Development environment


Before any partaking in development, you will need to fork the Mailu repository on GitHub.
For this you will need a `GitHub`_ account. GitHub has excellent documentation on:

#. How to `fork a repo`_ and set upstream (Mailu);
#. Keeping your fork `synced`_;
#. Sending a `pull request`_.

Working on Mailu usually requires you to clone (download) your fork to your work station and
create a branch. From here you can work on Mailu. When done, create a commit and push the
branch to your GitHub repository. Then, on GitHub you can create a "pull request".
Please make sure you have read the :ref:`git_workflow` section of the *Development guidelines*
before submitting any pull requests.

.. note:: It is strongly advised to **never** modify the ``master`` branch of your fork.
  This will make it impossible to sync your fork with upstream and creating new (and clean)
  branches! This includes never merging other branches from yourself or other users into your
  ``master``. If you want to do that, create a separate branch for it.

Short work flow example

.. code-block:: bash

  git clone<YOUR_USERNAME>/Mailu.git
  cd Mailu
  git add remote upstream
  git checkout -b fix-something master

Work on the code as desired. Before doing a commit, you should at least build
and run the containers. Keep reading this guide for more information. After this,
continue to commit and send a PR.

.. code-block:: bash

  git commit -a
  #Enter commit message in editor, save and close.
  git push --set-upstream origin fix-something

Now you can go to your GitHub page, select the new branch and "send pull request".

Updating your fork

The Mailu ``master`` branch is an ever evolving target. It is important that newly
created branches originate from the latest ``upstream/master``. In order to do so, you will
need to `sync your fork`__:

.. code-block:: bash

  git fetch --all
  git checkout master
  git merge upstream/master

If you kept your master branch clean, this should fast-forward it to the latest upstream version.
Likewise, if you worked on your branch for a longer amount of time, it is advised to merge the
latest ``upstream/master`` into the branch.

.. code-block:: bash

  git checkout my-old-branch
  git merge upstream/master

Now, git won't fast forward but write a merge commit. Typically you can accept the commit message
presented. Read the output if there are any merge conflicts. In ``git status`` you can find the files
that need editing to have the desired contents. Also, it will tell you how to mark them as resolved.

Optionally, you can ``git push`` after any of above merges to propagate them to GitHub.

__ `synced`_

Bad habits

Some bad habits from users that we are sometimes confronted with. Please refrain yourself from:

- ``git reset REF`` and ``git push --force`` after submitting a PR.
- Merge a branch (other then master) into yours and submitting a PR before that other branch got
  merged into master. It will cause you to submit commits someone else wrote and are probably outside
  the subject of your PR. (There are valid cases however, but take care!)
- ``git reset REF`` after merging ``upstream/master`` into your branch. It will unstage **all**
  changed files that where updated in the merge. Your will have to clean up all of them
  (don't delete!) using ``git checkout -- <file>``. And take care not to do that to the files you
  have modified. However, it can be that the merge modified some other lines then yours. You'll have
  to make sure there will be no conflicts when you are submitting this messed up branch to Mailu! You
  get the point, I hope.
- ``git rebase`` on a branch that is pull-requested. Others will not be able to see you modified the
  branch and it messes with the order of commits, compared to a merge. It might break things after we
  have conducted tests.

.. _`GitHub`:
.. _`fork a repo`:
.. _`synced`:
.. _`pull request`:

Docker containers

The development environment is quite similar to the production one.

Building images

We supply a separate ``test/build.yml`` file for convenience.
After cloning the git repository to your workstation, you can build the images:

.. code-block:: bash

  cd Mailu
  docker-compose -f tests/build.yml build

The ``build.yml`` file has two variables:

#. ``$DOCKER_ORG``: First part of the image tag. Defaults to *mailu* and needs to be changed
   only  when pushing to your own Docker hub account.
#. ``$VERSION``: Last part of the image tag. Defaults to *local* to differentiate from pulled

To re-build only specific containers at a later time.

.. code-block:: bash

  docker-compose -f tests/build.yml build admin webdav

If you have to push the images to Docker Hub for testing in Docker Swarm or a remote
host, you have to define ``DOCKER_ORG`` (usually your Docker user-name) and login to
the hub.

.. code-block:: bash

  docker login
  Username: Foo
  Password: Bar
  export DOCKER_ORG="Foo"
  export VERSION="feat-extra-app"
  docker-compose -f tests/build.yml build
  docker-compose -f tests/build.yml push

Running containers

To run the newly created images: ``cd`` to your project directory. Edit ``.env`` to set
``VERSION`` to the same value as used during the build, which defaults to ``local``.
After that you can run:

.. code-block:: bash

  docker-compose up -d

If you wish to run commands inside a container, simply run (example):

.. code-block:: bash

  docker-compose exec admin ls -lah /

Or if you wish to start a shell for debugging:

.. code-block:: bash

  docker-compose exec admin sh

Finally, if you need to install packages inside the containers for debugging:

.. code-block:: bash

  docker-compose exec admin apk add --no-cache package-name


Members of the **Mailu/contributors** team leave reviews to open PR's.
In the case of a PR from a fellow team member, a single review is enough
to initiate merging. In all other cases, two approving reviews are required.
There is also a possibility to set the ``review/need2`` to require a second review.

