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Docker Compose setup
Prepare the environment
Mailu will store all of its persistent data in a path of your choice
(``/mailu`` by default) simply create the directory and move there:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir /mailu
cd /mailu
Create the configuration files
Docker Compose configuration is stored in a file named ``docker-compose.yml``.
Additionally, Mailu relies on a ``mailu.env`` file for various settings.
Both files can be generated by the `mailu setup utility`_. The setup utility
is mostly self-explanatory, with some more additional information in this section.
.. _`mailu setup utility`:
.. _tls_flavor:
TLS certificates
Sets the ``TLS_FLAVOR`` to one of the following
- ``cert`` is the default and requires certificates to be setup manually;
- ``letsencrypt`` will use the *Letsencrypt!* CA to generate automatic certificates;
- ``mail`` is similar to ``cert`` except that TLS will only be served for
emails (IMAP and SMTP), not HTTP (use it behind reverse proxies);
- ``mail-letsencrypt`` is similar to ``letsencrypt`` except that TLS will only be served for
emails (IMAP and SMTP), not HTTP (use it behind reverse proxies);
6 years ago
- ``notls`` will disable TLS, this is not recommended except for testing.
.. note::
When using *Letsencrypt!* you have to make sure that the DNS ``A`` and ``AAAA`` records for the
all hostnames mentioned in the ``HOSTNAMES`` variable match with the ip adresses of you server.
Or else certificate generation will fail! See also: :ref:`dns_setup`.
Bind address
The bind addresses need to match the public IP addresses assigned to your server. For IPv6 you will need the ``<global>`` scope address.
You can find those addresses by running the following:
.. code-block:: bash
[root@mailu ~]$ ifconfig eth0
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
inet6 fd21:aab2:717c:cc5a::1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x0<global>
inet6 fe2f:2a73:43a8:7a1b::1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
ether 00:50:56:3c:b2:23 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 174866612 bytes 127773819607 (118.9 GiB)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 19905110 bytes 2191519656 (2.0 GiB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
If the address is not configured directly (NAT) on any of the network interfaces or if
you would simply like the server to listen on all interfaces, use ```` and ``::``.
Note that running in this mode is not supported and can lead to `issues`_.
.. _issues:
Review configuration variables
After downloading the files, open ``mailu.env`` and review the variable settings.
Make sure to read the comments in the file and instructions from the :ref:`common_cfg` page.
Finish setting up TLS
Mailu relies heavily on TLS and must have a key pair and a certificate
available, at least for the hostname configured in the ``mailu.env`` file.
If you set ``TLS_FLAVOR`` to ``cert`` or ``mail`` then you must create a ``certs`` directory
in your root path and setup a key-certificate pair there:
- ``cert.pem`` contains the certificate (override with ``TLS_CERT_FILENAME``),
- ``key.pem`` contains the key pair (override with ``TLS_KEYPAIR_FILENAME``).
Start Mailu
You may now start Mailu. Move the to the Mailu directory and run:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose up -d
Finally, you need an admin user account.
You can have the system create it automatically:
use the environment variables ``INITIAL_ADMIN_*`` as described in :ref:`admin_account`
Else, if you don't go with the automatic way, you need to manually create the admin account now:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose exec admin flask mailu admin me 'password'
This will create a user named ```` with password ``password`` and administration privileges.
Connect to the Web admin interface and change the password to a strong one.
.. note:: It is vitally important that either a user with the same email as ``POSTMASTER``
in your ``mailu.env`` exists, or you remember to create an alias with this name after you log in.
All kinds of strange errors will occur as a result of not doing so!