FROM alpine:3.8
# python3 shared with most images
RUN apk add --no-cache \
    python3 py3-pip \
  && pip3 install --upgrade pip
# Shared layer between rspamd, postfix, dovecot, unbound and nginx
RUN pip3 install jinja2
# Shared layer between rspamd, postfix, dovecot
RUN pip3 install tenacity
# Image specific layers under this line
RUN apk add --no-cache \
  dovecot dovecot-pigeonhole-plugin dovecot-fts-lucene rspamd-client bash \
  && pip3 install podop

COPY conf /conf

EXPOSE 110/tcp 143/tcp 993/tcp 4190/tcp 2525/tcp
VOLUME ["/data", "/mail"]


HEALTHCHECK --start-period=350s CMD echo QUIT|nc localhost 110|grep "Dovecot ready."