After Travis successfully tests the PR and the required amount of reviews are acquired,
Mergify will trigger with a ``bors r+`` command. Bors will batch any approved PR's,
merges them with master in a staging branch where Travis builds and tests the result.
After a successful test, the actual master gets fast-forwarded to that point.

System requirements

Reviewing pull requests sometimes requires some additional git setup. First, for 90% of the review jobs,
you will need a PC or server that can expose all Mailu ports to the outside world. Also, a valid
domain name would be required. This can be a simple free DynDNS account. Do not use a production
server, as there are cases where data corruption occurs and you need to delete the ``/mailu``
directory structure.

If you do no posses the resources, but want to become an involved tester/reviewer, please contact
us on `Matrix`_.

.. _`Matrix`:
.. _testing:

Test images

All PR's automatically get build by Travis, controlled by `bors-ng`_.
Some primitive auto testing is done.
The resulting images get uploaded to Docker hub, under the
tag name ``mailutest/<name>:pr-<no>``.

For example, to test PR #500 against master, reviewers can use:

.. code-block:: bash

  export DOCKER_ORG="mailutest"
  export MAILU_VERSION="pr-500"
  docker-compose pull
  docker-compose up -d

You can now test the PR. Play around. See if (external) mails work. Check for whatever functionality the PR is
trying to fix. When happy, you can approve the PR. When running into failures, mark the review as
"request changes" and try to provide as much as possible details on the failure.
(Logs, error codes from clients etc).

.. _`bors-ng`:

Additional commits

On every new commit ``bors try`` is  run automatically. Past approvals get dismissed automatically.
When doing a subsequent review on the same PR, be sure to pull the latest image from docker hub
after Bors confirms a successful build.

When bors try fails

Sometimes Travis fails when another PR triggers a ``bors try`` command,
before Travis cloned the git repository.
Inspect the build log in the link provided by *bors-ng* to find out the cause.
If you see something like the following error on top of the logs,
feel free to write a comment with ``bors retry``.

.. code-block:: bash

  The command "git checkout -qf <hash>" failed and exited with 128 during .

Please wait a few minutes to do so, not to interfere with other builds.
Also, don't abuse this command if anything else went wrong,
the author needs to try to fix it instead!

Reviewing by git

Sometimes it might not be possible or enough to pull the test images from Docker hub.
In those cases, it will be necessary to do a local git merge and perhaps manually building
of the relevant images.


#. Setup `Git`_ the same way as on a development PC. It is advised to keep ``origin`` as your
   own repository and ``upstream`` as the one from Mailu. This will avoid confusion;
#. You will need a ``docker-compose.yml`` and ``.env``, set up for the test server;
#. Make sure that the build ``$VERSION`` corresponds with those files.

Add the sender

Replace ``<SENDER>`` with the repository name the PR is sent from.

.. code-block:: bash

  git remote add <SENDER><SENDER>/Mailu.git

Merge conflicts

Before proceeding, check the PR page in the bottom. It should not indicate a merge conflict.
If there are merge conflicts, you have 2 options:

#. Do a review "request changes" and ask the author to resolve the merge conflict. 
#. Solve the merge conflict yourself on Github, using the web editor.

If it can't be done in the web editor, go for option 1. Unless you want to go through the trouble of
importing the branch into your fork, do the merge and send a PR to the repository of the *sender*.

Merge the PR locally

When someone sends a PR, you need merge his PR into master locally. This example will put you in a
"detached head" state and do the merge in that state. Any commits done in this state will be lost
forever when you checkout a "normal" branch. This is exactly what we want, as we do not want to mess
with our repositories. This is just a test run.

The following must be done on every PR or after every new commit to an existing PR:
1. Fetch the latest status of all the remotes.
2. List all local and remote available branches (this is not needed, but very helpful at times)
3. Checkout ``upstream/master``
4. Merge ``upstream/master`` with ``SENDER/branch``

.. code-block:: bash

  git fetch --all
  git checkout upstream/master
  # ...You are in 'detached HEAD' state.... (bla bla bla)
  git branch -a
  # Hit `q` to exit the viewer, if it was opened. Uses arrows up/down for scrolling.
  git merge kaiyou/fix-sender-checks

If git opens a editor for a commit message just save and exit as-is. If you have a merge conflict,
see above and do the complete procedure from ``git fetch`` onward again.

Web administration

The administration Web interface requires a proper dev environment that can easily be setup using
``virtualenv`` (make sure you are using Python 3) :

.. code-block:: bash

  cd core/admin
  virtualenv .
  source bin/activate
  pip install -r requirements.txt

You can then export the path to the development database (use four slashes for absolute path):

.. code-block:: bash

  export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=sqlite:///path/to/dev.db

And finally run the server with debug enabled:

.. code-block:: bash


Any change to the files will automatically restart the Web server and reload the files.

When using the development environment, a debugging toolbar is displayed on the right side
of the screen, that you can open to access query details, internal variables, etc.


Documentation is maintained in the ``docs`` directory and are maintained as `reStructuredText`_
files. It is possible to run a local documentation server for reviewing purposes, using Docker:

.. code-block:: bash

  cd <Mailu repo>
  docker build -t docs docs
  docker run -p docs

In a local build Docker always assumes the version to be master.
You can read the local documentation by navigating to http://localhost:8080/master.

.. note:: After modifying the documentation, the image needs to be rebuild and the container
  restarted for the changes to become visible.

.. _`reStructuredText`: