Merge branch 'master' of into fix-sso-1929

Dimitri Huisman 3 years ago
commit ed7adf52a6

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ COPY webpack.config.js ./
COPY assets ./assets
RUN set -eu \
&& sed -i 's/#007bff/#55a5d9/' node_modules/admin-lte/build/scss/_bootstrap-variables.scss \
&& for l in ca da de:de_de en:en-gb es:es_es eu fr:fr_fr he hu is it:it_it ja nb_NO:no_nb nl:nl_nl pl pt:pt_pt ru sv:sv_se zh_CN:zh; do \
&& for l in ca da de:de_de en:en-gb es:es_es eu fr:fr_fr he hu is it:it_it ja nb_NO:no_nb nl:nl_nl pl pt:pt_pt ru sv:sv_se zh; do \
cp node_modules/${l#*:}.json assets/${l%:*}.json; \
done \
&& node_modules/.bin/webpack-cli --color

@ -66,5 +66,12 @@ $('document').ready(function() {
// init clipboard.js
new ClipboardJS('.btn-clip');
// disable login if not possible
var l = $('#login_needs_https');
if (l.length && window.location.protocol != 'https:') {
$('form :input').prop('disabled', true);

@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ def create_app_from_config(config):
utils.migrate.init_app(app, models.db)
app.device_cookie_key =, 'utf-8'), bytearray('DEVICE_COOKIE_KEY', 'utf-8'), 'sha256').digest()
app.temp_token_key =, 'utf-8'), bytearray('WEBMAIL_TEMP_TOKEN_KEY', 'utf-8'), 'sha256').digest()
app.srs_key =, 'utf-8'), bytearray('SRS_KEY', 'utf-8'), 'sha256').digest()
# Initialize list of translations
config.translations = {

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import os
from datetime import timedelta
from socrate import system
import ipaddress
# Specific to the admin UI
@ -36,8 +37,12 @@ DEFAULT_CONFIG = {
'TLS_FLAVOR': 'cert',
'AUTH_RATELIMIT': '1000/minute;10000/hour',
'AUTH_RATELIMIT_IP': '60/hour',
# Mail settings
'DMARC_RUA': None,
@ -49,6 +54,7 @@ DEFAULT_CONFIG = {
'DKIM_PATH': '/dkim/{domain}.{selector}.key',
'DEFAULT_QUOTA': 1000000000,
# Web settings
'SITENAME': 'Mailu',
'WEBSITE': '',
@ -148,6 +154,7 @@ class ConfigManager(dict):
self.config['SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY'] = True
self.config['PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME'] = timedelta(hours=int(self.config['SESSION_LIFETIME']))
hostnames = [host.strip() for host in self.config['HOSTNAMES'].split(',')]
self.config['AUTH_RATELIMIT_EXEMPTION'] = set(ipaddress.ip_network(cidr, False) for cidr in (cidr.strip() for cidr in self.config['AUTH_RATELIMIT_EXEMPTION'].split(',')) if cidr)
self.config['HOSTNAMES'] = ','.join(hostnames)
self.config['HOSTNAME'] = hostnames[0]
# update the app config itself

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import re
import urllib
import ipaddress
import socket
import sqlalchemy.exc
import tenacity
SUPPORTED_AUTH_METHODS = ["none", "plain"]
@ -19,6 +20,11 @@ STATUSES = {
"encryption": ("Must issue a STARTTLS command first", {
"smtp": "530 5.7.0"
"ratelimit": ("Temporary authentication failure (rate-limit)", {
"imap": "LIMIT",
"smtp": "451 4.3.2",
"pop3": "-ERR [LOGIN-DELAY] Retry later"
def check_credentials(user, password, ip, protocol=None):
@ -71,8 +77,8 @@ def handle_authentication(headers):
# Authenticated user
elif method == "plain":
service_port = int(urllib.parse.unquote(headers["Auth-Port"]))
if service_port == 25:
is_valid_user = False
if headers["Auth-Port"] == '25':
return {
"Auth-Status": "AUTH not supported",
"Auth-Error-Code": "502 5.5.1",
@ -84,25 +90,37 @@ def handle_authentication(headers):
# we need to manually decode.
raw_user_email = urllib.parse.unquote(headers["Auth-User"])
raw_password = urllib.parse.unquote(headers["Auth-Pass"])
user_email = 'invalid'
user_email = raw_user_email.encode("iso8859-1").decode("utf8")
password = raw_password.encode("iso8859-1").decode("utf8")
ip = urllib.parse.unquote(headers["Client-Ip"])
app.logger.warn(f'Received undecodable user/password from nginx: {raw_user_email!r}/{raw_password!r}')
user = models.User.query.get(user_email)
ip = urllib.parse.unquote(headers["Client-Ip"])
if check_credentials(user, password, ip, protocol):
server, port = get_server(headers["Auth-Protocol"], True)
return {
"Auth-Status": "OK",
"Auth-Server": server,
"Auth-Port": port
user = models.User.query.get(user_email)
is_valid_user = True
except sqlalchemy.exc.StatementError as exc:
exc = str(exc).split('\n', 1)[0]
app.logger.warn(f'Invalid user {user_email!r}: {exc}')
ip = urllib.parse.unquote(headers["Client-Ip"])
if check_credentials(user, password, ip, protocol):
server, port = get_server(headers["Auth-Protocol"], True)
return {
"Auth-Status": "OK",
"Auth-Server": server,
"Auth-User": user_email,
"Auth-User-Exists": is_valid_user,
"Auth-Port": port
status, code = get_status(protocol, "authentication")
return {
"Auth-Status": status,
"Auth-Error-Code": code,
"Auth-User": user_email,
"Auth-User-Exists": is_valid_user,
"Auth-Wait": 0
# Unexpected

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
__all__ = [
'auth', 'postfix', 'dovecot', 'fetch'
'auth', 'postfix', 'dovecot', 'fetch', 'rspamd'

