.. _rpi_build: Building for a Raspberry Pi =========================== The build does not need to be done on the Pi. To do so, go to ``tests/`` and call ``./build_arm.sh``, it will build all necessary images for arm. To push the locally built images to a remote server, run ``./deploy_to_pi.sh``. Docker 18.09+ is needed to use ``-H ssh://@``. Adjustments ----------- ``build_arm.sh`` uses some variables passed as ``build-arg`` to docker-compose: - ``DISTRO``: is the main distro used (ie: alpine:3.8) - ``PHP_DISTRO``: is used for the ``rainloop`` and ``roundcube`` images - ``EDGE_DISTRO``: is used for ``radicale`` as edge has dulwich and radicale as packages