Fix the documentation about exposing the admin interface

(cherry picked from commit 1ac0576af0)
kaiyou 7 years ago
parent 5831221c0e
commit 3966a9a401

@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ configuration option must be one of the following:
- ``rainloop`` will run the popular Rainloop Webmail.
The administration interface is not exposed on the public address by default,
you will need to set the ``EXPOSE_ADMIN`` variable accordingly:
you will need to set the ``ADMIN`` variable accordingly:
- ``yes`` will expose the admin interface in ``/admin``;
- ``no`` (or any other value) will disable this behaviour.
- ``true`` will expose the admin interface in ``/admin``;
- ``false`` (or any other value) will disable this behaviour.
A Webdav server exposes a Dav interface over HTTP so that clients can store
contacts or calendars using the mail account. This can be enabled using the `WEBDAV`