@ -5,19 +5,17 @@ from flask import current_app as app
import flask
import flask_login
import base64
import ipaddress
def nginx_authentication():
""" Main authentication endpoint for Nginx email server
limiter = utils.limiter.get_limiter(app.config["AUTH_RATELIMIT"], "auth-ip")
client_ip = flask.request.headers["Client-Ip"]
if not limiter.test(client_ip):
if utils.limiter.should_rate_limit_ip(client_ip):
status, code = nginx.get_status(flask.request.headers['Auth-Protocol'], 'ratelimit')
response = flask.Response()
response.headers['Auth-Status'] = 'Authentication rate limit from one source exceeded'
response.headers['Auth-Error-Code'] = '451 4.3.2'
response.headers['Auth-Status'] = status
response.headers['Auth-Error-Code'] = code
if int(flask.request.headers['Auth-Login-Attempt']) < 10:
response.headers['Auth-Wait'] = '3'
return response
@ -25,14 +23,27 @@ def nginx_authentication():
response = flask.Response()
for key, value in headers.items():
response.headers[key] = str(value)
if ("Auth-Status" not in headers) or (headers["Auth-Status"] != "OK"):
limit_subnet = str(app.config["AUTH_RATELIMIT_SUBNET"]) != 'False'
subnet = ipaddress.ip_network(app.config["SUBNET"])
if limit_subnet or ipaddress.ip_address(client_ip) not in subnet:
is_valid_user = False
if response.headers.get("Auth-User-Exists"):
username = response.headers["Auth-User"]
if utils.limiter.should_rate_limit_user(username, client_ip):
# FIXME could be done before handle_authentication()
status, code = nginx.get_status(flask.request.headers['Auth-Protocol'], 'ratelimit')
response = flask.Response()
response.headers['Auth-Status'] = status
response.headers['Auth-Error-Code'] = code
if int(flask.request.headers['Auth-Login-Attempt']) < 10:
response.headers['Auth-Wait'] = '3'
return response
is_valid_user = True
if headers.get("Auth-Status") == "OK":
elif is_valid_user:
utils.limiter.rate_limit_user(username, client_ip)
return response
def admin_authentication():
""" Fails if the user is not an authenticated admin.
@ -60,15 +71,29 @@ def user_authentication():
def basic_authentication():
""" Tries to authenticate using the Authorization header.
client_ip = flask.request.headers.get('X-Real-IP', flask.request.remote_addr)
if utils.limiter.should_rate_limit_ip(client_ip):
response = flask.Response(status=401)
response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = 'Basic realm="Authentication rate limit from one source exceeded"'
response.headers['Retry-After'] = '60'
return response
authorization = flask.request.headers.get("Authorization")
if authorization and authorization.startswith("Basic "):
encoded = authorization.replace("Basic ", "")
user_email, password = base64.b64decode(encoded).split(b":", 1)
user = models.User.query.get(user_email.decode("utf8"))
if nginx.check_credentials(user, password.decode('utf-8'), flask.request.remote_addr, "web"):
user_email = user_email.decode("utf8")
if utils.limiter.should_rate_limit_user(user_email, client_ip):
response = flask.Response(status=401)
response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = 'Basic realm="Authentication rate limit for this username exceeded"'
response.headers['Retry-After'] = '60'
return response
user = models.User.query.get(user_email)
if user and nginx.check_credentials(user, password.decode('utf-8'), client_ip, "web"):
response = flask.Response()
response.headers["X-User"] = models.IdnaEmail.process_bind_param(flask_login,, "")
return response
utils.limiter.rate_limit_user(user_email, client_ip) if user else utils.limiter.rate_limit_ip(client_ip)
response = flask.Response(status=401)
response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = 'Basic realm="Login Required"'
return response

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ def postfix_recipient_map(recipient):
This is meant for bounces to go back to the original sender.
srs = srslib.SRS(flask.current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"])
srs = srslib.SRS(flask.current_app.srs_key)
if srslib.SRS.is_srs_address(recipient):
return flask.jsonify(srs.reverse(recipient))
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ def postfix_sender_map(sender):
This is for bounces to come back the reverse path properly.
srs = srslib.SRS(flask.current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"])
srs = srslib.SRS(flask.current_app.srs_key)
domain = flask.current_app.config["DOMAIN"]
localpart, domain_name = models.Email.resolve_domain(sender)
@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ def postfix_sender_login(sender):
localpart, domain_name = models.Email.resolve_domain(sender)
if localpart is None:
return flask.jsonify(",".join(wildcard_senders)) if wildcard_senders else flask.abort(404)
localpart = localpart[:next((i for i, ch in enumerate(localpart) if ch in flask.current_app.config.get('RECIPIENT_DELIMITER')), None)]
destination = models.Email.resolve_destination(localpart, domain_name, True)
destination = [*destination, *wildcard_senders] if destination else [*wildcard_senders]
return flask.jsonify(",".join(destination)) if destination else flask.abort(404)

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
from mailu import models
from mailu.internal import internal
import flask
def vault_error(*messages, status=404):
return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify({'errors':messages}), status)
# rspamd key format:
# {"selectors":[{"pubkey":"...","domain":"...","valid_start":TS,"valid_end":TS,"key":"...","selector":"...","bits":...,"alg":"..."}]}
# hashicorp vault answer format:
# {"request_id":"...","lease_id":"","renewable":false,"lease_duration":2764800,"data":{...see above...},"wrap_info":null,"warnings":null,"auth":null}
@internal.route("/rspamd/vault/v1/dkim/<domain_name>", methods=['GET'])
def rspamd_dkim_key(domain_name):
domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) or flask.abort(vault_error('unknown domain'))
key = domain.dkim_key or flask.abort(vault_error('no dkim key', status=400))
return flask.jsonify({
'data': {
'selectors': [
'domain' :,
'key' : key.decode('utf8'),
'selector': flask.current_app.config.get('DKIM_SELECTOR', 'dkim'),

