The main workflow build-test-deploy can be triggered manually.
Via the parameter ``architecture`` the target platform can be specified.
Use the value ``'linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7'``.
To use it:
1. Fork the Mailu github project.
2. In the settings of your forked project, configure the secrets Docker_Login and Docker_Password. For more information on these secrets, see the comments in the build-test-deploy.yml file.
3. In the forked project, trigger the workflow build-test-deploy manually.
4. For the parameter architecture use the value ``'linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7'``.
It is also possible to build the images manually on bare-metal.
The buildx file ``tests/build.hcl`` can be used for this.
To build manually:
1. Install QEMU static binaries. This is only required, if you don't built on an arm machine. For Ubuntu install qemu-user-static.