branches: only: - staging - testing - '1.5' - '1.6' - master sudo: required services: docker addons: apt: packages: - docker-ce env: - MAILU_VERSION=${TRAVIS_BRANCH////-} - ALPINE_VERSION=3.10 language: python python: - "3.6" install: - pip install -r tests/requirements.txt - sudo curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose - sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose before_script: - docker-compose -v - docker-compose -f tests/build.yml build --build-arg ALPINE_VERSION=${ALPINE_VERSION} - sudo -- sh -c 'mkdir -p /mailu && cp -r tests/certs /mailu && chmod 600 /mailu/certs/*' script: #, test name and timeout between start and tests. - python tests/compose/ core 1 - python tests/compose/ fetchmail 1 - travis_wait python tests/compose/ filters 10 - python tests/compose/ rainloop 1 - python tests/compose/ roundcube 1 - python tests/compose/ webdav 1 deploy: provider: script script: bash tests/ on: all_branches: true condition: -n $DOCKER_UN