@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
from mailu import utils
from flask import current_app as app
import base64
import limits
import limits.strategies
import hmac
import secrets
class LimitWrapper(object):
""" Wraps a limit by providing the storage, item and identifiers
@ -31,4 +36,59 @@ class LimitWraperFactory(object):
self.limiter = limits.strategies.MovingWindowRateLimiter(
def get_limiter(self, limit, *args):
return LimitWrapper(self.limiter, limits.parse(limit), *args)
return LimitWrapper(self.limiter, limits.parse(limit), *args)
def is_subject_to_rate_limits(self, ip):
return False if utils.is_exempt_from_ratelimits(ip) else not ('exempt-{ip}') > 0)
def exempt_ip_from_ratelimits(self, ip):'exempt-{ip}', app.config["AUTH_RATELIMIT_EXEMPTION_LENGTH"], True)
def should_rate_limit_ip(self, ip):
limiter = self.get_limiter(app.config["AUTH_RATELIMIT_IP"], 'auth-ip')
client_network = utils.extract_network_from_ip(ip)
is_rate_limited = self.is_subject_to_rate_limits(ip) and not limiter.test(client_network)
if is_rate_limited:
app.logger.warn(f'Authentication attempt from {ip} has been rate-limited.')
return is_rate_limited
def rate_limit_ip(self, ip):
if ip != app.config['WEBMAIL_ADDRESS']:
limiter = self.get_limiter(app.config["AUTH_RATELIMIT_IP"], 'auth-ip')
client_network = utils.extract_network_from_ip(ip)
if self.is_subject_to_rate_limits(ip):
def should_rate_limit_user(self, username, ip, device_cookie=None, device_cookie_name=None):
limiter = self.get_limiter(app.config["AUTH_RATELIMIT_USER"], 'auth-user')
is_rate_limited = self.is_subject_to_rate_limits(ip) and not limiter.test(device_cookie if device_cookie_name == username else username)
if is_rate_limited:
app.logger.warn(f'Authentication attempt from {ip} for {username} has been rate-limited.')
return is_rate_limited
def rate_limit_user(self, username, ip, device_cookie=None, device_cookie_name=None):
limiter = self.get_limiter(app.config["AUTH_RATELIMIT_USER"], 'auth-user')
if self.is_subject_to_rate_limits(ip):
limiter.hit(device_cookie if device_cookie_name == username else username)
""" Device cookies as described on:
def parse_device_cookie(self, cookie):
login, nonce, _ = cookie.split('$')
if hmac.compare_digest(cookie, self.device_cookie(login, nonce)):
return nonce, login
return None, None
""" Device cookies don't require strong crypto:
72bits of nonce, 96bits of signature is more than enough
and these values avoid padding in most cases
def device_cookie(self, username, nonce=None):
if not nonce:
nonce = secrets.token_urlsafe(9)
sig = str(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(, bytearray(f'device_cookie|{username}|{nonce}', 'utf-8'), 'sha256').digest()[20:]), 'utf-8')
return f'{username}${nonce}${sig}'

@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ class IdnaEmail(db.TypeDecorator):
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
""" encode unicode domain part of email address to punycode """
if not '@' in value:
raise ValueError('invalid email address (no "@")')
localpart, domain_name = value.lower().rsplit('@', 1)
if '@' in localpart:
raise ValueError('email local part must not contain "@"')
@ -241,6 +243,13 @@ class Domain(Base):
ruf = f' ruf=mailto:{ruf}@{domain};' if ruf else ''
return f'_dmarc.{}. 600 IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=reject;{rua}{ruf} adkim=s; aspf=s"'
def dns_dmarc_report(self):
""" return DMARC report record for mailu server """
if self.dkim_key:
domain = app.config['DOMAIN']
return f'{}._report._dmarc.{domain}. 600 IN TXT "v=DMARC1"'
def dns_autoconfig(self):
""" return list of auto configuration records (RFC6186) """
@ -560,6 +569,8 @@ class User(Base, Email):
""" verifies password against stored hash
and updates hash if outdated
if password == '':
return False
cache_result = self._credential_cache.get(self.get_id())
current_salt = self.password.split('$')[3] if len(self.password.split('$')) == 5 else None
if cache_result and current_salt:

