Development environment ======================= Docker containers ----------------- The development environment is quite similar to the production one. You should always use the ``master`` version when developing. Building images ``````````````` We supply a separate ``test/build.yml`` file for convenience. To build all Mailu containers: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose -f tests/build.yml build The ``build.yml`` file has two variables: #. ``$DOCKER_ORG``: First part of the image tag. Defaults to *mailu* and needs to be changed only when pushing to your own Docker hub account. #. ``$VERSION``: Last part of the image tag. Defaults to *local* to differentiate from pulled images. To re-build only specific containers at a later time. .. code-block:: bash docker-compose -f tests/build.yml build admin webdav If you have to push the images to Docker Hub for testing in Docker Swarm or a remote host, you have to define ``DOCKER_ORG`` (usually your Docker user-name) and login to the hub. .. code-block:: bash docker login Username: Foo Password: Bar export DOCKER_ORG="Foo" export VERSION="feat-extra-app" docker-compose -f tests/build.yml build docker-compose -f tests/build.yml push Running containers `````````````````` To run the newly created images: ``cd`` to your project directory. Edit ``.env`` to set ``VERSION`` to the same value as used during the build, which defaults to ``local``. After that you can run: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up -d If you wish to run commands inside a container, simply run (example): .. code-block:: bash docker-compose exec admin ls -lah / Or if you wish to start a shell for debugging: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose exec admin sh Finally, if you need to install packages inside the containers for debugging: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose exec admin apk add --no-cache package-name Web administration ------------------ The administration Web interface requires a proper dev environment that can easily be setup using ``virtualenv`` (make sure you are using Python 3) : .. code-block:: bash cd core/admin virtualenv . source bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt You can then export the path to the development database (use four slashes for absolute path): .. code-block:: bash export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=sqlite:///path/to/dev.db And finally run the server with debug enabled: .. code-block:: bash python Any change to the files will automatically restart the Web server and reload the files. When using the development environment, a debugging toolbar is displayed on the right side of the screen, that you can open to access query details, internal variables, etc. Documentation ------------- Documentation is maintained in the ``docs`` directory and are maintained as `reStructuredText`_ files. It is possible to run a local documentation server for reviewing purposes, using Docker: .. code-block:: bash cd docker build -t docs docs docker run -p docs In a local build Docker always assumes the version to be master. You can read the local documentation by navigating to http://localhost:8080/master. .. note:: After modifying the documentation, the image needs to be rebuild and the container restarted for the changes to become visible. .. _`reStructuredText`: