#!/usr/bin/python3 import time import os import tempfile import shlex import subprocess import re import requests import sys import traceback FETCHMAIL = """ fetchmail -N \ --idfile /data/.fetchids \ --sslcertck --sslcertpath /etc/ssl/certs \ -f {} """ RC_LINE = """ poll "{host}" proto {protocol} port {port} user "{username}" password "{password}" is "{user_email}" smtphost "{smtphost}" {options} """ def extract_host_port(host_and_port, default_port): host, _, port = re.match('^(.*?)(:([0-9]*))?$', host_and_port).groups() return host, int(port) if port else default_port def escape_rc_string(arg): return "".join("\\x%2x" % ord(char) for char in arg) def fetchmail(fetchmailrc): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as handler: handler.write(fetchmailrc.encode("utf8")) handler.flush() command = FETCHMAIL.format(shlex.quote(handler.name)) output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True) return output def run(debug): try: fetches = requests.get("http://" + os.environ.get("HOST_ADMIN", "admin") + "/internal/fetch").json() smtphost, smtpport = extract_host_port(os.environ.get("HOST_SMTP", "smtp"), None) if smtpport is None: smtphostport = smtphost else: smtphostport = "%s/%d" % (smtphost, smtpport) for fetch in fetches: fetchmailrc = "" options = "options antispam 501, 504, 550, 553, 554" options += " ssl" if fetch["tls"] else "" options += " keep" if fetch["keep"] else " fetchall" fetchmailrc += RC_LINE.format( user_email=escape_rc_string(fetch["user_email"]), protocol=fetch["protocol"], host=escape_rc_string(fetch["host"]), port=fetch["port"], smtphost=smtphostport, username=escape_rc_string(fetch["username"]), password=escape_rc_string(fetch["password"]), options=options ) if debug: print(fetchmailrc) try: print(fetchmail(fetchmailrc)) error_message = "" except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: error_message = error.output.decode("utf8") # No mail is not an error if not error_message.startswith("fetchmail: No mail"): print(error_message) user_info = "for %s at %s" % (fetch["user_email"], fetch["host"]) # Number of messages seen is not a error as well if ("messages" in error_message and "(seen " in error_message and user_info in error_message): print(error_message) finally: requests.post("http://" + os.environ.get("HOST_ADMIN", "admin") + "/internal/fetch/{}".format(fetch["id"]), json=error_message.split("\n")[0] ) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() if __name__ == "__main__": while True: time.sleep(int(os.environ.get("FETCHMAIL_DELAY", 60))) run(os.environ.get("DEBUG", None) == "True") sys.stdout.flush()