@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Mailu\n"
"Language: zh-CN\n"
"Language: zh\n"
"Last-Translator: Chris Chuan <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Invalid email address."
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ msgstr "密码"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/templates/login.html:4
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:111
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "注册"
msgstr "登录"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/details.html:27
@ -44,6 +46,14 @@ msgstr "最大用户数"
msgid "Maximum alias count"
msgstr "最大别名数"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Maximum user quota"
msgstr "最大用户配额"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Enable sign-up"
msgstr "启用注册"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/
#: mailu/ui/templates/alias/list.html:21 mailu/ui/templates/domain/list.html:21
@ -57,10 +67,30 @@ msgstr "说明"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "创建"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Initial admin"
msgstr "初始管理员"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Admin password"
msgstr "管理员密码"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "确认密码"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Alternative name"
msgstr "备用名称"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Relayed domain name"
msgstr "中继域域名"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/templates/relay/list.html:18
msgid "Remote host"
msgstr "远程主机"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/templates/user/list.html:22
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/signup_domain.html:16
msgid "Quota"
@ -74,10 +104,24 @@ msgstr "允许IMAP访问"
msgid "Allow POP3 access"
msgstr "允许POP3访问"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "启用"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Save"
msgstr "保存"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "邮件地址"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:117
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/signup.html:4
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/signup_domain.html:4
msgid "Sign up"
msgstr "注册"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Displayed name"
msgstr "显示名称"
@ -86,10 +130,23 @@ msgstr "显示名称"
msgid "Enable spam filter"
msgstr "启用垃圾邮件过滤"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Spam filter threshold"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Spam filter tolerance"
msgstr "垃圾邮件过滤器阈值"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Enable forwarding"
msgstr "启用转发"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Keep a copy of the emails"
msgstr "保留电子邮件副本"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/
#: mailu/ui/templates/alias/list.html:20
msgid "Destination"
msgstr "目的地址"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Save settings"
msgstr "保存设置"
@ -102,19 +159,6 @@ msgstr "检查密码"
msgid "Update password"
msgstr "更新密码"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Enable forwarding"
msgstr "启用转发"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/
#: mailu/ui/templates/alias/list.html:20
msgid "Destination"
msgstr "目的地址"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Update"
msgstr "更新"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Enable automatic reply"
msgstr "启用自动回复"
@ -127,6 +171,22 @@ msgstr "回复主题"
msgid "Reply body"
msgstr "回复正文"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "End of vacation"
msgstr "假期结束"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Update"
msgstr "更新"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Your token (write it down, as it will never be displayed again)"
msgstr "您的令牌(请记录,它只显示这一次)"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/templates/token/list.html:20
msgid "Authorized IP"
msgstr "授权IP"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Alias"
msgstr "别名"
@ -169,11 +229,44 @@ msgstr "启用TLS"
msgid "Username"
msgstr "用户名"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Keep emails on the server"
msgstr "在服务器上保留电子邮件"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Announcement subject"
msgstr "公告主题"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Announcement body"
msgstr "公告正文"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Send"
msgstr "发送"
#: mailu/ui/templates/announcement.html:4
msgid "Public announcement"
msgstr "公开公告"
#: mailu/ui/templates/client.html:4 mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:82
msgid "Client setup"
msgstr "客户端设置"
#: mailu/ui/templates/client.html:16 mailu/ui/templates/client.html:43
msgid "Mail protocol"
msgstr "邮件协议"
#: mailu/ui/templates/client.html:24 mailu/ui/templates/client.html:51
msgid "Server name"
msgstr "服务器名称"
#: mailu/ui/templates/confirm.html:4
msgid "Confirm action"
msgstr "确认操作"
#: mailu/ui/templates/confirm.html:13
#, python-format
msgid "You are about to %(action)s. Please confirm your action."
msgstr "即将%(action)s请确认您的操作。"
@ -185,54 +278,18 @@ msgstr "Docker错误"
msgid "An error occurred while talking to the Docker server."
msgstr "Docker服务器通信出错"
#: mailu/admin/templates/login.html:6
msgid "Your account"
msgstr "你的帐户"
#: mailu/ui/templates/login.html:8
msgid "to access the administration tools"
msgstr "访问管理员工具"
#: mailu/ui/templates/services.html:4 mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:39
msgid "Services status"
msgstr "服务状态"
#: mailu/ui/templates/services.html:10
msgid "Service"
msgstr "服务"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:23 mailu/ui/templates/services.html:11
msgid "Status"
msgstr "状态"
#: mailu/ui/templates/services.html:12
msgid "PID"
msgstr "进程ID"
#: mailu/ui/templates/services.html:13
msgid "Image"
msgstr "镜像"
#: mailu/ui/templates/services.html:14
msgid "Started"
msgstr "已开始"
#: mailu/ui/templates/services.html:15
msgid "Last update"
msgstr "最后更新"
msgstr "访问管理工具"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:8
msgid "My account"
msgstr "我的户"
msgstr "我的账户"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:11 mailu/ui/templates/user/list.html:34
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "设置"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/settings.html:22
msgid "Auto-forward"
msgstr "自动转发"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:21 mailu/ui/templates/user/list.html:35
msgid "Auto-reply"
msgstr "自动回复"
@ -240,39 +297,71 @@ msgstr "自动回复"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:4 mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:26
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/list.html:36
msgid "Fetched accounts"
msgstr "代收户"
msgstr "代收户"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:105
msgid "Sign out"
msgstr "登出"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:31 mailu/ui/templates/token/list.html:4
msgid "Authentication tokens"
msgstr "认证令牌"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:35
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "管理"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:44
msgid "Announcement"
msgstr "公告"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:49
msgid "Administrators"
msgstr "管理员"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:54
msgid "Relayed domains"
msgstr "中继域"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:59 mailu/ui/templates/user/settings.html:15
msgid "Antispam"
msgstr "反垃圾邮件"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:66
msgid "Mail domains"
msgstr "邮件域"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:72
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "转到"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:76
msgid "Webmail"
msgstr "网页邮箱"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:87
msgid "Website"
msgstr "网站"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:92
msgid "Help"
msgstr "帮助"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/signup.html:4 mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:98
msgid "Register a domain"
msgstr "注册域名"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:105
msgid "Sign out"
msgstr "登出"
#: mailu/ui/templates/working.html:4
msgid "We are still working on this feature!"
msgstr "该功能开发中……"
#: mailu/ui/templates/admin/create.html:4
msgid "Add a global administrator"
msgstr "添加超级管理员"
msgstr "添加全局管理员"
#: mailu/ui/templates/admin/list.html:4
msgid "Global administrators"
msgstr "超级管理员"
msgstr "全局管理员"
#: mailu/ui/templates/admin/list.html:9
msgid "Add administrator"
@ -323,7 +412,7 @@ msgstr "添加别名"
#: mailu/ui/templates/relay/list.html:20 mailu/ui/templates/token/list.html:21
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/list.html:24
msgid "Created"
msgstr "创建"
msgstr "创建"
#: mailu/ui/templates/alias/list.html:23 mailu/ui/templates/domain/list.html:23
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:25 mailu/ui/templates/relay/list.html:21
@ -337,6 +426,22 @@ msgstr "上次编辑"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "编辑"
#: mailu/ui/templates/alternative/create.html:4
msgid "Create alternative domain"
msgstr "创建替代域"
#: mailu/ui/templates/alternative/list.html:4
msgid "Alternative domain list"
msgstr "替代域名列表"
#: mailu/ui/templates/alternative/list.html:12
msgid "Add alternative"
msgstr "添加替代"
#: mailu/ui/templates/alternative/list.html:19
msgid "Name"
msgstr "名称"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/create.html:4
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/list.html:9
msgid "New domain"
@ -344,11 +449,15 @@ msgstr "新域"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/details.html:4
msgid "Domain details"
msgstr "域详"
msgstr "域详细信息"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/details.html:15
