{% call macros.panel("info", "Step 1 - pick a flavor") %}

Mailu comes in multiple "flavors". It was originally designed to run on top of Docker Compose but now offers multiple options including Docker Stack, Rancher, Kubernetes.

Please note that "official" support, that is provided by the most active developpers, will mostly cover Compose and Stack, while other flavors are maintained by specific contributors.

{{ macros.radio("flavor", "compose", "Compose", "simply using Docker Compose manager", flavor) }} {{ macros.radio("flavor", "stack", "Stack", "using stack deployments in a Swarm cluster", flavor) }} {{ macros.radio("flavor", "rancher", "Rancher", "on top of the Rancher container manager", flavor) }} {{ macros.radio("flavor", "kubernetes", "Kubernetes", "on top of the Kubernetes container manager", flavor) }}
{% endcall %}