name: start-linux-arm on: push: branches: - '1.9' - master concurrency: ci-arm-${{ github.ref }} # REQUIRED global variables # DOCKER_ORG, docker org used for pushing images. env: DOCKER_ORG: jobs: # This job calculates all global job variables that are required by all the subsequent jobs. # All subsequent jobs will retrieve and use these variables. This way the variables only have to be derived once. derive-variables: name: derive variables runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: MAILU_VERSION: ${{ env.MAILU_VERSION }} PINNED_MAILU_VERSION: ${{ env.PINNED_MAILU_VERSION }} DOCKER_ORG: ${{ env.DOCKER_ORG_DERIVED }} BRANCH: ${{ env.BRANCH }} DEPLOY: ${{ env.DEPLOY }} RELEASE: ${{ env.RELEASE }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: # fetch-depth 0 is required to also retrieve all tags. fetch-depth: 0 - name: Extract branch name shell: bash run: | echo "BRANCH=${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}" >> $GITHUB_ENV #For branch TESTING, we set the image tag to pr-xxxx - name: Derive MAILU_VERSION and DEPLOY/RELEASE for other branches than testing if: env.BRANCH != 'testing' shell: bash run: | echo "MAILU_VERSION=${{ env.BRANCH }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "DOCKER_ORG_DERIVED=${{ env.DOCKER_ORG }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "DEPLOY=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RELEASE=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Derive PINNED_MAILU_VERSION and DEPLOY/RELEASE for normal release x.y if: env.BRANCH != 'testing' && env.BRANCH != 'staging' && env.BRANCH != 'master' shell: bash run: | version=$( git tag --sort=version:refname --list "${{ env.MAILU_VERSION }}.*" | tail -1 );root_version=${version%.*};patch_version=${version##*.};if [ "$patch_version" == "" ]; then pinned_version=${{ env.MAILU_VERSION }}.0; else pinned_version=$root_version.$(expr $patch_version + 1); fi;echo "PINNED_MAILU_VERSION=$pinned_version" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RELEASE=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "DEPLOY=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RELEASE=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Derive PINNED_MAILU_VERSION for master if: env.BRANCH == 'master' shell: bash env: GITHUB_SHA: ${{ env.GITHUB_SHA }} run: | echo "PINNED_MAILU_VERSION=$GITHUB_SHA" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "DEPLOY=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RELEASE=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV build-test-deploy: needs: - derive-variables uses: ./.github/workflows/build_test_deploy.yml with: architecture: 'linux/arm64/v8,linux/arm/v7' mailu_version: ${{needs.derive-variables.outputs.MAILU_VERSION}}-arm pinned_mailu_version: ${{needs.derive-variables.outputs.PINNED_MAILU_VERSION}}-arm docker_org: ${{needs.derive-variables.outputs.DOCKER_ORG}} branch: ${{needs.derive-variables.outputs.BRANCH}} deploy: ${{needs.derive-variables.outputs.DEPLOY}} release: ${{needs.derive-variables.outputs.RELEASE}} secrets: inherit ################################################ # Code block that is used as one liner for the step: # Derive PINNED_MAILU_VERSION and DEPLOY/RELEASE for normal release x.y ##!/bin/bash #version=$( git tag --sort=version:refname --list "{{ env.MAILU_VERSION }}.*" | tail -1 ) #root_version=${version%.*} #patch_version=${version##*.} #if [ "$patch_version" == "" ] #then # pinned_version={{ env.MAILU_VERSION }}.0 #else # pinned_version=$root_version.$(expr $patch_version + 1) #fi #echo "PINNED_MAILU_VERSION=$pinned_version" >> $GITHUB_ENV