msgid "Regenerate keys"
msgstr "重新生成密钥"
msgstr "重新生成秘钥"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/details.html:17
msgid "Generate keys"
msgstr "生成秘钥"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/details.html:31
msgid "DNS MX entry"
@ -392,7 +501,7 @@ msgstr "别名数量"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/list.html:28
msgid "Details"
msgstr "详"
msgstr "详细信息"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/list.html:35
msgid "Users"
@ -406,26 +515,60 @@ msgstr "别名"
msgid "Managers"
msgstr "管理员"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/list.html:39
msgid "Alternatives"
msgstr "备选方案"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/signup.html:13
msgid ""
"In order to register a new domain, you must first setup the\n"
" domain zone so that the domain <code>MX</code> points to this server"
msgstr "在注册一个新的域名前,您必须先为该域名设置 <code>MX</code> 记录,并使其指向本服务器"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/signup.html:18
msgid ""
"If you do not know how to setup an <code>MX</code> record for your DNS "
" please contact your DNS provider or administrator. Also, please wait "
" couple minutes after the <code>MX</code> is set so the local server "
" expires."
msgstr "如果您不知道如何为域名设置 <code>MX</code> 记录请联系你的DNS提供商或者系统管理员。在设置完成 <code>MX</code> 记录后,请等待本地域名服务器的缓存过期。"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/create.html:4
msgid "Add a fetched account"
msgstr "添加一个代收帐户"
msgstr "添加一个代收户"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/edit.html:4
msgid "Update a fetched account"
msgstr "更新代收帐户"
msgstr "更新代收户"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:12
msgid "Add an account"
msgstr "添加一个帐户"
msgstr "添加一个户"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:19
msgid "Endpoint"
msgstr "端点"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:21
msgid "Keep emails"
msgstr "保留电子邮件"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:22
msgid "Last check"
msgstr "上次检查"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:35
msgid "yes"
msgstr "是"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:35
msgid "no"
msgstr "否"
#: mailu/ui/templates/manager/create.html:4
msgid "Add a manager"
msgstr "添加一个管理员"
@ -438,41 +581,49 @@ msgstr "管理员列表"
msgid "Add manager"
msgstr "添加管理员"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Announcement subject"
msgstr "公告主题"
#: mailu/ui/templates/relay/create.html:4
msgid "New relay domain"
msgstr "新的中继域"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Announcement body"
msgstr "公告正文"
#: mailu/ui/templates/relay/edit.html:4
msgid "Edit relayd domain"
msgstr "编辑中继域"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Send"
msgstr "发送"
#: mailu/ui/templates/relay/list.html:4
msgid "Relayed domain list"
msgstr "中继域列表"
#: mailu/ui/templates/announcement.html:4
msgid "Public announcement"
msgstr "公告"
#: mailu/ui/templates/relay/list.html:9
msgid "New relayed domain"
msgstr "新的中继域"
#: mailu/ui/templates/announcement.html:8
msgid "from"
msgstr "来自"
#: mailu/ui/templates/token/create.html:4
msgid "Create an authentication token"
msgstr "创建一个认证令牌"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:44
msgid "Announcement"
msgstr "公告"
#: mailu/ui/templates/token/list.html:12
msgid "New token"
msgstr "新令牌"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/create.html:4
msgid "New user"
msgstr "新用户"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/create.html:15
msgid "General"
msgstr "通用"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/create.html:22
msgid "Features and quotas"
msgstr "功能和配额"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/edit.html:4
msgid "Edit user"
msgstr "编辑用户"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/forward.html:4
msgid "Forward emails"
msgstr "转发电子邮件"
msgstr "转发邮件"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/list.html:4
msgid "User list"
@ -492,201 +643,15 @@ msgstr "功能"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/password.html:4
msgid "Password update"
msgstr "密码更新"
msgstr "更新密码"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/reply.html:4
msgid "Automatic reply"
msgstr "自动回复"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Maximum user quota"
msgstr "最大用户容量"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Keep a copy of the emails"
msgstr "保留电子邮件副本"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Keep emails on the server"
msgstr "保留电子邮件在服务器上"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:21
msgid "Keep emails"
msgstr "保存电子邮件"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:35
msgid "yes"
msgstr "是"
#: mailu/ui/templates/fetch/list.html:35
msgid "no"
msgstr "否"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Alternative name"
msgstr "替代名称"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Relayed domain name"
msgstr "中继域域名"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/templates/relay/list.html:18
msgid "Remote host"
msgstr "远程主机"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:54
msgid "Relayed domains"
msgstr "中继域"
#: mailu/ui/templates/alternative/create.html:4
msgid "Create alternative domain"
msgstr "创建替代域"
#: mailu/ui/templates/alternative/list.html:4
msgid "Alternative domain list"
msgstr "替代域名列表"
#: mailu/ui/templates/alternative/list.html:12
msgid "Add alternative"
msgstr "添加替代"
#: mailu/ui/templates/alternative/list.html:19
msgid "Name"
msgstr "名称"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/list.html:39
msgid "Alternatives"
msgstr "备择方案"
#: mailu/ui/templates/relay/create.html:4
msgid "New relay domain"
msgstr "新的中继域"
#: mailu/ui/templates/relay/edit.html:4
msgid "Edit relayd domain"
msgstr "编辑中继域"
#: mailu/ui/templates/relay/list.html:4
msgid "Relayed domain list"
msgstr "中继域列表"
#: mailu/ui/templates/relay/list.html:9
msgid "New relayed domain"
msgstr "新的中继域"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Your token (write it down, as it will never be displayed again)"
msgstr "您的令牌(请记录,它只显示这一次)"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/templates/token/list.html:20
msgid "Authorized IP"
msgstr "授权IP"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:31 mailu/ui/templates/token/list.html:4
msgid "Authentication tokens"
msgstr "认证令牌"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:72
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "转到"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:76
msgid "Webmail"
msgstr "网页邮箱"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:87
msgid "Website"
msgstr "网站"
#: mailu/ui/templates/token/create.html:4
msgid "Create an authentication token"
msgstr "创建一个认证令牌"
#: mailu/ui/templates/token/list.html:12
msgid "New token"
msgstr "新的令牌"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/create.html:15
msgid "General"
msgstr "通用"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/create.html:22
msgid "Features and quotas"
msgstr "功能和配额"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/settings.html:14
msgid "General settings"
msgstr "常规设置"
#: mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:59 mailu/ui/templates/user/settings.html:15
msgid "Antispam"
msgstr "反垃圾邮件"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Spam filter tolerance"
msgstr "垃圾邮件过滤器容忍度"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Enable sign-up"
msgstr "启用用户注册"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Initial admin"
msgstr "初始管理员"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Admin password"
msgstr "管理员密码"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "启用"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "邮件地址"
#: mailu/ui/ mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:117
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/signup.html:4
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/signup_domain.html:4
msgid "Sign up"
msgstr "注册"
#: mailu/ui/
msgid "End of vacation"
msgstr "假期结束"
#: mailu/ui/templates/client.html:4 mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:82
msgid "Client setup"
msgstr "客户端设置"
#: mailu/ui/templates/client.html:16 mailu/ui/templates/client.html:43
msgid "Mail protocol"
msgstr "邮件协议"
#: mailu/ui/templates/client.html:24 mailu/ui/templates/client.html:51
msgid "Server name"
msgstr "服务器名"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/signup.html:4 mailu/ui/templates/sidebar.html:98
msgid "Register a domain"
msgstr "注册域名"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/details.html:17
msgid "Generate keys"
msgstr "生成密钥"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/signup.html:13
msgid "In order to register a new domain, you must first setup the\n"
" domain zone so that the domain <code>MX</code> points to this server"
msgstr "在注册一个新的域名前,您必须先为该域名设置 <code>MX</code> 记录,并使其指向本服务器"
#: mailu/ui/templates/domain/signup.html:18
msgid "If you do not know how to setup an <code>MX</code> record for your DNS zone,\n"
" please contact your DNS provider or administrator. Also, please wait a\n"
" couple minutes after the <code>MX</code> is set so the local server cache\n"
" expires."
msgstr "如果您不知道如何为域名设置 <code>MX</code> 记录请联系你的DNS提供商或者系统管理员。在设置完成 <code>MX</code> 记录后,请等待本地域名服务器的缓存过期。"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/settings.html:22
msgid "Auto-forward"
msgstr "自动转发"
#: mailu/ui/templates/user/signup_domain.html:8
msgid "pick a domain for the new account"
@ -700,3 +665,14 @@ msgstr "域名"
msgid "Available slots"
msgstr "可用"
#~ msgid "Your account"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Spam filter threshold"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "from"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "General settings"
#~ msgstr ""

