diff --git a/tests/compose/webmail/01_ensure_admin_unreachable.sh b/tests/compose/webmail/01_ensure_admin_unreachable.sh index 8f9667aa..7a3df370 100755 --- a/tests/compose/webmail/01_ensure_admin_unreachable.sh +++ b/tests/compose/webmail/01_ensure_admin_unreachable.sh @@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ IP="$(docker inspect webmail_webmail_1|jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Networks.webmail_default.IPAddress')" -echo "webmail is on $IP" >/dev/stderr -wget -S -O - "http://$IP/" &>/dev/stderr -docker inspect webmail_webmail_1 &>/dev/stderr - -[[ $(curl -I -so /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://$IP/) -ne 200 ]] && echo "The default page of snappymail hasn't returned 200!" >>/dev/stderr && exit 1 +MAIN_RETURN_CODE=$(curl -I -so /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://$IP/) +[[ $MAIN_RETURN_CODE -ne 200 ]] && [[ $MAIN_RETURN_CODE -ne 302 ]] && echo "The default page of snappymail hasn't returned 200!" >>/dev/stderr && exit 1 [[ $(curl -I -so /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://$IP/?admin) -ne 403 ]] && echo "The admin of snappymail is not disabled!" >>/dev/stderr && exit 1 diff --git a/webmails/Dockerfile b/webmails/Dockerfile index fed0f464..90d56ad5 100644 --- a/webmails/Dockerfile +++ b/webmails/Dockerfile @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ COPY roundcube/pubkey.asc /tmp/roundcube.asc RUN set -euxo pipefail \ ; apk add --no-cache \ nginx gpg gpg-agent \ - php81 php81-fpm php81-mbstring php81-zip php81-xml php81-simplexml php81-pecl-apc \ + php81 php81-fpm php81-mbstring php81-zip php81-xml php81-simplexml php81-pecl-apcu \ php81-dom php81-curl php81-exif gd php81-gd php81-iconv php81-intl php81-openssl \ php81-pdo_sqlite php81-pdo_mysql php81-pdo_pgsql php81-pdo php81-sodium libsodium php81-tidy php81-pecl-uuid \ php81-pspell php81-pecl-imagick php81-opcache php81-session php81-sockets php81-fileinfo \