ARG DISTRO=alpine:3.14.4 FROM $DISTRO ARG VERSION ENV TZ Etc/UTC LABEL version=$VERSION # python3 shared with most images RUN apk add --no-cache \ python3 py3-pip git bash py3-multidict py3-yarl tzdata \ && pip3 install --upgrade pip # Shared layer between nginx, dovecot, postfix, postgresql, rspamd, unbound, snappymail, roundcube RUN pip3 install socrate==0.2.0 # Shared layer between dovecot and postfix RUN pip3 install "podop>0.2.5" # Image specific layers under this line # Building pycares from source requires py3-wheel and libffi-dev packages RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gcc musl-dev python3-dev py3-wheel libffi-dev \ && pip3 install --no-binary :all: postfix-mta-sts-resolver==1.0.1 \ && apk del .build-deps RUN apk add --no-cache postfix postfix-pcre cyrus-sasl-login rsyslog logrotate COPY conf /conf COPY / EXPOSE 25/tcp 10025/tcp VOLUME ["/queue"] CMD / HEALTHCHECK --start-period=350s CMD echo QUIT|nc localhost 25|grep "220 .* ESMTP Postfix" RUN echo $VERSION >> /version