@ -46,7 +46,10 @@
<th>{% trans %}DNS DMARC entry{% endtrans %}</th>
<td>{{ macros.clip("dns_dmark") }}<pre id="dns_dmark" class="pre-config border bg-light">{{ domain.dns_dmarc }}</pre></td>
{{ macros.clip("dns_dmarc") }}<pre id="dns_dmarc" class="pre-config border bg-light">{{ domain.dns_dmarc }}</pre>
{{ macros.clip("dns_dmarc_report") }}<pre id="dns_dmarc_report" class="pre-config border bg-light">{{ domain.dns_dmarc_report }}</pre>
{%- endif %}
{%- set tlsa_record=domain.dns_tlsa %}
@ -58,12 +61,11 @@
{%- endif %}
<th>{% trans %}DNS client auto-configuration (RFC6186) entries{% endtrans %}</th>
{{ macros.clip("dns_autoconfig") }}<pre id="dns_autoconfig" class="pre-config border bg-light">
<td>{{ macros.clip("dns_autoconfig") }}<pre id="dns_autoconfig" class="pre-config border bg-light">
{%- for line in domain.dns_autoconfig %}
{{ line }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endcall %}
{%- endblock %}

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from mailu import models
from mailu import models, utils
from mailu.ui import ui, forms, access
from flask import current_app as app

@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ from multiprocessing import Value
from mailu import limiter
from flask import current_app as app
import flask
import flask_login
import flask_migrate
import flask_babel
import ipaddress
import redis
from flask.sessions import SessionMixin, SessionInterface
@ -57,19 +59,30 @@ def has_dane_record(domain, timeout=10):
# If the DNSSEC data is invalid and the DNS resolver is DNSSEC enabled
# we will receive this non-specific exception. The safe behaviour is to
# accept to defer the email.
flask.current_app.logger.warn(f'Unable to lookup the TLSA record for {domain}. Is the DNSSEC zone okay on{domain}/dnssec/?')
return flask.current_app.config['DEFER_ON_TLS_ERROR']
app.logger.warn(f'Unable to lookup the TLSA record for {domain}. Is the DNSSEC zone okay on{domain}/dnssec/?')
return app.config['DEFER_ON_TLS_ERROR']
except dns.exception.Timeout:
flask.current_app.logger.warn(f'Timeout while resolving the TLSA record for {domain} ({timeout}s).')
app.logger.warn(f'Timeout while resolving the TLSA record for {domain} ({timeout}s).')
except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN:
pass # this is expected, not TLSA record is fine
except Exception as e:
flask.current_app.logger.error(f'Error while looking up the TLSA record for {domain} {e}')
app.logger.error(f'Error while looking up the TLSA record for {domain} {e}')
# Rate limiter
limiter = limiter.LimitWraperFactory()
def extract_network_from_ip(ip):
n = ipaddress.ip_network(ip)
if n.version == 4:
return str(n.supernet(prefixlen_diff=(32-int(app.config["AUTH_RATELIMIT_IP_V4_MASK"]))).network_address)
return str(n.supernet(prefixlen_diff=(128-int(app.config["AUTH_RATELIMIT_IP_V6_MASK"]))).network_address)
def is_exempt_from_ratelimits(ip):
ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
return any(ip in cidr for cidr in app.config['AUTH_RATELIMIT_EXEMPTION'])
# Application translation
babel = flask_babel.Babel()
@ -77,8 +90,8 @@ babel = flask_babel.Babel()
def get_locale():
""" selects locale for translation """
language = flask.session.get('language')
if not language in flask.current_app.config.translations:
language = flask.request.accept_languages.best_match(flask.current_app.config.translations.keys())
if not language in app.config.translations:
language = flask.request.accept_languages.best_match(app.config.translations.keys())
flask.session['language'] = language
return language
@ -475,7 +488,7 @@ class MailuSessionExtension:
with cleaned.get_lock():
if not cleaned.value:
cleaned.value = True'cleaning session store')'cleaning session store')

@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ http {
location /internal {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Authorization $http_authorization;
proxy_pass_header Authorization;
proxy_pass http://$admin;

@ -1,17 +1,8 @@
# This configuration was copied from Mailinabox. The original version is available at:
# Remove the first line of the Received: header. Note that we cannot fully remove the Received: header
# because OpenDKIM requires that a header be present when signing outbound mail. The first line is
# where the user's home IP address would be.
/^\s*Received:[^\n]*(.*)/ REPLACE Received: from authenticated-user ({{OUTCLEAN}} [{{OUTCLEAN_ADDRESS}}])$1
# Remove other typically private information.
/^\s*User-Agent:/ IGNORE
/^\s*X-Enigmail:/ IGNORE
/^\s*X-Mailer:/ IGNORE
/^\s*X-Originating-IP:/ IGNORE
/^\s*X-Pgp-Agent:/ IGNORE
# Remove typically private information.
/^\s*(Received|User-Agent|X-(Enigmail|Mailer|Originating-IP|Pgp-Agent)):/ IGNORE
# The Mime-Version header can leak the user agent too, e.g. in Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.1 \(2010.6\)).
/^\s*(Mime-Version:\s*[0-9\.]+)\s.+/ REPLACE $1

@ -46,15 +46,6 @@ os.environ["FRONT_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("FRONT",
os.environ["ADMIN_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("ADMIN", "admin")
os.environ["ANTISPAM_MILTER_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("ANTISPAM_MILTER", "antispam:11332")
os.environ["LMTP_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("LMTP", "imap:2525")
os.environ["OUTCLEAN"] = os.environ["HOSTNAMES"].split(",")[0]
_to_lookup = os.environ["OUTCLEAN"]
# Ensure we lookup a FQDN: @see #1884
if not _to_lookup.endswith('.'):
_to_lookup += '.'
os.environ["OUTCLEAN_ADDRESS"] = system.resolve_hostname(_to_lookup)
os.environ["OUTCLEAN_ADDRESS"] = ""
for postfix_file in glob.glob("/conf/*.cf"):
conf.jinja(postfix_file, os.environ, os.path.join("/etc/postfix", os.path.basename(postfix_file)))

