Demonstration server ==================== The demo server is for demonstration and test purposes only. Please be respectful and keep the demo server functional for others to be able to try it out. The server is reset every day at 3am, french time. If you find the server is unusable, you can still ask for someone to reset it manually on our Matrix chat channel. Please do not open tickets everytime the server is down. Please do not open tickets if the server is quite slow: it *is* slow because the machine is a cheap leased server. Keep in mind that the demo server is also used for some automated tests and runs the latest unstable version. If you find actual bugs when using the demo server, please report these! Connecting to the server ------------------------ * Server name : ```` * IP address : ```` * Webmail : * Admin UI : * Admin login : ```` * Admin password : ``letmein`` Adding domains -------------- If you wish to add new domains to the server for test purposes, you could either direct the MX for one of you domains to ```` or have your MX point to the server's IP address. Also, all subdomains of ```` point to this server. Thus, you can simply add ```` and ```` for your tests.