FROM python:3 # Install required system packages RUN export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ && apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ postfix dovecot-imapd dovecot-sqlite dovecot-lmtpd \ dovecot-sieve dovecot-managesieved \ dovecot-antispam spamassassin spamc clamav \ php5-fpm php5-mysql php5-imap php5-sqlite php5-mcrypt \ supervisor rsyslog nginx \ && apt-get clean # Install the Webmail from source ENV ROUNDCUBE_VERSION 1.1.4-complete RUN curl -L -O${ROUNDCUBE_VERSION}.tar.gz \ && tar -xf roundcubemail-${ROUNDCUBE_VERSION}.tar.gz \ && rm -f roundcubemail-${ROUNDCUBE_VERSION}.tar.gz \ && mv roundcubemail-* /webmail # Install the Web admin panel COPY admin /admin RUN pip install -r /admin/requirements.txt # Configure the webmail RUN cd /webmail \ && rm -rf CHANGELOG INSTALL LICENSE UPDGRADING composer.json-dist temp logs \ && ln -s /data/logs/webmail logs \ && ln -s /data/webmail/temp temp \ && ln -s /etc/ config/ # Load the configuration COPY config /etc/ # Copy the entrypoint COPY / # Explicitely specify the configuration file to avoid problems when # the default configuration path changes. CMD "/"