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
try_fallback = true;
path = "/dkim/$domain.$selector.key";
selector = "dkim"
try_fallback = false;
use_esld = false;
allow_username_mismatch = true;
use_vault = true;
vault_url = "http://{{ ADMIN_ADDRESS }}/internal/rspamd/vault";
vault_token = "mailu";

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
try_fallback = true;
path = "/dkim/$domain.$selector.key";
try_fallback = false;
use_esld = false;
allow_username_mismatch = true;
use_vault = true;
vault_url = "http://{{ ADMIN_ADDRESS }}/internal/rspamd/vault";
vault_token = "mailu";

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ log.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=os.environ.get("LOG_LEVEL", "WARNING"))
# Actual startup script
os.environ["REDIS_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("REDIS", "redis")
os.environ["ADMIN_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("ADMIN", "admin")
if os.environ.get("ANTIVIRUS") == 'clamav':
os.environ["ANTIVIRUS_ADDRESS"] = system.get_host_address_from_environment("ANTIVIRUS", "antivirus:3310")

@ -39,14 +39,25 @@ address.
The ``WILDCARD_SENDERS`` setting is a comma delimited list of user email addresses that are allowed to send emails from any existing address (spoofing the sender).
The ``AUTH_RATELIMIT`` holds a security setting for fighting attackers that
try to guess user passwords. The value is the limit of failed authentication attempts
that a single IP address can perform against IMAP, POP and SMTP authentication endpoints.
The ``AUTH_RATELIMIT_IP`` (default: 60/hour) holds a security setting for fighting
attackers that waste server resources by trying to guess user passwords (typically
using a password spraying attack). The value defines the limit of authentication
attempts that will be processed on non-existing accounts for a specific IP subnet
(as defined in ``AUTH_RATELIMIT_IP_V4_MASK`` and ``AUTH_RATELIMIT_IP_V6_MASK`` below).
If ``AUTH_RATELIMIT_SUBNET`` is ``True`` (default: False), the ``AUTH_RATELIMIT``
rules does also apply to auth requests coming from ``SUBNET``, especially for the webmail.
If you disable this, ensure that the rate limit on the webmail is enforced in a different
way (e.g. roundcube plug-in), otherwise an attacker can simply bypass the limit using webmail.
The ``AUTH_RATELIMIT_USER`` (default: 100/day) holds a security setting for fighting
attackers that attempt to guess a user's password (typically using a password
bruteforce attack). The value defines the limit of authentication attempts allowed
for any given account within a specific timeframe.
The ``AUTH_RATELIMIT_EXEMPTION_LENGTH`` (default: 86400) is the number of seconds
after a successful login for which a specific IP address is exempted from rate limits.
This ensures that users behind a NAT don't get locked out when a single client is
misconfigured... but also potentially allow for users to attack each-other.
The ``AUTH_RATELIMIT_EXEMPTION`` (default: '') is a comma separated list of network
CIDRs that won't be subject to any form of rate limiting. Specifying ``, ::/0``
there is a good way to disable rate limiting altogether.
The ``TLS_FLAVOR`` sets how Mailu handles TLS connections. Setting this value to
``notls`` will cause Mailu not to server any web content! More on :ref:`tls_flavor`.
@ -93,9 +104,10 @@ go and fetch new email if available. Do not use too short delays if you do not
want to be blacklisted by external services, but not too long delays if you
want to receive your email in time.
The ``RECIPIENT_DELIMITER`` is a character used to delimit localpart from a
custom address part. For instance, if set to ``+``, users can use addresses
like ``localpart+custom@domain.tld`` to deliver mail to ``localpart@domain.tld``.
The ``RECIPIENT_DELIMITER`` is a list of characters used to delimit localpart
from a custom address part. For instance, if set to ``+-``, users can use
addresses like ```` or ````
to deliver mail to ````.
This is useful to provide external parties with different email addresses and
later classify incoming mail based on the custom part.

@ -394,6 +394,58 @@ Mailu can serve an `MTA-STS policy`_; To configure it you will need to:
.. _`1798`:
.. _`MTA-STS policy`:
How do I setup client autoconfiguration?
Mailu can serve an `XML file for autoconfiguration`_; To configure it you will need to:
1. add ```` to the ``HOSTNAMES`` configuration variable (and ensure that a valid SSL certificate is available for it; this may mean restarting your smtp container)
2. configure an override with the policy itself; for example, your ``overrides/nginx/autoconfiguration.conf`` could read:
.. code-block:: bash
location ^~ /mail/config-v1.1.xml {
return 200 "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
<clientConfig version=\"1.1\">
<emailProvider id=\"%EMAILDOMAIN%\">
<incomingServer type=\"imap\">
<outgoingServer type=\"smtp\">
<documentation url=\"\">
<descr lang=\"en\">Configure your email client</descr>
3. setup the appropriate DNS/CNAME record (```` -> ````).
*issue reference:* `224`_.
.. _`224`:
.. _`XML file for autoconfiguration`:
Technical issues

@ -100,6 +100,9 @@
### Don't create an open relay !
As a side effect of this ingress mode "feature", make sure that the ingress subnet is not in your RELAYHOST, otherwise you would create an smtp open relay :-(
### Ratelimits
When using ingress mode you probably want to disable rate limits, because all requests originate from the same ip address. Otherwise automatic login attempts can easily DoS the legitimate users.
## Scalability
- smtp and imap are scalable

@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
verbosity: 1
interface: ::0
{{ 'interface: ::0' if SUBNET6 }}
logfile: ""
do-ip4: yes
do-ip6: yes
do-ip6: {{ 'yes' if SUBNET6 else 'no' }}
do-udp: yes
do-tcp: yes
do-daemonize: no
access-control: {{ SUBNET }} allow
{{ 'access-control: {{ SUBNET6 }} allow' if SUBNET6 }}
directory: "/etc/unbound"
username: unbound
auto-trust-anchor-file: trusted-key.key
root-hints: "/etc/unbound/root.hints"
hide-identity: yes
hide-version: yes
max-udp-size: 4096
msg-buffer-size: 65552
cache-min-ttl: 300

