#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import logging import sys from socrate import conf import subprocess import hmac env = os.environ logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=env.get("LOG_LEVEL", "WARNING")) # jinja context context = {} context.update(env) context["MAX_FILESIZE"] = str(int(int(env.get("MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT", "50000000")) * 0.66 / 1048576)) db_flavor = env.get("ROUNDCUBE_DB_FLAVOR", "sqlite") if db_flavor == "sqlite": context["DB_DSNW"] = "sqlite:////data/roundcube.db" elif db_flavor == "mysql": context["DB_DSNW"] = "mysql://%s:%s@%s/%s" % ( env.get("ROUNDCUBE_DB_USER", "roundcube"), env.get("ROUNDCUBE_DB_PW"), env.get("ROUNDCUBE_DB_HOST", "database"), env.get("ROUNDCUBE_DB_NAME", "roundcube") ) elif db_flavor == "postgresql": context["DB_DSNW"] = "pgsql://%s:%s@%s/%s" % ( env.get("ROUNDCUBE_DB_USER", "roundcube"), env.get("ROUNDCUBE_DB_PW"), env.get("ROUNDCUBE_DB_HOST", "database"), env.get("ROUNDCUBE_DB_NAME", "roundcube") ) else: print(f"Unknown ROUNDCUBE_DB_FLAVOR: {db_flavor}", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # derive roundcube secret key secret_key = env.get("SECRET_KEY") if not secret_key: try: secret_key = open(env.get("SECRET_KEY_FILE"), "r").read().strip() except Exception as exc: print(f"Can't read SECRET_KEY from file: {exc}", file=sys.stderr) exit(2) context['SECRET_KEY'] = hmac.new(bytearray(secret_key, 'utf-8'), bytearray('ROUNDCUBE_KEY', 'utf-8'), 'sha256').hexdigest() # roundcube plugins # (using "dict" because it is ordered and "set" is not) plugins = dict((p, None) for p in env.get("ROUNDCUBE_PLUGINS", "").replace(" ", "").split(",") if p and os.path.isdir(os.path.join("/var/www/plugins", p))) if plugins: plugins["mailu"] = None else: plugins = dict((k, None) for k in ["archive", "zipdownload", "markasjunk", "managesieve", "enigma", "carddav", "mailu"]) context["PLUGINS"] = ",".join(f"'{p}'" for p in plugins) # add overrides context["INCLUDES"] = sorted(inc for inc in os.listdir("/overrides") if inc.endswith(".inc")) if os.path.isdir("/overrides") else [] # calculate variables for config file context["SESSION_TIMEOUT_MINUTES"] = max(int(env.get("SESSION_TIMEOUT", "3600")) // 60, 1) # create config files conf.jinja("/php.ini", context, "/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/roundcube.ini") conf.jinja("/config.inc.php", context, "/var/www/html/config/config.inc.php") # create dirs os.system("mkdir -p /data/gpg") print("Initializing database") try: result = subprocess.check_output(["/var/www/html/bin/initdb.sh", "--dir", "/var/www/html/SQL"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) print(result.decode()) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: err = exc.stdout.decode() if "already exists" in err: print("Already initialzed") else: print(err) exit(3) print("Upgrading database") try: subprocess.check_call(["/var/www/html/bin/update.sh", "--version=?", "-y"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: exit(4) else: print("Cleaning database") try: subprocess.check_call(["/var/www/html/bin/cleandb.sh"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: exit(5) # setup permissions os.system("chown -R www-data:www-data /data") # clean env [env.pop(key, None) for key in env.keys() if key == "SECRET_KEY" or key.startswith("ROUNDCUBE_")] # run apache os.execve("/usr/local/bin/apache2-foreground", ["apache2-foreground"], env)