(fetchmailrc)) error_message = "" except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: error_message = error.output.decode("utf8") # No mail is not an error if not error_message.startswith("fetchmail: No mail"): print(error_message) user_info = "for %s at %s" % (fetch["user_email"], fetch["host"]) # Number of messages seen is not a error as well if ("messages" in error_message and "(seen " in error_message and user_info in error_message): print(error_message) finally: requests.post("http://" + os.environ["ADMIN_ADDRESS"] + "/internal/fetch/{}".format(fetch["id"]), json=error_message.split("\n")[0] ) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() if __name__ == "__main__": id_fetchmail = getpwnam('fetchmail') Path('/data/fetchids').touch() os.chown("/data/fetchids", id_fetchmail.pw_uid, id_fetchmail.pw_gid) os.chown("/data/", id_fetchmail.pw_uid, id_fetchmail.pw_gid) os.chmod("/data/fetchids", 0o700) os.setgid(id_fetchmail.pw_gid) os.setuid(id_fetchmail.pw_uid) while True: time.sleep(int(os.environ.get("FETCHMAIL_DELAY", 60))) run(os.environ.get("DEBUG", None) == "True") sys.stdout.flush()