@ -29,9 +29,14 @@ POSTMASTER={{ postmaster }}
# Choose how secure connections will behave (value: letsencrypt, cert, notls, mail, mail-letsencrypt)
TLS_FLAVOR={{ tls_flavor }}
# Authentication rate limit (per source IP address)
{% if auth_ratelimit_pm > '0' %}
AUTH_RATELIMIT={{ auth_ratelimit_pm }}/minute
# Authentication rate limit per IP (per /24 on ipv4 and /56 on ipv6)
{% if auth_ratelimit_ip > '0' %}
AUTH_RATELIMIT_IP={{ auth_ratelimit_ip }}/hour
{% endif %}
# Authentication rate limit per user (regardless of the source-IP)
{% if auth_ratelimit_user > '0' %}
AUTH_RATELIMIT_USER={{ auth_ratelimit_user }}/day
{% endif %}
# Opt-out of statistics, replace with "True" to opt out
@ -150,9 +155,8 @@ DOMAIN_REGISTRATION=true
# Docker-compose project name, this will prepended to containers names.
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME={{ compose_project_name or 'mailu' }}
# Default password scheme used for newly created accounts and changed passwords
PASSWORD_SCHEME={{ password_scheme or 'PBKDF2' }}
# Number of rounds used by the password hashing scheme
# Header to take the real ip from
REAL_IP_HEADER={{ real_ip_header }}

@ -48,10 +48,18 @@ Or in plain english: if receivers start to classify your mail as spam, this post
<div class="form-group">
<label>Authentication rate limit (per source IP address)</label>
<label>Authentication rate limit per IP for failed login attempts or non-existing accounts</label>
<!-- Validates number input only -->
<p><input class="form-control" style="width: 9%; display: inline;" type="number" name="auth_ratelimit_pm"
value="10000" required > / minute
<p><input class="form-control" style="width: 9%; display: inline;" type="number" name="auth_ratelimit_ip"
value="60" required > / hour
<div class="form-group">
<label>Authentication rate limit per user</label>
<!-- Validates number input only -->
<p><input class="form-control" style="width: 9%; display: inline;" type="number" name="auth_ratelimit_user"
value="100" required > / day

@ -128,10 +128,6 @@ WEBSITE=
# Docker-compose project name, this will prepended to containers names.
# Default password scheme used for newly created accounts and changed passwords
# Header to take the real ip from

@ -128,10 +128,6 @@ WEBSITE=
# Docker-compose project name, this will prepended to containers names.
# Default password scheme used for newly created accounts and changed passwords
# Header to take the real ip from

@ -128,10 +128,6 @@ WEBSITE=
# Docker-compose project name, this will prepended to containers names.
# Default password scheme used for newly created accounts and changed passwords
# Header to take the real ip from

@ -128,10 +128,6 @@ WEBSITE=
# Docker-compose project name, this will prepended to containers names.
# Default password scheme used for newly created accounts and changed passwords
# Header to take the real ip from

@ -128,10 +128,6 @@ WEBSITE=
# Docker-compose project name, this will prepended to containers names.
# Default password scheme used for newly created accounts and changed passwords
# Header to take the real ip from

@ -128,10 +128,6 @@ WEBSITE=
# Docker-compose project name, this will prepended to containers names.
# Default password scheme used for newly created accounts and changed passwords
# Header to take the real ip from

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Make the rate limit apply to a subnet rather than a specific IP (/24 for v4 and /56 for v6)

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Fix rate-limiting on /webdav/

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Refactor the rate limiter to ensure that it performs as intented.

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Log authentication attempts on the admin portal

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Make unbound work with ipv6
Add a cache-min-ttl of 5minutes
Enable qname minimisation (privacy)

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Disable the login page if SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE is incompatible with how Mailu is accessed as this seems to be a common misconfiguration.

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Derive a new subkey (from SECRET_KEY) for SRS

@ -0,0 +1 @@
allow sending emails as user+detail@domain.tld

@ -0,0 +1 @@
rspamd: get dkim keys via REST API instead of filesystem

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Document how to setup client autoconfig using an override

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Remove the Received header with PRIMARY_HOSTNAME [PUBLIC_IP]

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ FROM build_${QEMU}
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
python3 curl python3-pip git python3-multidict \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists \
&& echo "ServerSignature Off" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
&& echo "ServerSignature Off\nServerName roundcube" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf \
&& sed -i 's,CustomLog.*combined$,\0 "'"expr=!(%{HTTP_USER_AGENT}=='health'\&\&(-R '' || -R '::1'))"'",' /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
# Shared layer between nginx, dovecot, postfix, postgresql, rspamd, unbound, rainloop, roundcube
RUN pip3 install socrate
@ -33,13 +34,17 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
&& mv roundcubemail-* html \
&& mv carddav html/plugins/ \
&& cd html \
&& rm -rf CHANGELOG INSTALL LICENSE UPGRADING composer.json-dist installer \
&& rm -rf CHANGELOG INSTALL LICENSE UPGRADING composer.json-dist installer composer.* \
&& sed -i 's,mod_php5.c,mod_php7.c,g' .htaccess \
&& sed -i 's,^php_value.*post_max_size,#&,g' .htaccess \
&& sed -i 's,^php_value.*upload_max_filesize,#&,g' .htaccess \
&& chown -R www-data: logs temp \
&& ln -sf index.php /var/www/html/sso.php \
&& ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/www/html/logs/errors.log \
&& chown -R root:root . \
&& chown www-data:www-data logs temp \
&& chmod -R a+rX . \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists \
&& a2enmod deflate expires headers
&& a2enmod rewrite deflate expires headers
COPY php.ini /php.ini
COPY /var/www/html/config/
@ -51,4 +56,4 @@ VOLUME ["/data"]
HEALTHCHECK CMD curl -f -L http://localhost/ || exit 1
HEALTHCHECK CMD curl -f -L -H 'User-Agent: health' http://localhost/ || exit 1

@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ class mailu extends rcube_plugin
function login_failed($args)
if ($ua == 'health' and ($ra == '' or $ra == '::1')) {
echo "OK";
header('Location: sso.php');

@ -34,11 +34,7 @@ else:
conf.jinja("/php.ini", os.environ, "/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/roundcube.ini")
# Create dirs, setup permissions
os.system("mkdir -p /data/gpg /var/www/html/logs")
os.system("touch /var/www/html/logs/errors.log")
os.system("chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/logs")
os.system("chmod -R a+rX /var/www/html/")
os.system("ln -sf /var/www/html/index.php /var/www/html/sso.php")
os.system("mkdir -p /data/gpg")
print("Initializing database")
@ -61,8 +57,5 @@ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# Setup database permissions
os.system("chown -R www-data:www-data /data")
# Tail roundcube logs
subprocess.Popen(["tail", "-f", "-n", "0", "/var/www/html/logs/errors.log"])
# Run apache
os.execv("/usr/local/bin/apache2-foreground", ["apache2-foreground"])
